Can i get a funny paradox/ironic thread?

can i get a funny paradox/ironic thread?

pic related






There is a town of only men. The men are divided in two categories: Men who shave themselves and men who do not shave themselves. The barber is the man who shaves only those men who do not shave themselves.

Question : Does the barber shave himself?



has siens gon 2 far

put generator: infinite warfare





yes because the barber is not actually a man

The barber was an alcohol


top kek

sad but tru

It usually takes a crane to get him out

will you switch your door?


yes. It'll take a crane to get him out.


Because the ass was fat

Yes. Theres a 66% chance ill lose if I dont.


I think I'm going to go jerk off. I'm getting wood for no reason


Dub Trips say no



14 88


this is now a white pride thread

The one time I get dubs...


Dubs of destiny, white man. Heil Hitler.


No idiot then it would be a barberes. Goddamn do i need to explain every fucking thing.

Just watched this clip and it was actually pretty sad.
Very conflicting, cos of sanic.



rad trips bruh
