Why aren't you playing League of Legends, Sup Forums?

Why aren't you playing League of Legends, Sup Forums?

Cause dota is better fam

cause csgo is better

because I'm not in middle school


my nigga right there

Both true

Even more reason to play! :D

Pretty much

I hate people that say that. I play the shit out of both and I can admit that both have their strengths and weaknesses. So phuck off pham

Nice try

Well i can say this. At least i dont make entire posts sreading my opinion on the matter.

Because I don't get it

because it's childish


dont believe me? go outside and ask

What don't you get?

I bet you play call of duty.

Because dota is better in literally every way

Cuz I'm playing Starbreak and loving it.

Because I dont like it

Because. I'm too busy, thinking.


Because I don't want to?

cause oldschool runescape is better

>played thousands of matches
>literally can count on one hand the matches that were actually fun and/or entertaining
moba's were interesting when they were first emerging, now it's all the exact same retarded bullshit.

There is absolutely no reason for the comma there you pseudo-intellectual faggot.

because i love myself

why did you keep playing then?

because it was about as amusing as playing any other game.

>FPS were interesting when they were first emerging, now it's all the exact same retarded bullshit
>MMO's were interesting when they were first emerging, now it's all the exact same retarded bullshit
RTS were interesting when they were first emerging, now it's all the exact same retarded bullshit
>RPG's were interesting when they were first emerging, now it's all the exact same retarded bullshit
>fighting games were interesting when they were first emerging, now it's all the exact same retarded bullshit
racing games were interesting when they were first emerging, now it's all the exact same retarded bullshit

Because I play games to relax

not a fan of the genre

Because I only use PC for /b and porn.

Because dota 2 is free and better than league of legends.

Because I took off my training wheels and downloaded Dota 2

Because Mobas are the cancer of gaming, prove me wrong.

Because its free on Steam.

I shit gold bricks. Prove me wrong.

Because I'm too busy playing Kid Icarus Uprising on Together mode (which is actually arena PVP)


because im playing smite faggot

cause dota 2 and cs go are better

Good Game, Well played.

>Dota 2 a skillful and mechanically intensive game
>Not played by neckbeards
Pick one.

csgo is better

Fallout 4 is better than csgo.

Because League is really boring. The whole point of playing games for a living is to have fun. Not to mention, League is the worst spectator sport in the history of gaming.

It's boring if you know how to play it and fucking mind destroyingly terrible if you don't.

every single game now (with a few obvious exceptions) is repetitive as shit and is either pay to win or pay to get a useless in game item that does absolute nothing. literally throwing your money into a fire is no different from these micro transaction based games

tl;dr games now are all money pits

Fun is objective. That's why millions of people play League. They're sadists.

>Being this fucking stupid

... Yeah. That's exactly why i said i didn't play it. Because its boring to me. The Op asked why don't YOU play league...

Also i think you meant Subjective.


Cos I play dotes

I like good games. Sorry op


>mfw when niggers don't understand sarcasm

>Be retarded
>cover it up by saying "It's Sarcasm"

Get the fuck outta here.

League lost Dunkey.

In other words the only fun thing about the game left it. Now it's dominated by people like brofresco.

Literal cancer.

Cause street fighter v exits.

eat shit... millions of flies can't be wrong

Nigger, you do not understand what sarcasm means. Try checking a dictionary the next time you try to cover up the fact that you are inbred.

Hell no

Free-game = cancer communities, on top of that the niggers at riot force me to play a role I don't want to play when I play with three friends.

They don't care about their players and is a nigger game, that's why. I played League for two years and the second I picked up other games, I liked them ten times better. It's boring as shit and if your Spanish top-lane feeds and calls you a nigger more then actually playing that will sing handedly loose you the game.

You write like you are retarded.

Because Fusionfall is superior



just passed 2 mil active players.

still wont isn't looked at as a esport outside of its own tournament

...somthing odd is going on

I played that game from closed beta up until about two years ago. I'm not too big on the community to be honest.

The original dota community was toxic, and it caught up with League pretty quickly.

I just want to have buzzword.

it's a third-person moba
let that sink in

It's not just free games, user. It's all games with a sizable community. Counter Strike comes to mind immediately. Before SC2 died a painfully slow death, it had a pretty toxic community as well.

Because it's a game for faggots. If I want to play a real game, i'll stick with World of Warcraft.

Because it's cancer.
I get enough cancer by browsing this fucking board.

>Even picture has a misspelling.

The easiest way to make your argument stronger is to show you have a working brain capable of rational thought. If you cannot even manage that, your opinion clearly has no merit. I would not trust a retard to tell me what is the best game when clearly said retard would like to be with like-minded people.

>tl;dr If you make an argument, ensure you should not have been aborted first.

Because I ain't 16

Playing at d5 isn't much fun.
Playing on smurf isn't much fun.
Wait league isn't much fun.


>i'll stick with World of Warcraft.
You mean the game where they continuously release less and less content because their retarded consumers will literally buy ANYTHING they release?

And who exactly said these things? I never heard anyone say "FPS is the exact same bullshit".

I played League for a while, I usually ended my day being pissed off and tilted. I can think of about 6 games where I had genuine fun.

MOBAs form this toxic relationship with the player. It's cancerous and I hope it dies off soon. It would make gaming better as a whole.

Actually, 66.6% of his punctuation is totally undeed. Atleast got the last period right.

I can't...

You browse Sup Forums

>because you're the 9fag of arena gaming

Most popular always equals best. McDonalds sells the most hamburgers, clearly McDs makes the best hamburgers. Right?

Why not play HotS? Its actually fun.

Are there huge stadiums that watch people last hitting like LoL? No. But who cares its not like you'll ever play in anything more than your basement or net cafe.

Why not try them all and see what feels best for you and forget what a bunch of nobodies online think.

exact same shit (literally) since release


HotS is fun because you can actually come back quite easily. It is not just one team getting raped half the time while trying to look like they have a chance. Also, items not being a thing is pretty nice.

>Also, supports actually matter in this.

Also matches are quicker. Which is a big deal for me because I work, have a kid, etc.

I second the notion

Moba are also the same shit.
Stale arguement.

Heroes of the Sterm is best to watch because it emphasizes teamfights IMO


I am guessing you were being facetious, but that is not how you use parenthesis. It makes you look like a dumbass.

I guess I'll waste my time and give an actual reason.
Used to be an okay game. With the recent patches, and pretty much all of s6 its gone to shit. Skill cap surprisingly became a lot lower with the champ buffs(especially the mages)

Ehhh....sometimes they are quicker. With balanced teams at higher elo, it is very possible to have 30-40 minute games.

Because insurgency is 20x better and has 9001x more mature community than LoL, CSGO and Dota 2 combined

True that doesn't affect me though. I don't try hard enough. I just do well enough. I used to have a lot of self esteem wrapped up in myv video game skills but that just died one day. Out of nowhere.

Not that there's anything wrong with it.