Sup Forums smoked weed and i'm fucking twitching so much. How do I make it stop!?!?

Sup Forums smoked weed and i'm fucking twitching so much. How do I make it stop!?!?

Do some blow.

your not smoking enough
and try not to think about the cops so much

Go to bed

Take 5 bars of xanax and you'll be fine.

Try not to think about that everyone you look at knows what you've been doing and that they will get you. As a matter of fact, we are on our way right now.

I'm being fucking serious i'm twtiching the fuck out. Does mixing alcohol help it?

that twitching is your sixth sense telling you that you are being watched
>your house has camera's

did you pass out in the dog bed again??

Why do fags do drugs and then complain they're not feeling normal?

Dude, whatever, just ride it out, can't take more than an hour, better luck next hit.

Deep, slow breaths. Try to relax, get a drink. No alcohol, that'll just fuck you up more.

Smoke more dumb ass. Fucking rookie.

bro you need to calm your body down.
Take some more hits my bro

dont lie down. your blood pressure will make you even more high.

drink orange juice, it kills high.

unless you you feel sick, idk - just ride your high, laugh at yourself a little

OP is smoking pasley again

Off yourself and you will never twitch again


noone does drugs to feel worse. op is an idiot

Ahhhhh shiet, you smoked that primo shit

He might, but only for a little while.

You still here, OP? What you are experiencing is that it wasn't enough to relax you and your body is over compensating for the increased levels by applying adrenaline. That could be because you are using a sativa which increases your metabolic rate or because you have a lot of bile in your stomach from greasy and dry foods. Another thing it could be is that you are cold. What you can do to deal with that is get out of the wind or under some blankets, maybe get some breads in your stomach or drink warm milk and maybe have a banana.

I really doubt its an indica. If it is you may have some smoke trapped in your ear canal and the sound of it is making your body react to the new acoustic enviroment.

Try saying these words:

Wan Didnt

to help you open your ear canal. If that doesnt help, there is a meditation to help you. Try pulling your jaw back towards your neck and then ( this is a little tricky ) try pulling the diaphragm down towards your abdomen and nreath from your nose. The diaphragm part might be a little tricky bc you could be sucking with the stomach instead of pulling the diaphragm. The pulling sensation should come from closer to the spine rather than the belly button, Dont worry if you have to release to breath after a while bc this meditaion takes a long time to hold steadily for long periods of time.

I'm still here man. Just freaking the fuck out. I don't think i'm cold. Ears are fine and I'm just twiching out all over the place. Fucking help me i'm so scared.

yeah it takes the edge off somewhat. Go slow though

Happens to me a lot when I'm around people I don't completely trust.

Next time drink a beer first to help you relax and then light up.

Bro its just some twitches. I've had that happen to me its no big deal. Its fairly normal. Look up some weed forums and you will see its very common to twitch.

Define twitching OP. I battled with panic attacks for awhile do to smoking. Describe whats happening so i can help

Don't worry m8, twitching is totally normal at higher doses. Just do something to distract yourself and you'll be fine

sugar, like sweet tea or coffee or something you will be fine weed can make your cum THC postive though, so um if you are desperate you can jack off about 4 hours after you smoke and eat your own cum, you will get about 30% of the THC back.

Saves some $$

mate you just have the shakes it's a common side affect. just sit your ass down and behave yourself stop whining like a fucking faggot go take your mind off it rather than sitting here blogging your every feeling like a cunt

Can we stop giving OP false hope?
Everyone has been trolling you OP, your weed was laced, I'd call an ambulance immediately.

actually alcohol might help, it'll fight the paranoia.

shhh its fun

It's going to be okay. I went through a period of a few months where whenever I tried smoking pot (which I'd been smoking for years) I felt twitchy and really frightened, like maybe I was dying.
You're not. You won't. It's unpleasant but it will go away. There's (shockingly) been a lot of good advice here already. Ya, make sure you're warm and your body is actually comfortable. A drink might or might not help. Sometimes a hot bath helps. Trying to watch a show or play a game can sometimes distract you from it until it goes away. Sometimes when this is happening I feel like I need to burp and if I position myself to help myself burp it will relieve a BIG part of the anxiety. It could -literally- just be gas, which for me is extremely unpleasant (like, I think I'm having a heart attack) when I'm high on pot.

None of this is going to hurt you in the long run, you just need to try to wait it out. Good luck! I know this sucks!



