Any love for Hungary? They've been surprisingly solid

Any love for Hungary? They've been surprisingly solid.

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>tfw missed all goals except for last one because of my flatmates
gib webms pls

Should've beat the Portuguese!


Wew lad. I mean, of course I believed in not losing, but, having a match this intense. Hell, it's the best outcome I couldve imagined.


Indeed you guys have been impressive. Besides Dzsudzsak i didn't knew a single hungarian player, but your boys leave everything on the pitch. That's passion!

They're been my favourite side this tournament.

I've been supporting them the entire tournament

>the entire team isn't worth nearly as much as the opponent's top player
>still manage to give them a hard time

I never believed I will see this day. Don't forget, we haven't even made it to an international cup in decades, let alone advance. This is the first time my generation, and even many before mine see something like this.

magyar bros supported us in hockey, I'm glad to return the favor

I'd go as far as to say they've been the most exciting team so far in this tournament


They made Ronaldo angry.

I wish them well.

And our best midfielders didn't even play. Looking forward to our autumn clash!

We qualified because a guy from National League THREE beat Norway on his first international match. Later he manages to be MOTM in Euros.

It's not only you, not even we know our players

keep them coming please

live feed from BP

Other angle.

I was supporting them for pure keks, didn't expect to see such a solid campaign at all. Now I'm excited to see what they'll do in the elimination phase.

Check em.

Pole here, yes Hungary,

My teams are #1 Poland,#2 Hungary, #3 Iceland

Your goals are all so impressive, great passing. I'm super jealous.

>not knowing based Kleini before he was exiled to Vidi II

favourite team

anybody got a quality webm or gif of this


I'm always proud to be a hungarian but now...
We showed it again to the world!

Kiváncsi vagyok mit hoz ki ebből a Népszava meg a 444

>best player played in nb3

amúgy én akkor is örültem már, kellettek az új játékosok a csapatba.

Really solid at attacking, the meme GK too old to play though

It's ok though because memes

uhm, 444 has been supportive of the team the entire time

444 on suicide watch

I'm having 100% success with my strategy of bandwagoning countries based on film directors I like

Amusingly most places had Hungary finishing 4th and Austria being dark horses for the whole tournament

Viktor pls.

az index ma a szurkolókat kutyázta/nácizta a fekete póló miatt

The group stage games coincided with my family reunion in Hungary. It was the most fun I have had watching any sport. Unfortunately I have to go back to the US tomorrow

Kraly Pants
Dat Pornstars and qt 3.14
Dat border control

How can this be?

We are just based, that's all.

I do.

They were my dark horse since before day one. I'll keep shilling for Hungary, but I think Belgium will kill them.

What do you do in life? How come you live in the US

I love you hunbros, especially the Palvin and the ChRonaldo butthurt
Koszonom szepen.

desu a nácis ultra fasszopókat tényleg máglyára kéne már dobni, kb pár tucat köcsög kopasz tibi. hogy lehet valaki ennyire retardált hogy horogkeresztet nyomat magára, aztán mutogatja?

t. újpesti lakos

My father moved to the US in 1980 I was born there.

If you want a real memorable experience head down to the streets of Budapest tonight.

Élvezze a gyümölcsök német munkaerő





>tfw thought that the game is gonna be a 0-0
>rather sat at home with AC on than to go out and be a normie at a potentially boring game that has no stakes

Fucking hell. What's the best outdoor viewing experience? Akvárium? Margitsziget?

Pretty sure there are a fuck ton of people around Deak.

most of the big outdoor places are fucking awful, best choice is either watching it with friends at your / your friends place if any of you lives in the belváros, or at a smaller pub, taking a few drinks then heading out after the match,


Yeah but I was there at the Champions League Final a few weeks back and you literally couldn't see the giant projector at Akvárium, and I'm assuming hella lot more people are watching this. Def watching the next game in public tho, or at a smaller pub like says
inb4 we lose

Cool. You got a based father. So lucky

I have a friend who lives in Mosonmagyarovar, even in the little shit towns apparently it's mad

Me and my brothers watched the game in the square near the chain bridge. Our flight is at 06:00 tommorrow though so we came back to our hotel after

>Dat pornstars

I'm not understand this. I'm from Budapest btw

We need to update this with CR7's autismo rage, but otherwise, Thank you Kopasz Kapus


look mama i'm edgy

hey I am from Mosonmagyaróvár though I live at Pécs bc of my university. Shit was pretty crazy at the LED screen

Yup. Before the euros everybody was saying how we won't even advance to the next rounds and how we'll be last of our group and probably won't even score any goals... and then, we manage to advance as first of our group, unbeaten, with 6 goals. It doesn't matter what happens next, it's already a big thing that our guys made this far.

you drunk huh?


Small world lel
I'm genuinely happy for you guys, deserve to have a good run purely for what your country did for football and for your world cup you got cheated out of

Thank you Kopasz Kapus

Only saw them against Northern Ireland in the qualis so didn't know that much about them, but I've been impressed. Great work ethic and entertaining to watch too. Hope they continue to impress after this tournament.

Thank you Kopasz Kapus

A 444 nagyon rá van pörögve a válogatottra, hetek óta másról sem szól az oldal.

Ja, de ha most vesztettünk volna mindenhol csak az Orbánozás menne... Akkora köpönyegforgatók, hogy hányok

shoutout my main nigga Kopasz Kapus for keepin it reel

magyar cigani

That's not budapest right?

