How would you commit suicide if you had to?

how would you commit suicide if you had to?

im a pussy and i would do it with meds

I wish I could hang myself, I find it the most tasteful. Gun it shall be though.

Just think this: you dont have to suffer

I would commit suicide by living a successful life, starting a family, creating a name for myself, becoming a legend, making a lot of money in the process, becoming old, eventually getting cancer, and then dying with my family surrounding me.

I'd go out in a rampage. Kill everything fuck everyone I'm dying anyways.

>Living life is just the painful way to kill yourself

Hmm probably asphyxiation by laughing gas. I would kek myself to death.

If you could just press a button to dissapear instantly, without a pain - would you do it?

One of my good friends took his family boat out by himself last week and drank until late the sun went down. Then he shot himself.
Try dying doing something you loved, your friends will understand.
>R.I.P Alex Gadson, Born of Kings

Sorry bro

Time bomb strapped to chest, shoot myself off the side of a building so that halfway down the timer runs out

Shotgun to the Dick.

Cut radial artery and do something batshit crazy that you guys would suggest in my last minute

Thank you man

My dad would be pissed of more about towing the boat back than my death.


Pig spear trap. Bing it bitches.


It was a pretty solid "fuck you dad" on his part

Exit bag. Easiest way to go.

True. I'm dead and you have to come get your boat.

i'd get myself as many guns as possible and go full suicidal vigilante mode and take down as many lowlife scumbags and drug dealers and the likes as i could before they got me.

if possible make as big a mess as possible, spread a fucking fire around and get a big shootout.

either i get back my taste for life and fight for it or i'll die having made someone's life better and cleaning society a bit.

die having made someones life better and cleaning society.

making peoples lifes better by killing in cold blood who arent meeting my personal standards.

you should really just start with yourself, becouse you sound like a bigger problem yourself.

I've tried hanging, cutting and OD. I guess I couldn't even do that right lol. But don't do it, life is preddy gud.


by falling asleep in the bath

A slow irreversible painful way brah.

You should learn how to greentext.

I would take a fucking revolver , put one bullet inside , list the reasons why i dont want to live anymore (take infinity out of this) and play as many times russian roulette as n. of reasons.

If nothin happens something is telling you to stop being a pussy and stand up

other outcomes R.I.P †

hard to get the right gas

Personally I would tie a noose around my neck then jump off a bridge so that about 3/4 of the way down it ripped my head off (you only actually need about 5 meters to achieve this but the higher the more spectacular it is) it would probably put me on the news. Of course I would record and live-stream the whole thing.

take 50 LSD, and jump out of a plane

Damn straight

I'd do like this user, but around the age of 50, I'd tell my family I have a huge announcement to make, call them all together, tell them they all collectively ruined my life, draw my .44 and blow my head off.

hopefully they'll all get splattered with blood and bits of brain

But what if you hallucinate a parachute and land safely?


They would also get splattered with being mentally scarred for the rest of their lives.

metal, dude

I hope we're related because I would hate to miss that show

>set all the elephants free from a zoo
>go on elephant rampage in the city
>get taken down by swat maybe

>Here's whatchyou've gotta do:

Tie wire around your neck to hang yourself, super glue your hands to your head, hang yourself.

>When someone finds you it'll look like you ripped off your own head.

you dear sir are a fucking retard. the success rate with meds is pretty low and the repercusions... do some research kido b4 shitposting

I was suicidal a few years back
Did a lot of risky shit cuz I didn't give a fuck
I skydived with intent of going solo (you can't solo skydive without 3 tandems)
I wanted to just fall to my death
Skydiving is one of the most uncomfortable feelings - so falling from a high distance is out
Motion sick, ears popping, I was actually pretty scared (jumped twice at 18,000 feet so had a minute and a half free fall)

Tldr; I would recommend meds

definitely heroin

Old and stale

This. I'd do it once so that I don't become a junkie before I die.

Yeah I would do that like so. To be honest this would be hilarious, however you would probably need more than superglue to keep yourself from losing your head, probably a lot of duct tape.

Jump off building and blow my brains out with a hollow point halfway down

before i'd overdose I would buy a shit ton of golden retriever puppies, go to a large empty grass field and then overdose while im covered in cute fucking puppies. I'd probably die from a happiness before the heroin kills me.
>I dont give a fuck if they would eat me after death, im dead, wtf should i care for

Spoiler: you forget the bullets and land rough. you're paralysed from the neck down.

Nothing would matter when you're about to commit suicide.
You could do anything you want.
Just like that film: Leaving Las Vegas.

I would draw kitchen knife and run to nerby black ghetto and take out as many I can

set myself on fire in a strangers house and then shoot my self

Not easy without gas, tried it with a bag and a rubber band, seemed to go well for the first 5mins, then felt like I was breathing with an elephant on my chest, idk why I took it off. I'm too much of a failure to successfully kill myself

get drunk asf and then go to a nearby bridge
worked for several people i've known
>dont fucking kill yourself

yup because murderers, drug dealers and the like are all wonderful people who totally don't kill others for money, especially the defenseless, and ruin lives on a daily basis. you're right killing them would be totally wrong and an act of pure evil.

>implying a man who is about to kill himself gives a fuck about any of that.

Fucking kek'd

im scared of heights so id hurl mahself of of a tall building, to conquer my fears

Don't plan on It anymore, I wanted to die, but I told myself that I should consider old me dead and try to remake myself. Has worked great so far!!

shotgun ideally. but more realistically i'd do it multiple ways to make sure it worked. get drunk, swallow allll the pills, 20 mins later tie a rope around neck, set fire to rope, jump off something very tall. pills kill me, rope snaps my neck then burns in half, and i fall the rest of the way.

damn son

My suicide plan was this (i wussed out)
But at least 30 foot of rope.
Buy linoleum knife (optional for gusto)
Go to 16 foot overpass
Double rope and make at least a two foot noose.
Slice guts open as you jump allowed you to not hit the ground..but your intestines will.
This annoys the drivers below with their blood rain.

Try to actually do it, if you're too scared to do it then it means you don't want to die and you're just an attention seeker, if you really want to die we wouldn't be having this conversation.

actualy my gf did this in school age, she was saved by doctors. She says that, it was not to hard to take overdose, its obly take a hand full of random pills. Im kinda scared that she might do this again(

By fucking as many woman as possible until my dick fell off. Then just anhero.

Rent a boat and fill it to the brim with beer and liquor. Set sail to the middle of the ocean and let the cruel god fate take me down.

I would let trips decide

Just a gunshot to the head, once I sell most of my shut I'll probably buy a shotgun and an hero. I'd like to try heroin before I do it though.

Hanging or gun

also, please sit naked in tub for the sake of the cleanup crews.

I would wait for a train and lay my head on the railtrack. I think it's quick and painless, I'm dead before my brain receives the pain.