Sup Forums, what are your thoughts on these accurate studies on race and IQ...

Sup Forums, what are your thoughts on these accurate studies on race and IQ? Do you accept the fact that the human race has evolved, and that there are subspecies of human? Do you accept that 99% DNA being common is bullshit, because we share 98% of DNA with chimps? Do you accept reality?

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iq doesnt make you happy


IQ is a meaningless way to measure "intelligence." IQ is more of a "test taking ability" test than it is a proxy measure for legitimate intelligence. In addition, it is not surprising that african americans score lower on tests because their culture dos not glorify test taking like white people (and look to asians who glorify it even more and score even higher on IQ tests on average.)

This. Also education raises IQ. No wonder low income countries do worse in IQ tests

Why is it that blacks have invented much less than whites and Asians, despite having more resources around them? Do you really deny that genetics plays a role in intelligence?

Fake facts.

OP makes shit up.

I'm white.

As does proper nutrition and being read to as a kid, along with having both loving parents and a stable household outside the poverty line.

Black people aren't genetically dumber than white people, it's all cultural and circumstantial, and while a legitimate gap currently exists, it is much more likely that it is due to circumstantially causes than intrinsic ones.

Evidently whites are generally on average smarter than blacks, the proof is all around you.

Doesnt mean blacks are dumb perse, some blacks are brilliant.

Slightly intelligent whites also have jobs and live functional lives, so can blacks.

Its funny how its fine to say that asians are on average smarter than whites, but if you say whites are on average smarter than blacks then its suddenly racist.

Why do blacks still perform poorly despite all the money poured into their education? Why do they get into college easier than other groups? Doesn't that imply that they are less intelligent?

It's mostly that Black people are in worse economic situations, most likely due to the history of prejudice, and poorer people score lower on the IQ. It has absolutely nothing to do with genetics, just nurture fucktard.

They invented peanut butter and loving watermelon. Black people weren't allowed to go to fucking college in america between 1700 and like 1960. And you're acting as if they're intrinsically dumb? Please tell me how you discovered quantum mechanics in your mom's basement with a highschool education.

Maybe it is really because. No need to invent irrigation if crops grow like weed on their own, is there? No need to invent a crazy amount of weapons to kill competetion when resources are plentiful.

There has been study after study proving you wrong. If two groups have been far apart for thousands of years, does political correctness prevent evolution?

Blacks perform poorly because their childhoods are still fucked up. Not having 2 loving parents and poor nutrition affects their brain much more than their later in life education. Look up the "Standford marshmallow experiment." Growing up with a ghetto ass black mom in poverty damages their brain more than higher education can overcome.

Black kids adopted into rich white families are also dumb as hell.

Evolution isn't necessary. Poor childhood experiences explain it all. Growing up in poverty makes the person's brain dumber by like 30 iq points. Look up average hispanic's intelligence, it follows similar trends.

there were subspecies of human, and our ancestors mated with them you autistic fag

Percisely. If there is no need for advanced intelligence to survive, that is not naturally selected. That is how evolution works.
They invented food. Whites took us to the moon. They have been given access to college for 50 years. Why should they be given a handicap for their race?

Don't they have college's in Africa...?

Ever seen Boys n the hood? Because US of A shits on social responsibilities of course. In Scandinavia blacks are as well off as whites. Our problematic group is sand niggers. And why? Because they are given the same conditions here as blacks are in the US. Funny huh. And the succesfull sand niggers I came to know at Uni, well they didnt come from ghettos. Their history was the same tho - family fled from war

What study, genius? The one you just made up?

refer to

The source is in the fucking picture for you to verify,

but instead of doing research, you just attempt to discredit the information by attacking the person.

Really show7's you've not much of value to add to this discussion.

"Due to confounding of social and biological factors, it was inconclusive in terms of determining relative environmental or biological contributions to racial differences in IQ – as the study's result could be interpreted as supporting either hypothesis."

You can't exclude environmental factors. Black students could be socially picked on for being black and adopted resulting in lower outcomes. In addition, prenatal nutrition DEFINITELY affects a kid's life, so how do you explain that white people getting better nutrition than black people during pregnancy? In addition, an IQ of 95 is pretty damn "average." So it's not saying black people are below average, it's saying above average white people raising an average black kid doesn't raise him above average? Who would have guessed.

these don't look like sandniggers to me. Look up somoli rape gangs. Gangrape was almost nonexistant in sweden before migrants came.

