Shit like this is the reason why I'm voting for Trump even if I don't agree with him on everything

Shit like this is the reason why I'm voting for Trump even if I don't agree with him on everything

yea like seriously, fucking hyspanics r getting out of control.

This is your automatic daily reminder that Trump is not againts mexicans or any immigrant in particular. He is against Illegal immigration and is in favor of controlled immigration.

I know

Please refrain from responding to the automatic reminders. Thank you and have a wonderful night

fuck off reddit

Please go fuck yourself and have a wonderful fuck

>ITT: biggest pussies whining

You know hilldog will win and we're going to take our land back

shoo shoo scum

>your land

no pablo

Whites built the US by enslaving, murdering, and exploiting blacks and indigenous Americans. It was never great to begin with.

>Boomers for Bernie.

Why don't they just die already? Haven't they ruined enough?

Whites built America with something called civilization

you should try it sometime

>enslaving, murdering, and exploiting blacks and indigenous Americans
African slaves were enslaved by other Africans then sold to slave traders who brought them to the New World. African slaves were an investment and were usually not murdered, because why destroy good agricultural equipment? Exploitation? Yea, you got me there, but their quality of life was better in the New World than in Africa, where they would still be slaves, just working and living under much more harsh conditions.

The Native Americans were nothing more than a bunch of forest dwelling savages and their descendants should be down on their knees thanking the nations and peoples of Europe for introducing proper civilization to this land.

I'm not really a patriotic person myself but I don't get how someone could rationalize the act of waving the Mexican flag.

Let's wave the flag of a different country, the one that we believe people are fleeing from cause it's shit to come here where it isn't shit, let's wave that flag. I dont get it man.

Yeah savages that had no disease lived off the land and had a proper respect for the land and whites bring in what they call civilization also known as my way or die. There was nothing civilized about the people moving here they where as savage as the Indians just in a differnt way

>wahhh my primitive way of life should take precedence of the relentless march of human progress.

Shut up hippy. Take a shower. Get a job.

There he is. There he goes again. Look, everyone! He posted it once again! Isn’t he just the funniest guy around?! Oh my God.I can almost see your pathetic overweight frame glowing in the dark, lit by your computer screen which is the only source of light in your room, giggling like a like girl as you once again type your little I LOVE TRUMP thread up and fill in the captcha. Or maybe you don’t even fill in the captcha. Maybe you’re such a disgusting NEET that you actually paid for a Sup Forums pass, so you just choose the picture. Oh, and we all know the picture. The “epic” MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN guy, isn’t it? I imagine you little shit laughing so hard as you click it that you drop your Doritos on the floor, but it’s ok, your mother will clean it up in the morning. Oh, that’s right. Did I fail to mention? You live with your mother. You are a fat fucking fuckup, she’s probably so sick of you already. So sick of having to do everything for you all goddamn day, every day, for a grown man who spends all his time on Sup Forums posting about TRUMP and making AMERICA GREAT AFGAIN. Just imagine this. She had you, and then she thought you were gonna be a scientist or an astronaut or something grand, and then you became a NEET. A pathetic TRUMOPfag NEET. She probably cries herself to sleep everyday thinking about how bad it is and how she wishes she could just disappear. She can’t even try to talk with you because all you say is “I REALLY REALLY HATE MEXICANS, WE'RE GOING TO BUILD A WALL, WE'RE GOING TO MAKE AMERICA GREATE AGAIN.” You’ve become a parody of your own self. And that’s all you are. A sad little man laughing in the dark by himself as he prepares to indulge in the same old dance that he’s done a million times now. And that’s all you’ll ever be.

I'm hispanic and I don't agree with this. Fuck those mexicans.

>Yeah savages that had no disease lived off the land and had a proper respect for the land

The natives were savages who killed, raped, and sacrificed human beings. They were such dicks that other weaker native tribes allied with the Europeans against them.

same here. fuck those mexicans.

You obviously have no fucking idea what your talking about


A history book, not tumblr like your retarded ass

this is a conversation by political paid workers... nothing interesting to read, they are not even trying to argue properly.

I do it for free faggot

Viva mexico perros

I agree too, The spanish broth actual virus and diseases, natives way might not were too revolutionized, but it was starting and in my opinion could have been promising. you should really read one of your history books you are talkin' about.

it's called Patriotism fam

>come to america
>live off welfare
>"viva mejico, fuck whitey!"

If you don't see anything wrong with that then you are getting a free helicopter ride

you totally are trump's kolks then man, seriously

Viva mexico perros

yeah me too.... i think he is a shit head but im sick of all this far left pc bullshit

"Pinche marica me la pelas jajajaja viva mexico perro"


I'm Latino not Hispanic.. Any Latino who calls himself Hispanic is not a Latino..anyways fuck anyone who supports that puss bag


No one cares

If you love a foreign country so much you should live there and not here

You can at least say the name of a history book that you have never even read m8

but of course you are not even capable of that since what qualifies as "a history book" for you are comics, cartoons & movies

Actually a lot of people care, and the whole america is made out of Foreign people, you should kiss my ass, cosmopolite douchbag

O faggot... I am a veteran that survived in Iraq twice and spend 10 years in the service. I have a master degree in anthropology. I love this fucking nation more then you and this bastars of trump is just a moron telling other morons to follow him to the abyss

But why would you be patriotic of a place you think is shit that you had to move from in order to survive? I live in Florida and pretty much every Cuban immigrant hates the fuck out of that country when they're here.