Bad trip op.
Heres what you should do.

>relax. The worst will be over in an hour
>eat/drink something sweet. (Chocolate w/e)
>stop thinking about bad shit. Relax, you're not going to die. No one has ever died from weed.

I will freak you out with this one
>With a friend, we call him user, smoking weed
>He smoked before, but not the good stuff
>We chill on couch, suddenly his legs start twitching
>He says he doens't feel right, arm feels deaf, pain in chest
>Not belive its a heart attack, just anxiety because of weed
>user starts feeling better, but his legs wont stop moving
>gets up for a smoke, wants to stand still but is dancing, because feet wont stand still
>next day calls me "Bro something wrong with the weed? My legs still twitching"
>go sees a doctor
>mfw smoking weed braught up restless-leg-syndrome that was blocked in anons brain
>has to take medecine thats for 60 year olds at the age of 23

TLDR; you might have a neural disease triggered by the weed

Dont mix drugs, especially when you're already having a bad trip.

Drink tea.

Have you had any type of anxiety in the past?

Ill hang out if you need someone to talk to. First and foremost breathing is the best thing for you. If it seems your breaths make you cold or twitch more then it itms pribably an internal ear ththing. Weed doesnt do enough on its own to cause twitching but as smoke can put your body on the fritz. Maybe you ought to try every single one of those things I suggested. I went through some serious panic attacks and it turned out that they only happened because my then giflriend and friends were very acidic people, Im sugar, from always stressing out and managing that stress by using the adrenaline build up instead of tending to the reasons they get so stressed out.

The whole ear thing isnt immediate or instant, and also that meditation relaxes your body and triggers the release of warming endorphins or seratonin. The stuff you need to help you relax beause you dont want to risk introducing another substance into your body. I forget which is which, Im not a doctor.

You could have some ulcer like sores or maybe bile burns in your nose or something and the smoke is burning at the sensitive parts. This is all normal stuff and has less to do with weed than you might figure right now considering you are already kind of scared.

I have to make sure to say you should not go to the emergency room bc they will just poke and prod, give you pills and maybe send you out to a rehab clinic and be done with you. They wil not be looking to help you with this, they just want that bed.

This is very normal op. Every single stoned person in the world out there has that little jitter. I think it feels good as fuck and since my tolerence is so high it went away. Kind of sucks

That wasnt weed, the females in his life just had him wound up and the weed smoke lit the hem. After that the estrogen took over, which is something women use to control their genitals at peak levels without the use of adrenaline. Women are real good at using their estrogen to do all kinds of weird shit. You dont have to believe me me. But havent you ever wondered why a lot of those weird psych pills make you grow boobs and other weird shit?

By using adrenaline I mean they get physical and have the muscles soak the hormones and all that, which when activated would secrete syllic acid and the weed pheromones or whatever and cause twitching. I dont twitch anymore, not unless Im around acidic people.

do the meditation.

OP here. Thank you all so much. I'm not feeling as stressed now.

Eat something. It will reduce the flash.


Op if you can walk to the store get some peppermint extract and make a tea with it. I get muscle spasms and such with certain psychedelics and peppermint oil is a great relaxant and anti emeric

you sure? ill stick around a bit. even if only to just ahre more experience from my own misudgments. women being the majority of it but also including a hefty dose of obesity.

oh yeah i forgot to say that weed is always female. the male plants arent smoked. thats why the female hormones carry so well when theres weed involved. also why sex after weed is so amazing.


Is it synthetic marijuana by any chanse

i doubt hed be functional under that crap. that stuff is like potpourri with hairspray or something, not weed.

You can always stop being 12yo pussyass faggot. That oughta help. Then again youre OP so it might not work after all...

synthetic is fucking intense, and I haven't tried it since it was still legal in the States - that shit is some crazy shit nowadays

have a couple drinks. it might make you nauseous, but if it doesn't, it could help.
if you smoke cigarettes, have one or two of those.


Its laced with heroin, you're going to die...

>Muscle spasms from heroin

Come on at least say meth or something, put some thought into it

Had k2 before never smoked a ton at a time but this one time my friend and i were smoking it in his room (was my first time ever chilling with the dude) dude took a huge hit of the shit held it in for about a minute then started coughing and puking all over the place for a solid 15 minutes shit had my heart pounding hard as fuck
>could have sworn the dude was gonna be kill
>still loved the high and smoked more of the shit on other occasions

Need weed