Name one thing Hitler did wrong except lose

Name one thing Hitler did wrong except lose

I'll be waiting patiently

Completely fuck up the internal administration of the government. The application of and experimentation with Social Darwinism in government caused the postage ministry to oversee various groups of scientists compete in getting the bomb first. They should've worked together overseen by a relevant authority, like the US/UK did.

That moustache


Killed Jews just because they where born jew

Should have followed the inquisition and demanded they convert.

Fuck kikes they funded and participated in an attempted communist German revolution in 1918 just like they did in Russia.

He killed himself in an uncreative way. Should have done a flip off a German plane while singing the German national anthem and sword dueling a Jew to the death

created the very stimulant our average every day politic denys using

Lol not all jews faggot

150,000. Jews fought for Hitler

ride on hells angels ride strong

That mustache. Total faux pas am I right Bros. Not doing that nose any justice

400,000 more to die!

Art school

A bunch of retarded Abstract artists got accepted into that art school but Hitler didn't

he sent troops to invade Russia.

in the WINTER.

TWICE. and they failed miserably each time. you might think he would have learned the first time, but no.

he didn't finish his job exterminating jews.

Yea cause art schools have taste

Ruined swastikas. Seriously, it's a pretty fucking cool symbol.

he diverted materials and funds from the V-weapons program into fucking submarines, when he could have developed them into long-range fuckers that could strike any city in Europe.


Operation Barbarossa.
He was fucking delusional thinking that he'd win the war against Russia while fighting the US/UK allies.

Oh god lol. Sorry for the rant in advance.

Attack Russia in their own territory and promptly get his ass kicked by the Red Tide of Stalin. I understand Germany was in need of oil to support her war machines, but hear me out. Hitler had several options.

1) Some of the largest oil fields in the world are located in Iran, Iraq and Saudi Arabia. As of the spring of 1941, these were all in Allied hands. Starting in September of 1940, however, Italy, under Hitler's fellow Axis dictator, Benito Mussolini, invaded British Egypt from Libya and Greece from Albania. Mussolini's campaigns were not totally successful and Hitler was forced to send troops to help secure those areas. While this might have been an annoyance to Hitler at the time, the conquest of Greece could have been used as a springboard for further adventures into the Middle East. If he had taken the same number of divisions he had used to invade the Soviet Union and had advanced instead into Syria or Turkey and then on into Iraq, he might have captured the petroleum facilities with little difficulty.

Field Marshall Erwin Rommel, AKA the Desert Fox and his 5th Light Division had been sent to Libya early in 1941 to assist the losing Italians, and outfought his allied opponents in North Africa despite being out numbered and ill supplied. He is generally acknowledged by historians as the best desert combat commander either side produced during the war.

2) Or he could have attacked Britain under operation Sea Lion, but this was hindered because of the RAS and British air superiority. But this was actually the consequence of another of Hitler's several mistakes. THE BLITZ. Strategic Bombing of citis was proven to be useless. While the Germans concentrated their attacks on civilian cities instead of the RAF air fields, the RAF had a chance to rebuild, regroup and get back into the war by defeating the Germans in the Battle of Britain. Otherwise, Germany could have invaded Britain. Yes.

he had all the technicians necessary to develop atomic power, but instead he sent people to the north pole to look for the entrance into the Hollow Earth.

contrary to popular belief, he didn't get rejected because his art sucked, he got rejected because he dropped out of high school to fight in WW1. After the war, when he applied, he couldn't pass the admission exams because he was too fucking stupid and ignorant

he took Nietzsche seriously

Summoned hellboy, but didn't end the world

he killed himself

This, only actual mistake he made.

He's the reason shitty white meth heads think they are somehow superior to anybody

> wrong
Lefty fucker blamed the richest 1% for all the problems in Germany. Did gassing the 1% solve any problem? ...not really.

I actually wrote a report for my history class on alternative history and how Hitler could have won the war. Yes, my choice of topic and argument was not well received by the class, but got top marks nonetheless.

Attacking Russia too soon.

He invaded Russia first.

Nietzsche is a good philosopher though

Hobbs is cool too

He fucked with Jews.