I don't see a 95 there, user. Kids with two subhuman parents averaged at 84.

>could be socially picked on
Yeah and I was picked on as a fat white kid all throughout school, yet I managed to get a master's degree in math. Do you think white kids don't get any hardships in life?

Blacks meet widespread discrimination in the educational system, thus giving them a poorer school life. That considered, four points is quite good. Also four points on has no practical consequense

I had a shit diet when I was a kid. I was given formula instead of breastmilk. I have an IQ of 125. Environment plays a role but so do genetics. You cannot deny one or the other.

He pulled a Bernie Sanders lmao

>Blacks perform poorly because their childhoods are still fucked up.

Go on... who's fucking up their lives?

There are no gang rape gangs in Sweden. It is right wing propaganda.

Tell me more about how you make circular arguments, dr.

Their black parents.

95 is the IQ at age 7 for black kids. Go look at the actual wikipedia page. Who would have guessed that black kids figure out they have adoptive parents easily and that fucks them up after like age 10 when they retest their IQ's at age 17? White kids can't tell they're adopted as easily and don't get made fun of for it as well as having better nuntrition during their mother's pregnancy. The study concluded no conclusions could be drawn from it yet you're here insisting it could be. What makes your opinion better than the scientists who conducted the study themselves?

You can try to falsify history and news, kike kid, but the truth will always leak out.

All those newspaper articles are rightwing propaganda? The photo evidence of that girl's bleeding face is rightwing propaganda?

>Not having 2 loving parents and poor nutrition affects their brain much more than their later in life education.
Then why are adopted white kids who spent years in a shitty institute still manage to grow up as decent human beings?

>Hurr durr reading a wikipedia page makes me liberal, ignorance is cool kids. MAGA

Ignoring all the white drug dealer, serial killers, rapists, and pedophiles etc. with troubled pasts

samefag here, I will preface this by saying I'm voting for Gary Johnson

Attacks happen. Media covers it. Sand nigger perp.
>all sand niggers like to gang rape

Attack happens. Media covers. White xtian perp.
>what a horrible person

this study was made nearly 30 years ago. You should find one more up to date.

statistically? they fucking don't

Look at all these cucks defending their retarded nigger masters!

TBH Rich jewish guys are our masters IDK what crack you're smoking.

Are you seriously trying to say that there are more white drug dealers and murderers than black?
user niggers commit half of the murders in the US while barely accounting for 10% of the population.

Crime rate of whites is far lower, but of course there are degenerate whites who commit awful things.


Please see the red column here which shows that adopted white kids are barely below kids born into a stable family.

You cannot ignore that a minority in your nation is responsible for a majority of rapes. You also cannot deny that rape has risen significantly sinc migrants showed up. You have fallen for government propaganda. good job. Sweden yes!


seems like the kind of study that would never get funded or govt. participation nowadays.

>... Also education raises IQ. ...

Do you have proof of this? For the most part IQ tests things which are not knowledge, but reasoning.

This is very easily explainable due to economic circumstances. Look at crime statistics from mostly white countries. The crime is driven by poor people regardless of race.

Rich people don't get caught or arrested for lying, stealing, killing, or dealing drugs, Cops focus their resources on arresting and convicting poor people because it's easier to jail them because their lawyers suck and conviction rates drive job performance for them.

How do you explain white trailer trash appalachia having higher white crime rates than inner city black people?

>Rich people don't get caught or arrested for lying, stealing, killing, or dealing drugs,
>b-but dem white bois get away with everything!
Now you're just pulling things out of your ass. You absolutely cannot back this up with facts.
poor white kids actually commit less crime than rich black kids

that's besides the point.
30 years ago was much different than now, you can't make a blanket statement on something that was statistically relevant before most of this site's users were born.

inb4 sjw cuck niggerlover

Less likely to go to jail =/= less likely to commit crimes

In which units are those 0,35, 0,36 and 0,81.
If this is in percent it proves nothing.

Shitty study, see

The fact the government won't do studies like this anymore is evident that the results wouldn't be politically correct.

