If everyone you've ever met agreed on a single sentence to summarize their experience with you, what would it be?

If everyone you've ever met agreed on a single sentence to summarize their experience with you, what would it be?

I start

>what's this guy's problem

Whoever gets replies needs to greentext story

>can he talk?

>you need to go to the hospital/doctor cabinet Paris


haha how come? are you disabled as fuck?

>he was weird

>Who is this guy and what is he doing here?

>pic related

>goddammit, who invited him?

>>what's this guy's problem


That guy's an asshole but he's funny as hell.

Really? Really user? Goddammit.

>He is so funny

something tells me the first is your actual experience and the second is how you see yourself

Smartasses unite!

> why are you so weird, can't you like normal people things?

Well excluding the cabinet Paris because keyboard fucked up.
>be me in elementary
>had neck issues
>once it was stuck in one position for 2 days, couldn't move it.
Middle school
>dislocated my knee
>body got paralysed during finals testing
>broke my fingers multiple times
High school
>dislocated multiple joints
>had paralysis multiple times
>fainted 20 times over the high school year
Not even once went to the doctor. Friends even tried paying for it but never went


>what a dick

user. You should really go to the hospital.
Unless you're in the USA.
But seriously, get that checked.

>God he's so fucking hot

We're going to need proof you aren't a pizza face.

post a picture then faggot

damn. im proud of you

Newfag alert

He's quiet

I live in USA, the only reason I never went is because poor, and I always got better after a week or two

you should go to the hospital

I suspected as much.
You should totally see if you can get a part of some sort of health care plan, and see if there's a way to get checked for free, or some other affordable thing.
Or, maybe a chiropractor?

>is he gay?

I'm going to in a month once I get enough. Got a stable job so it's taking time

>He's a bit of a dick


I heard that.

Best of luck to you almost cripple bro.

>What the fuck is this jewish skeleton even saying?


>Family naturally has high metabolism, so even as a guy I'm skinny as hell
>Big Jewish nose
>Major in linguistics
>I can speak multiple languages and have a large vocabulary in english so people constantly look at me like I've just sung Shakespeare to them

Imagine meeting a lanky, tall jewish guy with bony features that looks like he was just dug out of a grave, give him 4 or 5 different languages to speak, and thats pretty much an encounter with me.

Sounds pretty cool name. Eat well user

>He's pretty chill, does he smoke weed?

Translation: This guy has an odor to him. He's one of those guys.


>you're weird


Tell me your stories anons

> Such a shame
followed by a sigh I'd imagine

>whats this guys even his problem?

> he's nice but need to stop being late !

>he's alright

>I wish he would go away.

>I bet he makes lots of money

> He didn't even say anything and I'm super wet.

>boy who says nothing
Someone's mom said this to me

No worry, he's hiding his boner

Are all really smart people that fucking weird?

He talks so much, but I kinda feel bad for him.