>big mistake. one does not fuck with Jews and get away with it.

nice get

anyways, Hitler really did nothing wrong.
I suppose the only wrong thing he did was let his commanders/chiefs do the gassing since he had nothing to do with it

lol hope this is bait

Treated his troops like cannon fodder during his failed Russian invasion. Attacking Russia in the first place was a mis-step. Allying with Japan. Not including Mussolini when attacking France which in turn is why he didn't include Germany when he attacked Greece which is why they got a late start on Russia in the first place. Not building a larger naval fleet and relying almost entirely on tanks and planes. Not realizing his secret codes had been broken by Turing/England.

Start a world war. Give orders to genocide the Jews and multiple other groups.

Hitler aided Mussolini and sent troops to secure the area during the Greece conquest. Likely because of asking for aid.

>Give orders to genocide the Jews and multiple other groups.

I don't see how this is bad

Didnt sack generals after proven crap perfomance

Hitler had really bad halitosis and gum disease. He also had an incestuous relationship with his niece. Oh and he was into coprophilia, and could only jizz when he saw a steaming pile of shit.

that's what my professor told me but she was a jew so she was probably lying

He did nothing wrong ..... Hail hitler.

he only had 1 ball
and the gas bill was too high

yeah and his bestie was a jew. he was against the corruption of his country, which happened to be because of jews.


> Tried to gain allies from small countries relatively close to home, not nearly enough support.
> Dumb enough to trust Russians.
> Got betrayed by Russians, and then sent troops to their turf to get slaughtered.
> Assumed Aryans were the pinnacle of mankind without scientific base.
> Hadn't killed anyone since being in service with his own hands.
> Died like a fucking cuckfag.

The dude was bitchmade and fucking retarded. I'm sick of the conspiracies that former Nazi scientists contributed anything important to science outside the medical field, which the Japanese did better. He was pathetic, terrible role-model. Nothing going for him except meme and genocide. :\

He used too many resources that could have been used on the front to save the lives of all the refugees and to prevent the Russian genocide.

He should have invent a better method than Zyklon B to stop typhoid in the refugee and internment camps, since the Americans had fewer typhoid death due to the development of DDT, it became a propaganda nightmare for the Germans.

He should have not released control of the Russian invasion strategy to his generals just because he got sick.

there's no actual proof of his suicide. just because it's what the books say, doesn't mean it's what happened.

He continually diverted materials and funds form one pet project to another. None of them flourished and the manufacture of reliable, tried and tested weapons suffered.

>He killed himself
Not according to the American and Russian declassified records.


Because Mussolini bit off more than he could chew. He purposely didn't consult or tell Hitler beforehand because he was spurned about France. It ended up costing them valueable time because it put off the Russian invasion by about 8 weeks which cost them dearly. But they should have never invaded Russia to begin with.

Should have taken more time preparing his application for the Vienna School of Painting.
Would have been a better artist than politician.

Some of his early paintings are quite good.



it was on best gore like 2 years ago and a bunch of other sites. just look it up.

lol tru. he ruined it for the rest of us. what if he had a full stache? would people be wearing the one he has now?


you can also find it on the fbi website

but he did, on numerous occasions, like his admirals, all the fucking time

invading russia

He was an art student. Instant wrong decision

in august


He had no choice but to speed up his plans and invade due to becoming terminally ill.

"Hitler's War" The author had access to his Medical Records and sources each document in the book

> to have aided...
>,,,unable to be verified...

Its been shown that Russian was getting prepared to attack the next year it was now or be on the defensive

He couldn't lactate milk from his nipples

He nearly won though.

From his perspective, Barbarossa was the best thing he could do. He knew that the US and UK were rallying against him, and he knew that once they attacked him from the west, the USSR would disobey the Molotov-Ribbentrop pack and attack from the east.

Barbarossa was a last ditch attempt to take the USSR out of the picture, allowing him to focus all of his forces on the US and UK.

a fuck ton, you only gotta start reading heisenberg's account of how much scientific progress stalled to a fucking halt under his administration

this is what interests me as a physicist

He didn't finish the job.