We don't have wiring that shit.

nyilván most, hogy fut a szekér, szétszopkodják a válogatott faszát. ha netán nem ment volna nekünk, ment volna a felcsútozás

>klassszik köpönyegforgató álságos zsidó tempó


You now remember that Hungary was the best team in the world in 1954

>Hungary does extremly well in the euros
>suddenly Orban's gorillion stadiums are justified
Not the first time he foresaw the future, remember he started hating migrants months before they got here

De am inkább az ultrákon meg felcsúton pörögnek, amiken azért lehet

sieg heil nem volt tatárjárás éljen rákosi

Hunanon here, I was still at work at Deak. But we were able to watch the game. The downtown part of the city was electrified and exploded from every goal. It was an amazing feeling. And the trolling from Kiraly and the rest of the from the end? LEL BTW the raging of Ronaldo was epic.

444 az a baj, hogy pl hetekig ment a propaganda meg a gúnyolódás a kerítésen, aztán kiderült h nem olyan hülye 5let, és akkor hirtelen elhallgattak. arról nem is beszélve h kicsit le vannak maradva a nyugati liberálisokhoz képest is, pl ott legalább elismerik, hogy vannak no-go gettók pár nyugati nagyvárosban, 444 meg azon viccelődött h milyen hülyeség és nyugat tökéletes és biztonságos. szal hmm.. kicsit elfogult még liberális mértékkel mérve is. sztem ilyen guardian szint (persze less professional)

*and the rest of the guys- Fixed

De, az a nagykörút.

De a kerítés nettó hülyeség volt, ha ennyire tudták hogy mi lesz mér nem készítették be hogy minél gyorsabban továbbmehessenek? Mindenki tudta hogy nem mi agyunk a végállomás hanem a svédek meg németek a segély miatt.
de hagyjuk a faszom politikát, 95%a a politikusainkan egy korrupt geci, most inkább ünnepelni kéne

hogy ne lenne elfogult, ha egyszer pontosan lettek kitalálva, ezért működteti őket a soros-művek

a sok rákos ottani törzskommentelő testesíti meg azt az örökös károgó, magát humorosan cinikusnak tartó réteget, akit minél hamarabb ki kéne vetnie magából a nemzetnek, mint valami idegentestet

>t. mérsékelt konzervatív

As a WBA fan Gera was my hero growing up, and I'd always follow him for the NT, so I'm overjoyed to see him doing it and getting the recognition he deserves as a player.

I'd love you to go as far as possible, also because I'm tired of western European teams constantly dominating.

thank you based bongbro

I was at Kossuth Tér in Pécs senpai
I even have a video when we scored the first one.

>muh soros

Békemenetre is jársz?

Any szegedanon here ? I'm thinking about going to the city, but most of my normie fag friends are already can't be reached or out of city .

Ráadásul már csak azok vannak, a gecik törölnek mindent ami nem 100% kóser

>random trump article
>write down in the comments that while trump in my opinion is not really fit to be a president, his anti-lobby attitude is the same as Bernie's, and its a big positive point for him
>comment never gets approved

Ki kellett rugni védelmi minisztert ahhoz hogy épüljön rendes tempóban a kerítés a végén.

Nyilván volt valami szar keverés a fideszen belül.

>reading or even writing into any comments section

these days its filled with trolls and shitposting only, why would you do that?

because i have lost control of my life

I also leave comment on kuruc, its fun to point out the fucked up logic of neonazis

Az egész dolog geci fura volt, emlékszem amikor elkezdtek pattogni a menekültekről még senki se értette mivan, alig volt egy pár menekült és azok is dél-kelet ázsia meg afrika. Pár héttel rá jöttek az arabok. Ahelyett hogy verték volna a faszukat és arra használtál hogy eltereljék a figyelmet az éppen aktuális botrányról, csinálhattak volna valami értelmeset is. Gecire díjaztam amikor nem lehetett használni a keletit mert olyan kurvajól leszervezték az egészet, hiába tudtak hetekkel ezelőtt hogy ez lesz.

inb4 putyin keverte megint a szart és szólt vityának hogy készüljön

wow user you are taking advantage of the mentally challanged, that's not nice

ebben mi a békemenet, jancsi? a 444 nyíltan a soros-alapítvány által finanszírozott oldal. nézz utána. ez nem titok

Quaestor? Vicc nélkül, a libsi oldalak és még a 2farkú kutya is nekik segített azzal hogy az egyik legnagyobb bank összeomlása következmények nélkül maradt, ugyanis azzal hogy mémet csináltak belőle már csak legyintenek ha szóba kerül

Az egész fideszt is sorosék pénzelték. Orbánékat meg éppen putyinék. Ami inkább gázabb hogy elég erősen kötődnek a Gawkerhez, pláne azóta hogy bedöglött a cink Én se szeretem annyira a 444-et, itthon nincs normális független újság de azért mindig azzal jönni hogy muh zsidók soros gecy elég retardált, ennyierővel mehetnél kurucra is


What exactly the bald dude said in the studio? We weren't tried to interview Ronaldo because he would have thrown the microphone? I wasn't in the room and missed the first half of his sentence desu.

I went there yesterday, it was full of fellow german and scandinavian med students, and everyone watched the games in complete silence, even when the spanish students arrived

Az egész ország egy vicc, pofátlanul lopnak a rendszerváltás óta és nincs elszámoltatás, néha elkapnak egy kettő barmot (nokiásdoboz) de azok is megússzák. Az egész politikai elitet felkéne kötni mert vagy régi komcsik, vagy putyin bérencek, vagy retardált hippik. Lop csal hazudik az összes, kenőpénzt fogad el, ráadásul töketlen faszok is.
Foglalnának minket vissza a habsburgok desu

yes basically thats what he said.

topkek, thanks!