Pascal's Wager states that it's smarter to bet that there is a God because if you are wrong...

Pascal's Wager states that it's smarter to bet that there is a God because if you are wrong, the consequences are not as dire as having incorrectly bet that there is no God.

Math has conclusively proven that God exists, so why do you foolishly choose disbelief?

I always see your stupid fucking posts with your stupid fucking picture. W E A K B A I T!

Pascals wager is fucking dumb. There are literally more than 100,000 different religions. As an athiest I have a 0/100,000 chance of going to heaven, and a 1/100,000 chance of being right. Christians have a 1/100,000 chance of going to heaven, and a 1/100,000 chance of being right. While their odds are ever so slightly better, if they are wrong (which is very likely) they have wasted like 1/10th of their life at church and like 10% of their income.

The universe does not fucking care about humanity and our sentience is a gift that we owe to evolution alone. Everything that we perceive is explained by cause and effect and until your God intervenes you have no grounds of causality except 'faith' which in itself is pathetic. We are all specs of dust in the grand scheme of things. Fuck your daily baiting and fuck off.

What's commonly misunderstood about Pascal, and what you would understand if you actually read the seminal works of Pascal in the context of his culture of contemporary thought, is that Pascal was a useless French cunt.

that assumes that god punishes disbelief. do you have reason to believe that he doesn't punish belief?


I don't get these threads. it's always the same shit.



princess dust

Because fuck you! that's why!


you suck at this bait thread.

Please stop of being a massive faggot.

so this is a porn thread now. we all cool with this?

He's not saying that God exists.. He's just saying that you should believe in God, as the possibility of eternal heaven vs. the alternative of eternal hell makes choosing to believe in God the rational choice

being this new

I'll bait.
There's thousands of Gods to choose from. Which one?
If there is a god, why did he make so much of the universe inhospitable to us?


God doesn't love you. He isn't merciful. He isn't a guide to humanity. He is not just. Is he omniscient? Then if he knows who will suck his dick enough to gain his favor, what is the point of life? All the religions butchering each other in god's name are aloud to do so. I know that it would make earth heaven to make all bad go away, and that defeats the point of earth, but I wouldn't let a person represent me after killing. I'd tell them to fuck off. I believe in God, I've seen the paranormal so I know there's a lot going on we cannot begin to explain, but the bible is wrong. God created us to praise him, only. That's it. What other reason could there be? Entertainment? Are we a god level sims game, where he fucks shit up and uses evolution when he gets bored to see what happens? That's what I'd do. Dewey said it best; "trying to understand God is like an ant trying to understand us? Well, the other day, I found an ant hill, and burned them with a magnifying glass. They could have been praying to me all day, and I'd never know."

Pascal's wager assumes the omnipotent entity does not know that you are pretending to believe in it only so you can go to Heaven, not because you don't want to go to Hell. Since the entity knows you don't really believe in it and are essential lying for your own benefit, you'd still go to hell and give up money and time to a cause you don't believe in. You'd be better off being an atheist and actually helping people for the fuck of it and hope if youre wrong God is forgiving.





Still counts as porn?


Statistically speaking, pascal's wager has a greater than 60% chance of being wrong. There is a 2x greater chance of there not being a god than there is of there being one. It's not 50/50.

>Math has conclusively proven that God exists
[needs citation]

god have seen you jerk off to dwarf scat porn user and he's very disappointed in you! he allways watches you when you jack off, remember that!









+1 internets


Doesn't account for the fact that all religions might be wrong, and the real God might reward atheism.









you can just be a good person and try to be nice to others as much as you can stand without losing money and being independent and mentally healthy enough. like that's like the same as god. am i a preacher? oh god i love preaching. what's your name, sir? madam? mmmmmmm i did something that benefited myself and ensured a longer life today. i didn't die today. haha. i.. haha. HaHa! Haha. Haha

and yet you still replied :^)

Dat ass

A life spent piously for no reward isn't very fun.

How can a omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient god exist, there are too many paradoxes, such as making a rock so big he can't lift it, or knowing what he doesn't know

I disbelieve god exists because he allows bait such as this to occur