Copa America's lost flavour

See the pic Sup Forums? You sure do

As an Argentinean, I'm happy with the outcome of the match

But there's somethibg that drives me mad, and it should drive you mad too.
The fucking ARG fans out there in US4 watching the Copa America are a bunch of moneys. Those Argied comrades who watched the match at TyC Sports saw the CBSé spot with a MILF singing shit. Cringey AF.
I miss the 2014 world, the "Vamo Vamo Argentinaa Vamo Vamo A ganAAR ESTA BARRA QUILOMBERA NO TE DEJA NO TE DEJA DE ALENTAAAR"
The good thing of argentinean football/soccer if you are a an 4meric4n is nowhere to be found.
God, I would like it more in fucking Bolivia


Learn to speak

You tried too hard, troll failed

go to the stadium, dummy


I'm pretty sure about half of those people were just American bandwagoners who love Messi.

I don't care that the game was played in the South, I highly doubt that that many people came up from Argentina to watch the match.

>that filename

>Americans aren't passionate about soccer
Oh no

never got that one

they were in the stadium

not only that, but they were AWAY, so they actually traveled to Rosario

Probably taking about Boca fans from Rosario, who only see their team twice a year.

There's usually some kind of electricity before an important match here, as if the whole country is paralyzed. An uncanny silence. It feels as if the whole country is holding its breath. That didn't happen this time. I think we are sick of losing. It might change this Sunday, though. But so far it feels as if even here nobody cares.

In any case, most of the guys who go to watch Argentina actually are "chetos" (snobs). It's not the same crowd you have every Sunday in our local tournaments. Most of the people who watch our NT usually don't watch football at all. If you want real passion, go to a Boca-riBer, to a Central-Newell's, to a Unión-Colón. That's something you'll never find with the NT.

I found some footage of OP

>I would like it more in fucking Bolivia


la gran mayoria de los que estaban con camiseta argentina ni siquiera eran argentinos
un movilero de TyC en un momento hizo poner Jijiji en los parlantes afuera del estadio y nadie con casaca argenta movio un pelo

la gente que escucha los redondos viaja a la matanza, no a estados unidos

At a given point they showed many guys with Argentina's colors, and when they noticed they were filmed they started to sing "USA, USA".

¿Viajar a qué? ¿A ver un partido? Ni en pedo me voy a Estados Unidos para eso. ¿A conocer? Mil veces me voy a Estados Unidos (o a cualquier otro país del mundo) antes que a un municipio de mi provincia.

>mfw Argentina thinks they are relevant to something just because they won a soccer game against US.

And then everyone goes to say how the assholes are us...

That happens all around the world. Nobody cares about it but when the NT plays, and because its an excuse to leave early from work and getting late the next day, have some beers, hopefully some grilling, but that's it. The only people that cares about futbol 24/7 are either poor or autistic.

I'd say that there are five levels here.
1) Doesn't care at all. Doesn't even watch the matches.
2) Only cares about the NT. If it's a woman get away from her during a match, because she will ask stupid questions such as "was that a penalty?" ("no, dear, the foul was in the middle of the field...") or "why wasn't he expelled?" ("because it wasn't even a foul...").
3) Cares about international football. Watches some important matches from the Champions, also watches the NT when it plays; likes football every now and then but doesn't care about a team in particular, or at least not enough to watch it every time. Might watch his/her team in an important match, specially in international competitions or against their rival team.
4) Watches his team every week. Cares about football 24/7, but only when his/her team plays. Some go to the stadium, most don't.
5) Watches football everyday, be it their team, other teams, international, NT. Hard mode: goes to watch matches of teams from lower leagues from his city even though he's actually a fan of another team from the main league (yes, I know such people, they exist).

Most of males here in Argentina are either in category nº 3 or category nº 4. Most of females are either in category nº 2 or category nº 3 (making category nº 3 the one with most people). Categories nº 1 and nº 5 are the ones with less people.
I'd say that, from the category with most people to the category with the less, it goes 3>2>4>5>1.