So my girlfriend of 2 years claimed she was raped as a young teen...

So my girlfriend of 2 years claimed she was raped as a young teen. I always had my doubts about her story but I never let her know that, I just played along acting sympathetic and shit. Well last night we were talking about random shit and out of nowhere she asks "So what made you decide you wanted to be with me?"
For whatever reason I decided to respond "Well we were both raped as kids so I thought it was nice that we had something in common." The bitch left me. She said she couldn't be with someone who's been raped and that it wasn't right. I wasn't actually raped and I don't know why I said it but I'm not entirely sure how to react to any of it. I'm alone so I decided you Sup Forumsros would probably get a laugh out of it all so fuck it.

That's hilarious

Why the fuck world you say that?

Good for you OP. Next thing she would say, " I can't be with someone who needs reciprocal respect and love, it's not right" then leave you when you really need someone. Dodged a cunt bullet there OP.

Kekekekekek roastie fucking slut

Good call OP

Now frame her for your murder



Rape her foreal this time so she'll get back with you.

You fucking idiot.


Post her info so we can shame her like SJWs

Congrats OP! You just learned a valuable life lesson called dodging a bullet. Think that bitch would be there for you if some actual life changing problems came up? Fuck no son.

haha wow I laughed harder than I should have

This. Good job op make sure to tell her friends and family. Make sure to clarify she brought it up before and you added to the convo and she left


you should react by laughing your ass of at the fact you found and dodged a crazy tactfully. Then go out and get yourself some 1 night stands.

You wouldn't even have to die, just splash bleach around your floor and wall in a room, then fling a single drop of blood at the ceiling then rub your blood on a knife, rub your prints off it then walk to her house and get some of your blood on the lid of her garbage bin and doorknob, then walk away from your life forever.

Not fucking the girl.

Not winning outright.

But somehow OP is not a faggot. Congrats.

>and I don't know why I said it
>why the fuck would you say that
Are you fucking retarded?

That's not a nice word mister

>"Well we were both raped as kids so I thought it was nice that we had something in common."


>not aggressively controlling a weak willed and emotionally unstable woman
>not creating a dependency that keeps her from ever thinking of leaving
You had the perfect opportunity
Emotionally damaged women are so easy to keep
You must be a serious beta