Hey Anarcho Capitalists. Hate to break it to you but your ideology is not anarchism...

Hey Anarcho Capitalists. Hate to break it to you but your ideology is not anarchism. True anarchism cannot coexist with capitalism. Prove me wrong. Pro-tip, you can't.

Other urls found in this thread:


"I change the meaning of words to fit my ideology and opinions." OP is a faggot.

True anarchism(or any form) cannot coexist with reality.

care to elaborate?


An anarchist area couldn't defend itself from outside invaders or internal criminal elements, no matter what type it is.

And they got conquered.

why not in an ancap society?

Because you would get crime syndicates that would use violence to intimidate businesses thus those syndicates would be the top of the food chain.

doesn't the government already do that?

They do, but that's just how societies work in general. The difference is that you would rather deal with the police and IRS than you would the MS-13s or the Gambinos .

I have a friend that's Is an anarcho capitalist

Have fun with him

>sits back and watches


Nevermind, he Is a pussy.
Here's his skype : firewing2077

You don't listen to the MS-13s they will fucking torture you thats why.

wow. what a bitch. lol

You're a fucking oddball mate.

You bet It

Humanity in and of itself cannot exist in anarchy. We are by our very nature pack animals that form complex social orders and organizations to thrive and survive in the world. We can not have a power vacuum because power vacuums are always filled out of necessity, or at least out of love for power. Wherever there is chaos, someone, good or bad, steps out to create some sort of order. Even savage places like Africa are not anarchic in truth, because, however often they are usurped, local warlords are effectively rulers. Hence the "lord" bit. Humans do not function without some form of leadership and as such can not create a true anarchy. In the brief moments when there are no leaders, someone inevitably steps up to become one.

Fycking pussy ass bitch


Op is a communist faggot. Just because you are poor doesn't mean that your ideology is more correct. Damn fucking commies.

You wanna go m8 1 on 1 in a b4thtu8 m8

what a compelling argument. you sure showed me. hahahahahahahahahahahahaha

Tell Us the rich ass faggot
And successful nigger you are
Come on also don't forget to tell us how happy you are for being a rich fag

This. Anarchists of any kind are fucking idiots.

watch this and educate yourself

im a minarchist, its like ancap minus the 'anarchy'. my argument against anarchism in a nutshell is that its categorically impossible cus power vacuum.


Noam Chomsky would disagree.

Same here nigger

I won't waste my time with the ramblings of some deluded nutbar.

what's wrong? can't make a counter-argument? poor baby. LMFAO!

Oh no, a leftist retard disagrees with me! Whatever shall I do???

Thanks, Vaas. Did I ever tell you the definition of insanity?

Reality says otherwise, sweetheart. Show me an example of an anarchist society that works... oh wait, there are none! Darn reality, always getting in the way.

i stopped reading at "leftist".


Gonna watch some real funny shit.

>pic related

>replaces the state with the working class
The working class don't know what's good for others, let alone themselves. Sheep should stay in their place.

Also, here Is link to video I'm watching.

Oh wow, it actually lasted a few years before collapsing, quite the record! Still, it was a complete failure, as anarchism always is. Nice try kiddo.

It only failed because facists and communists took over. Before that it was a perfectly functional society. George Orwell himself called it the happiest society he ever saw.

>It only failed because facists and communists took over
Whoa, hold on now! I thought """real""" communism was anarchistic???

leftist is the new "fascist"/"racist".
, makes it easy to be intellectually lazy when you pin some negative label onto someone.

>someone took over
i.e. failure

they weren't real communists. only self-proclaimed. in reality they were authoritarian socialists.

>moving the goalposts, the thread.

so by your logic any stable society is a failure just because someone more powerful conquers it.

Go on retards. I'm enjoying my video. Also, I'm a social liberal.

what do goalposts have anything to do with this thread?

As proposed by Marx, it is anarchic- everybody shares everything but does so entirely under their own free will and out of altruism simply because it's what good people do- no government or higher power has to tell them to do it. The issue is that people aren't good. This simple fact is the basic flaw in both anarchism and authoritarianism, in absolute communism or capitalism. For these ideas to turn out a happy, functioning society, people need to be inherently good, and that is why these systems fail and we must find balance.

power will shift eventually
it's the nature of humanbeings
no anarchy is practically possible

Why are all anarchists autistic retards?


The kind of government in communism is supposed to be democratically planned. The state is the choices people make to determine how to manage production. Since there is no concept of nation, borders or property, there is no government as we know it. It never turns out that way because people have no clue what communism is and eat up the rhetoric without having the intellectual capacity to criticize "communist" institutions, like when conservatives say the US was founded on free markets and when liberals say Denmark is Socialist.

Even authoritarian Socialism doesnt make sense, there was no aspect of Socialism, it was top down control of resources and a welfare state.