If you can't understand the chart, don't try to sound smart.

>the police are racist!!!!
Keep grasping at those straws.

You also cannot prove that it is because of race and not social circumstances. In Denmark violence has declined for 25 years straight, but immigration is higher than ever

how do you know?

where's your evidence.

So whites commit violent crime in secret?

>If you can't understand the chart, don't try to sound smart.
I never did that and you didn't gave me an answer.

Because the resources around them have negated the need for innovation. There's no reason to come up with something new when you've already got everything you need.

> keep grasping at straws
Said the guy who literally just used a strawman argument.

but are those circumstantial causes that that put themselves in due to their genetic makeup?
Does certain DNA make up a fucking idiot and does being a fucking idiot due to having bad DNA make you do stupid shit that puts you in bad circumstances?
The logical answer of course is yes.
So white people are better.
Thankyou for helping to prove my point.

Yes. The kind of reasoning taught in western schools. Did you know, that there are peoples who cannot see 2d pictures? Their eyes take time to adjust because they've never seen such things before. Still they build whole cities in the jungle. IQ test bias is strong

Still surprised the whites are denying that. I'm a Mexican and I know it.

We just operate differently. Fuck society, fuck the greater picture. There's around fifteen people that I care about and I would do anything it takes to keep them well. I don't care if I have to murder, rob, threaten, die; as long as they are fine nothing else really matters.
If I don't have the money, I will take it.

The article that was linked in the post I responded to

>The fact the government won't do studies like this anymore is evident that the results wouldn't be politically correct.

or no company is dumb enough to actually fund a racial based iq study because no matter the outcome it would ruin their likability and customer approval

its on 4chin it must be true

franc fuckers are stupid

If 10 niggers go to prison and 1 rich white man, statistics will show that it's mostly poor people who go to prison, while ignoring that niggers have 10 times the crime rate compared to whites.

No one denies that more niggers are sent to prison than whites, but they also commit far more crime. You cannot say from this data that whites are less likely to get sentenced.

Which is why they don't need larger brains to adapt to their environment.

A lot of things happen between the committing of a crime and the potential sentencing.
Try to think with at least a little nuance.

the one in the bottom right looks like pic related

Not really,
if the outcome was completely equal, they'd be praised into the heavens.

In law school we saw studies which showed, that rich boys are much less likely to get sanctioned for the same crimes as poor boys.

Also Imma throw this bomb: young men are the most criminal group without competition and regardless of race. How does that fit your bigot views?

Stealing to feed your family is very different from murdering a white teen for her iphone.
Niggers are far more ruthless and greedy than mexicans.

but they'd lose the support of like 50% of Americans which are total fucking racists lol
myself included probably

I mean you have an extra chromosome and are a fucking retard, so i guess genetics does account for some of it.

But really, there are like NEGLIGIBLE differences between races AFTER we account for KNOWN reasons IQ differs between people. FINALLY IQ is not a good measure for intelligence or life success or a lack of committing crime, they are all correlative not causative.

>young men are the most criminal group

>without competition and regardless of race
False. Same age young niggers will still commit 10 times as much crime per capita as young white kids.

>regardless of race
I'd love to see that study. Link?

Even after controlling for income level, education, and having loving parents? The problems are multi-dimensional and isolating a variable to prove it is almost impossible.


Young men of any race are the most criminal. Look at prison statistics. All men, very few women.

Maybe, but remember that that environment is where the majority of intellectual development occurred to result in homo sapiens.

Not accurate. Homemade bait.

We have plenty of statistics, several posted in the thread, that nigger parents have a far bigger correlation to crime than poverty.

this also has to do with society's intrinsic desire to protect women. The few who do commit crime are less likely to be found guilty, have shorter prison sentences, and are more likely to get out on parole compared to men.

That is true. A combination of low IQ and high testosterone breeds crime. That is why many criminals are young black males.

>implying you can't learn reasoning skills
You are retarded.

The only source posted said nigger parents made for dumb kids, but the study itself said no conclusion could be drawn. The Color of Crime implies correlation = causation which is hilariously dumb.

You realize that a harsh cold environment requires high intelligence in order to create primitive technology required to survive in, correct?

I wasn't disagreeing with you

that link didn't work nigger try again