I don't care

If you want to be a welfare queen and say you want to turn the U.S into Mexico you have to go back

BTW I'm Latino... So yeah I love tacos and merengue

>just a moron telling other morons to follow him to the abyss
Funny that's what a lot of people would say about guys who went to Iraq

This shit annoys normies quite a bit.
The people who don't browse Sup Forums, don't post on various political blogs, don't generally give a fuck and are pretty apathetic. Those people see this shit and think "wtf are those fucking beaners doing?"
I'm not even pro trump, but these morons (and their leftist protester friends, the BLM movement, other "professional activists", etc) are preaching to a small niche community that is not representative of most of the country. Being loud and obnoxious and putting it all on video while you high five your college idiots will play fantastic when you post it on your tumblr, but normal soccer-mom type americans (the ones who actually vote, unlike college kids) think this shit is fucking stupid as fuck.
Congratulations, leftist protesters. Your inability to not chimp out and be triggered by everything outside of your safezone is making people vote Trump. Good work, faggots.

Fucking beaners. Build the wall. And then, I'll sit on top and shoot any useless spic within 1000 yards.

>survived in Iraq twice
At least he was against that. Hillary on the other hand...

Im Mexican but that sign is fuckin retarded

Again, to reinforce the main fucking point.
The groups chimping out are demographics that historically SAY they are going to vote but DON'T vote.
The groups who think the chimpout shit is annoying as fuck VOTE A LOT.

Listen hard headed bigot no one wants to turn this country to mexico or Latin America. However you must open your mind to other races that coexist in this Continent before Anglo saxxon arrival. The US was build on immigrants and always will be. If you look at the data more Chinese are invading this country then actual Latinos.

you are judging the whole race because of a photo ? you can't be that faggot, can you ?


Please vote for Trump, fuck those people, they're being tolerated in a foreign country and they still bitch about it, not only that but they even insult real Americans


Lol he was no one and he got money from our dead solders and war

I don't care

U.S for Americans and immigrants who enter legally and learn English

If they are not willing to assimilate they need to go back

What are real Americans??

People who assimilate

The ones that aren't fake

are you stupid?
real about the mesoamerican tribes, they were savages canibals. The cruelest empire of the human history was the aztec. I am mexican .

People who were born in the US and their family actually contributed to the development of the country in some way

Being born in the US makes you an American from a political point of view but no one is a true American until you actually help the country and believe in its ideals

Well they do assimilate more then Arabs or Asian cultures. Most of Latin american countries even send solders into war with the US because they follow the same ideology's of the US principles. user what ever you have been told in your life is a lie

>Implying you could get off your razer® brand® gaming® chair® and grab a gun

man, if you don't care you clearly won't understand why voting for trump is just wrong.

They're technically not wrong.

No they were not. All history was burned down by the Spaniards. Axtecas incsd and mayans had a fruitful culture. I guess the roman empire and the crusades are not cruel enough

Hola amigos ¿Como estan?


>Well they do assimilate more then Arabs or Asian cultures

Cubans, Colombians, and Argentinians assimilate. Mexicans on the west coast not so much

Estoy muy bien. Y tu?

Mexico is considered north America. You do know there is a central and south America correct?


by that requisite much more people would be american, you idiots. the guy was being philosophical because the america from now is a mix from the whole world, literally...

Roman Empire is the foundation of Europe

Crusades were a response to Muslim Jihad


So Russians Albania Chinese and in the east cost don't do it also...

Successful business

probably wasnt robbed

>So Russians Albania Chinese and in the east cost don't do it also...

They do assimilate

What about my seeing eye negro?

nice try faggot. They started the war, they lost it. We STILL paid them 15 million for it.
Now that it's developed and economically active, they want it back? Get out of here faggot.

Man you couldn't be more wrong, don't fool people with that.
it was a native culture, yes they made human sacrifices periodically, it is wrong. they were also brilliant engineers and astronomers, just by saying that you are mexican, doesnt turn on what you said to a fact

Right we where talking about cruel and savage. Those cultures were both compared to native Americans

>They started the war what?

I'm reporting your hateful comment to the mods!

Sorry to say this but they don't.

This is your typical bernie supporter. Rioting to get free citizenship so the gubmint can gibs them more. You need to go back.

Native Americans were the epitome of savagery

They didn't even invent the wheel lol

Well, that's dumb

They don't riot in the street like subhumans waving the flag of their parents

no seas mamon

>waiting for super special coolant to arrive for super special car
>notice coolant's low when i'm going to work
>idgaf my commute is ten minutes I'll top it off at home
>leave work
>the road i usually take home is fucking closed
>"detour" goes ten miles out of the fucking way
>car temp getting hotter and hotter
>half a mile from house
>car temp gauge goes all the way to the top
>smoke starts pouring out of hood and vents
>fuck fuck fuck fuck
>right in front of gas/service station
>pull in and cut engine
>service station is all mexicans
>they give me some water to pour in my car
>wait for car to cool down
>coolant hose burst, leaking too fast to drive
>leave car with mexicans
>mexicans order part and fix car
>do a pretty good job
>mexicans are ok

Fuck these 3rd world beaners.... You mad nobody wants you shit people? Fuck them make America white again! Remember that time we slaughtered the natives? Remember that time niggers knew their place? Remember that time we dropped two nukes on theses japs?? What happen America why so soft???? Shoot them, shoot the women and children we are the better race!! Start acting like it!! White power!!!!

Its against the rules to say out loud you are reporting someone

So, reported for reporting him.

Hmmm. And judge curiel?

Is it the one on the far right?

No need to. They invented medicines and astrology that surpassed European and Arab data.

Dirty Mexican if shoot your family you shit skin

I was only talking about Mexico. Central America and South America are irrelevant to what I was talking about.

This makes me ashamed to be a Mexican this is why I hate my own race

Nice sarcasm