Non-porn webm Baguette

Non-porn webm Baguette






Just nigger things

>OP's Friday night

White people and mexicns fight too U forgot trailer trash shovel females match

While I understand niggers are gonna nog, that isn't niggering, they're jacking him off to make the blood flow to his cock instead.


Cave beasts sure love beating up old ladies and those weaker than themselves

>Implying a stormfaggot knows anything beyond what his papi taught him bout dem "coons" kek

Stormfaggot? Sorry Sir, I no X-men


>dat false flag

Plz postz webmz


lol OP would probably pretend to get knocked out if he were in those fights

she got laid the fuck out



>Have you seen my gun?

Top Kek

>have you seen my gun

if only sanders was this based



All I have is old shit you've probably already seen, but I'll post a few to bump thread

I'd like to see women fighting like that.







At least she's trying. She's doing it. Ya know.

Props to her.

Kingsman, what a great movie



This is the end of the video by the way. In the full vid, she continues to invade his personal space for a while longer

I'm not saying that justifies hitting her, but old people should realize they can't just get away with everything either.