Who do you main in League of Legends?

Who do you main in League of Legends?

No matter what my role is, I run to mid, push the creeps back to the towers, die early and often, and pretend I don't speak engilish by using Korean characters in chat.

is that a game or something?

I main Bristleback and Lion.

You don't wanna ride the bus like this
Never knowing who to trust like this
You don't wanna be stuck up on that stage singing
Stuck up on that stage singing
All I know, are sad songs, sad songs


Vayne, ezreal, kalista, lee sin

Taking that song, putting it in my running mix.

Ashe and Ezreal


I ship it

triforce or fist?

fist then triforce, the slow effect is nice to have

lol? i play smite like a non-fag

You exist under gold elo.

your mum

started playing last week bruh

>Playing videogames

>current year
>bragging about playing a sub-par game

>I wanna see some freaky double monster action on poor little Jinx going dick crazy.

it shows

alright then lemme help, don't build both. Pick one. The reason they are so expensive is bc sheen proc. You cant stack it so why buy it twice? Get frozen fist and just buy crit and aspd

Rek'Sai and Shen

Your mum

Kennen, Leona, Taric.

Sona, Morgana, Nami

Teemo because I'm a faggot

Thresh, braum, blitz.

Love me some support kills and making the carry rage. Then going to annoy the other jungler.


your mum.


right, thanks man ill remember that

>poor little Jinx
She's likely to scare them both away.

I second this

anyone in bronze-gold elo that would like to be boosted visit tlk io/ boost also anyone that would like coaching or comprehensive lessons can visit the same place just specify what you'd like


fawkin tryndamere, also your mum you fucking faggot




olaf fam


So you play league? Tell me more.

Zac. So I can floop on people.

Now this is what I call shitposting.