Earth rotates 1000mph

>Earth rotates 1000mph

>Earth orbits Sun at 18.5 miles/sec

>Sun is traveling through the space at 45,000mph

Why do the stars spin in a perfect circle?

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Its the center of the universe, and thats a cycle of night, dickhead.

are you retarded?

shit not you i meant op

Thanks user, just wanted to confirm Earth is the center of the Universe.

Before someone tries to explain that the stars are affected by Earth's gravity.

Its ok m8. I forgiv u bby

>how does relative motion work
Don't skip classes, op.

Why do I have to be retarded?

>Asking important questions

>You are retarded, but I have no good reason.

star are far

Star wherever you are

How can the earth be spinning at 1000mph? We would all fly off you cockwomble!

Op is so retarded, even niggers do the wat face st him.


earth is not the center of the universe dumb fucks

I meant that what the earth is orbiting is orbiting another mass which in turn, maybe orbiting the center of the universe.

If the closest star is 93 million miles away.

How is that affected by physics at all?

Relative motion doesn't apply to the stars.

We're actually born going -1000mph and we maintain that speed most of our lives. If the Earth ever stopped spinning we'd be launched at -1000mph in the opposite direction.

Hardy har har
Also chekd


I already know the answer, I just want you guys to think for yourselves. Maybe use a little bit of that common sense, and intuition.

Actually it is
But so is every other point in the universe because is expanding equally from all directions there is no true centre, it's wherever you measure from so for us it's the earth

Not a flat earther btw

Because of parallax, mong

You are stupid. The sun is orbiting the milky way.

The sun is traveling through space, at 45,000 mph.

So you're saying the sun will drift off the milky way and become a rogue star eventually?


On a Heliocentric model everything orbits the sun btw.

You can't just make up random shit.

Have you never heard of centrifugal force? The earth spins at 1 revolution per day. That's what a day is. Jeez.

It's God's plan. It's perfect.

The planets orbit the sun, and the sun, in turn orbits the center of the milky way, a supermassive black hole, i aint making up random shit.

Why do the stars form a perfect circle then?

The sun is orbiting the center of the galaxy

The galaxy is speeding towards andromedia 250,000 mph.

our two gravity lock galaxies are moving away from all other galaxies at a speed directly proportional to there distance they are already from us.

The universe is expanding away from us faster than the speed of light

I want of this ride.

As you can see, the camera has a focal point. Notice the stars movements? All just short and noticeable. Thats them through the night.

The stars are so vastly far from us that the earth's motion around the sun and the sun's motion through the galaxy change the position of those stars relative to us a negligible amount. Meanwhile, earth's rotation changes the relative position of each star by πd radians per day.

Almost. Only at the equator. Your speed diminishes approximately by the product of 1040 (the more precise speed at the equator) times the cosine of your latitude. That goes to zero by the time to get to either pole.

That answer isn't good enough.

>Camera has a focal point, all stars orbit the camera

You can not handle the truth.

We live on a geocentric model. Where we are the center of the universe, and the sun, moon, and everything else orbits around us like clock work?

I can handle logical thinking.

Oh, good grief. This may not be exactly correct, but it's a shitload closer than almost everyone's posts so far.

Its a trick. http://

Cuz the earth is fucking flat and science is the devil


Ohh, so it's another I'm not suppose to believe my eyes kind of thing?

Because everything else is really
fucking far away

and they don't.

Watched that last night actually, after seeing all these Flat Earth threads recently, got me thinking. Thanks for posting user.

>why do the stars move in a perfect circle?
They're not. Earth is rotating in a circle.
They're so far away that their motion isn't noticeable. You're looking at a "fixed object" (it's not really, it only appears that way) from a point that is spinning. The camera is what's moving, not the stars. That isn't their path. That's an effect created by standing on top of a rotating object looking at a fixed point.

Photography is a lie itself. Deception. A capture of the external side of things. The attractive deception. It grabs your mind.

You got it man, I actually saw it a few days ago for the first time and is had me thinking about it since...

They just appear to form a perfect circle, but they really aren't? It's all an illusion?

> Star trails are actually a reflection of our planet Earth’s rotation

That is really dumb, and doesn't make any logical sense.

Guess I'm just "too dumb" to understand anything.

Look up at your ceiling right now and spin around in place.
Huh, kinda looks like the OP pic right? May be hard to see with a flat blank ceiling.


He isn't spinning in a circle with the camera looking up. He's sitting perfectly still, and the sky is moving around him.

You logic doesn't compute.


Good watch, if anyone is curious about this.


The entire planet the camera is on is rotating and the stars are (from our point of view) stationary.

You might be, this shit isn't hard
You're standing on a rotating object.
Earth is blue, the direction it spins is denoted by the green arrow. You are at the point denoted by the red dot, looking in the direction that the yellow arrow points.

The black dots are stars and they appear to be not moving because of the distance which is really much greater than the picture shows.

When you are looking at fixed objects, but you are spinning, it seems like those objects are moving in a circular path. They aren't really.

Take a camera and spin it fast with the lens facing up. You'll see the same effect as long as you're looking at fixed objects.

How did you come to this conclusion though?

Couldn't the Earth be stationary, and the stars, sun, and moon are the ones rotating around us? Even comets come back every 75 years.

Doesn't that make logical sense?

He's standing on an object that is rotating.
He IS spinning.

The stars themselves have a cycle from our perspective that takes thousands of years to rotate once. In fact, compared to when they were first conceived, the zodiac signs are off by a month due to the changing night sky.


Oh god, stop skipping class. Is this image what you're describing?

