How do you cope with not being rich?

How do you cope with not being rich?

major in computer science and dietetics, make some buddies, work abroad and then try to open my own business developing nutrition software and consultations etc

Imagine everything I would do if I was rich then use that as fuel to work harder

By being happy with the things I have

By being rich.

Whatever. At least nobody fucking bothers me about lending them money.

more like. not being a bitch

Oh, I'm rich.

You'll wake up someday

im comfortable enough to know im not rich but not poverty. following a plan is better than not trying anything

Stop being a jealous cunt and appreciate what i have

I am rich when my dad died I got a huge inheritance and he was amazing with accounting and all that sort of shit and with life insurance I'm a millionaire now and will get 100k a year for 10 years. I was his only son but.grew up with my mom and sisters, gave them a huge sum and we grew up in dirt pretty much so I'm happy. Thank god for cholesterol, I salute you.


i do not. my life suck.

so were you always a shit bag or did the money turn you into one?

You ever try to reach something like 2 shelves to high and you end up knocking over everything on the couple below it ? Aim for a decent high comfortable area that you can reach with your tip toes. Don't dream too big and live in disappointment

I was definitely always a dick been in jail a few times for drugs, juvie once I guess for sort of burning down a lot of stuff. Why am I a shit bag other then that

Actually now I say I'm muuuuch less of a dick, I mostly just throw parties now and have fun, and started day trading and invested well. I was a research chemist so wad sort of set from that but thought fuck it I'm going to start a farm

Thinking hard work can get you anywhere. The game is rigged dumbass.

well, working abroad to make more than in my own country is definitely an option for me. im not a native english speaker but i got 9 in IELTS certs

doesn't bother me. I'm doing ok. just have to apply yourself OP

being rich sounds like working 60 hours a week and never being home, no thanks. Don't confuse money with happiness

early retirement man

Yeah. But almost none of them do that. The more you eat, the more you need.