Yup, that's it. Donezo with this game. You take Taric, a staple of the old game, give him a new bullshit kit that fills yet another invulnerability role to deny play-making/map

awareness/good play from people trying to take advantage of misplays and reward people who play like garbage with yet another get out of jail free that they can draft (cause we didn't already have enough of those) then to top it all off, you have him voiced by fucking SASUKE.

I literally could not hate this rework more. He sounds like a wannabe edge-lord with that same godawful fucking pretentious sneer over everything he says that Yuri always does. I'm going to go play Paragon. At least they don't fuck around with their budget and give us garbage like this to players who've been around supporting the game for half a decade.
I'm done with the excuses, I'm done with the balancing train-wreck. I'm done with the poorly explained "Aspect" champions and lore retconning, I'm done watching this clown-fiesta of a game spiral more and more into a colossal coiling turd. I'm done trying to enjoy a game that IS NOT FUN OR COMPETITIVE ANYMORE and isn't likely to get moreso any time soon.
RIP Matchmaking
RIP Balance
RIP in Pepperonis League of Legends.
I hope your competitors put you all out of business you greedy, uncaring twats.


>unironically playing LoL

Bro I left in April. Shits not worth it and its been the best decision I made in a long time. Go play Overwatch.

the game died long ago

They fucked up balancing 3 seasons ago

Smart move. Now go do something with your life.

fuck dude, go outside or something.


Season 3 was where it was at. Not so much after.

Trips of truth

they were proud of themselves for the fiora rework, fuckin lulz. riot employees are a bunch of chodes.

Shit game. Anyone that wastes their time with it should consider suicide.

>I'm done trying to enjoy a game that IS NOT FUN OR COMPETITIVE ANYMORE
It was never fun or competitive. This is coming from someone who has played on and off since release.

>crying about the rework of the most boring fucking champion in history of mobas to play
>crying about rework of easy mode point and click stun that only babbys who can't play a real support use anyway
>crying about a moba that died 2 years ago

that game has been dead for awhile. it's just unfortunate you didn't realize it sooner.

the game is for casuals, simply put.

Op I quit 2 seasons ago when they banned my account due to changing isps within 2 days. Moving from SC to VA is apperently hacking in leagues eyes. Go play Dota if you want a "balanced" moba

>complaining about taric
I main adc in high plat elo and taric is one of the least cancerous supports.
Try facing brand, zyra, bard or braum.

The first 3 do the most damage in the game with frost queens and sorc shoes.

>complaining about taric rework
>taric winrate is 52.53% in 6.11
>RIP Balance
>RIP SoloQ
you didn't complain about elo hell, dynamicQ killing competitive integrity or the long queue times in diamond+
Get good scrub

>implying that taric is the most op champ in the game right now

Why would you care about taric anyway - a staple he may be, he was considered one of the best if not THE best re-work for the older champions. He got re-worked, and then immediately nerfed - he doesn't get any play anymore because there are supports who do his job but better. Your just a bitch who can't accept change.

If you want a competitive feeling then join a team of some sorts if you are good enough... There's plenty of Amateur leagues out there that don't have a buy-in...

Also, what the fuck are you on about balancing? There has never been more of a variety of good champions in one meta ever, it's getting to the point where the community is almost BEGGING to have 8+ bans to see that the more commonly used ones don't see as much game-play.

Matchmaking is fucked - but at least you don't have to worry about fucking idiots complaining about roles anymore, and the SoloQ problem already has a good solution for people who are above diamond plus because legit anyone underneath it should receive as much benefits when it comes to playing with friends / team mates as much as possible.

If you are legit crying over the game because of the taric re-work and a few SMALL things about the game then you are just a fucking pleb who doesn't genuinely care about the game - just play the fucking thing instead of complaining about it because you can't get gold + :)

>implying elo hell exists

Dota 2 masterrace reporting in

Hopefully the Manila Major will help with converting League people.

poppy is the best rework to date



Hey man you can't forget about getting free skins from random matches. Or buying them off other players for less then 10$

it would be more commonly tied between poppy, gp and fiora... all 3 have had huge impacts on the game...

people still play this shit? im already over heroes of the storm (after 2k games who isnt)

The game was fun when there was less than 40 heroes. The days of ryze, garen, fiddle, alistair, twisted fate. I quit in 2012

makes me cringe that someone took the time to make that shit

Or you can Just play dota 2 instead

just quit 3 weeks ago feelsgoodman

Whats about Vayne ?