No it can't be because it's not possible and defies the laws of physics, namely gravity.
The center planet would need to have the strongest gravitation pull, so it would also have to have the most mass. But the sun is more massive than the earth. So why is it farther out than small planets like mercury? And why don't the outer planets gravitate around the sun?

The model doesn't work.

They don't.

>Oh god, stop skipping class. Is this image what you're describing?

No, it isn't. I didn't skip class. It's just the ideas in these government mandated textbooks I've been reading since the age of 6 don't really make sense.

Also gravity doesn't really make sense.

I don't want you explain to me why gravity makes sense. I want you to see it from my perspective.

Stop thinking you know everything, and do a little research of your own. You'd be surprised how fast the heart can change once something actually clicks.

>the heart
Think with your mind, dummy.

Gravity definitely exists, bud. Jump off a building and see if it's fake or not.

From your perspective, I see:
>someone who refused to accept facts because of the source of those facts
>someone who is unable to understand these basic facts
>someone who believes in a psuedoscience, backed by youtube videos and not research
Any one of the above

I do, apparently.

That's why I can see both sides of the argument.

And not just call you a dummy for not seeing it from my point of view.

ITT: Asking middle/high school grade questions.

Wew back to class.

>Why do the stars spin in a perfect circle?
they dont


Logical maybe, mathmatically no.

>Earth orbits Sun at 18.5 miles/sec

You've got to think, that regardless of how fast it is, we're only moving 1/730th of the entire orbit around sun on a given night.

Same with the sun relative to the center of galaxy, it's a tiny fraction of an angle.

So they're not spinning perfectly straight, but the difference is just not noticeable.

How can a flat earth be spinning??

Thing is, your point of view has been proven false for centuries. Your point of view is incorrect.
This is not an opinion matter, this is the reality of the universe we live in.

A.) You can explain gravity with density, bouyancy, air pressure, and temperature.

Real physics ya know?

B.) I didn't say gravity doesn't exist. I said it doesn't make sense. Which is true. Since gravity isn't even the strongest force.

first of all everyone shut the fuck up
its not only gravity but also magnetism what shapes galaxy
and unlike solar system where the star has the most of the mass , galaxy mass is spread evenly on those 300 billion stars , that center black hole is not so heavy compared to the whole system
thats why galaxy spins almost like a cd

Please explain A

According to your own words you use your heart i.e. your emotions to dictate your opinions, which is my definition of stupid. You obviously have the capacity to have come to the correct conclusion, you chose not to. Look up, stare at a focal point, and spin around, the universe must have just revolved around you, bc you saw it happen.

Because the stars are light years away.
Compared to how much Earth moves around the Sun, it's nothing to the distance that the stars are at from us.

density = specific gravity.

>You can explain gravity with density, bouyancy, air pressure

this should answer why stars appear to be moving in a circle

Sun in the centre of the galaxy... god fuck your education sucks ass

The earth is a triangle.

Density = mass per unit volume. How much X we can fit into Y.
Specific gravity = the ratio of a substance's density compared to a reference (such as the density of water).
>They are not the same thing


Steam rises because it's less dense than air at a certain temperature.

You can't fly, because your body is made up mostly of water, which is more dense than air.


If you're considering the plausibility of a flat Earth, I suggest you use a term other than "thinking" for what your brains are doing.

It's not actually a perfect circle.

On average, they move about 1/60 of a degree every 6 months. You're not going to notice, but computers can.

That's how we figure out the distances to the stars.

Let people think for themselves

And you can go back to exposing innocent people on the Internet, fapping, and bashing on people to make yourself feel better.

Steam doesn't rise forever. If it did, the oceans would be gone.
It rises above the more dense subtances but it is still bound to the earth by gravity.
See those clouds above your head? (You have to actually go outside for this one)... they're water. Why don't they float away?

You can't fly because you have mass. Your density is irrelevant.
You have mass and earth has more mass, and therefore a stronger gravitational pull.

Sup Forums is a family community of moms and concerned parents trying to provide the best possible lives for their kids.
Who cares if it's obviously false? Let people think for themselves.


Why does a less dense gas rise and a heavier gas fall?

There's SOMETHING pulling the more dense gas down.

i.e. the mass of the fucking planet. Dear god.

>You've got to think, that regardless of how fast it is, we're only moving 1/730th of the entire orbit around sun on a given night.

Furthermore, even if you were to photograph the sky over the course of half a year, that baseline is so small that only a few dozen stars appeared to shift positions on highly-magnified Earth-based photographs. It took placing ultra-precise satellites built with the specific purpose of measuring parallax to measure farther out.

Look at this site,

You wonder why people talk about killing themselves everyday?

No surprise here.


I don't wonder, it's clear why

Do we send satellites into space to take pictures of other satellites?

>You can't fly, because your body is made up mostly of water, which is more dense than air.

He's actually right, you know. The flip side is, if we were less dense than air, we'd have a hard time staying on the ground. Think hot air balloon. Overall (combined low-density hot air with the highly-dense material, basket, and aeronaut), the density of the balloon is less than the surrounding air until it reaches an altitude where the two are equal.

What the fuck are you even talking about at this point?

If I'm a hot air baloon, am I still affected by gravity?

I just have a lot of questions.

There are a lot of things that don't make sense.

I'm trying to open your mind,

It might be that some paranoid government might have one to do that, but it's very expensive to implement. It's more likely that ground-based telescopes track and photograph unknown satellites. That's even within the capability of amateur scopes now.

Probably digressing into "satellites aren't real"

Look up "Satellite" on Google images.

Tell me if any of them look real, and not shooped.