Ask a stripper anything

Ask a stripper anything


Tell me something embarrassing a customer did?

Can I have a dollar?

Still hate you for doing meth behind my back.

Can you do me a request?
Can you write "I

Last call, I'm going around collecting tips, and this guy is hammered and wants to stick a dollar in my ass with his teeth. Bends over and says "right in the shooter!" Before he trips over a chair and is led out

Ever sleep with a client? And for how much?

on a scale of 1 - blowjob, how many blowjobs do you give out in an evening?

Is there sec in the champagne room?

would you please put a pic of your tits with "Primo Fettuccine is Yummy for my Tummy" written on your tummy wummy.

What drugs are you addicted to?
Was it your dad, brother or uncle who fondled you when you were little?

No, a few offered to be my sugar daddy, one said he'd give 500$ to fuck me. Turned him down, 500$ won't buy my soul back

post roastie


What's your favourite song to strip to?


Is your baby okay?

Thanks and another question?

Do you takes classes on pole dancing when your new or are you told to just wing it?

How many STDs do you have and why?

shameless self-roll

That has to be a shitty club looking at your body. Ugh. Nig clientele I'm guessing. Crack whore alert!

>concerned about losing soul.


Butterfly by crazy town

How much do you make each night? How many days a week do you work?

faaaak! a quad away from quads

You can take classes, it's not required, I wing it and learn shit on my own

It was stolen from her by another man.

How do you determine what is damaging to your soul and what is not...being a stripper and all.

120-150 working 4pm to 11pm, 3 nights a week

How many nigger cocks do you rub against every night.

those nails are not attractive

I'm not sure why women do that

to show off to other women?

Major kek

Are you proud of yourself?

Can I hear some funny stories?

I sell the idea of sex and my job is more demanding and empowering then yours.

Do you work another job?

My gf brought in about 3500.00 a night working at the spearmint rhino...why is your club so bad?

Hi op. Serious question for you. How do you handle the people who mock you(if any) outside of your work area? And there seems to be a thought in people's heads that strippers=whores.... your thoughts?

My natural nails are unattractive and stubby

yer nipples look like vienna sausages

Do you make most of your money from the stage show or private dances? What percentage of the money does the club usually keep? Do you tip your DJ? Always tip your DJ.

Is it the strip club right next you your apartment next to the gas station?

hey, fellow stripper here. What is your favorite club to work at?

Most sex workers reject black men as customers.


THEN mine? you are correct.
than mine?
well,.. if your job doesn't scream it then your words do, it all shows high school didn't work out for you.

escort is a better job than stripper tbh fam

Come to the ramadan 2016 thread. Your career choice is appalling. May Allah guide you

Are you in it -just- for the money when you go to work, or do you actually like to sit down and talk with guys sometimes even if they're not tipping?

Probably because they dated a really awesome black guy, but black guys like that are hard to find. Most are just niggers

No one can make me feel embarrassed about it but myself. I get paid to look cute, for guys to talk to me and to dance. I do 15mins of work out of every hour and make bank. I don't do anything I don't want to or anything immoral so I don't care what anyone says lol

How can you be such a fucking idiot?

How much do you charge for a handy?

whats your stripper name?

Then you must not get paid much!

Depends on the guy, I enjoy talking to the ones that work in trades but it's all money.

Your career is immoral you fucking idiot

Yes, waitress

You should have posted under a name other than 'Anonymous' because now any fucking degenerate can impersonate you.

150.00 a night is what most people here make in an hour or two. That's uh...well that is bank wherever you are from so...good for you star child. Good for you.

Because we don't whore around like your girlfriend you cuck

Are you 30?


Flaffy Cakes

check'd and kek'd

Thanks op. And one more thing. Did you ever get to a point where you want to do your work but you're held back by something? Maybe a thought, or pride i dunno?

8$ house fee in the evenings and 8$ to the dj, the rest is ours

Probably not. But mannnnnn are we rich.

Does stripping turn you on, or is it all business for you? Also has it effected your personal life at all?

show us your ass

Omg you got me pegged down so hard by a grammar mistake I made on the Internet. Good show. Fuck off

Ok not to repeat what others have said, but do you even have a soul? Shamelessly strutting around naked and not giving anyone the option to fuck you is worse than just selling sex on the corner. You're basically saying you can look but youre never getting this. Evil temptress

Do the majority of girls who strip have breast implants?

Old school, nice

How am I an idiot?

What do you do with all the singles? Do you change them out at a bank and basically advertise what a whore you are? was not your mistake. It was your profession. Not even a good show, hence the 150.00 a night.

Is it because it says cum my lady?


>Probably because they dated a really awesome black guy

cuck mind at work

What was your first dance like?

either post nudes or get the fuck off this board you worthless slut.

Follow up question: Do the bank tellers take out their gloves and toss the money in an open flame to kill the herps?

Do you have a favorite outfit?

wut nigga

Bro, she probably gave some hand jobs and BJ's for that much

They know what they're getting into when they walk in the door and I don't make anyone spend money. They know we don't fuck customers

Fav drink from the bar?

I am not referring to stripping and making more. I simply mean that by existing in my productive job I make more than do a majority of people here. You want my nudes? But im a dood.

creepiest shit you've dealt with?

ever made any of your customer cum without touching?

green text would be nice

Stupidest thing you have done at work?

Probably? No, I can assure you she did.

Fuck yeah! Sounds like a good deal. Don't listen to the rest of the shitheads on here. Keep up the good work.

do you have any other piercings?

Some questions:

1. Are you an independent contractor, full time employee, or part time?
2. Are you saving/investing?
3. Would you be interested in an investment fund catered to sex workers? (I consider stripping sex work)
4. What are your retirement goals?

Do you ever get any females in the club? Any hit on you?

Do you have to wear heels? If so then are they annoying?

When I work 15 mins out of every hour? I don't even break a sweat, I'd pay for you to put your clothes back on.