How do i into WoW?

How do i into WoW?

Wrong year, come back in 2006.

I don't care about the current year

Well you should cause the game sucks now

Ok then. Why? What changed?

They forgot to add more content.

It used to be MMORPG now it's just RPG. There's no reason to ever talk to anyone ingame + the content just isn't engaging anymore.

its not even a mmo anymore

But there's still all the other stuff to discover for someone who's new, right?

Dungeons, and more Dungeons

i guess

They completely killed the social aspect of the game

Shit sucks. Why don't they change that?

Any hope it will get better again?

When Legion comes out I'm sure it will be more interesting. Blizzard is apparently changing a bunch of stuff


That'll be in autumn, right? So you think they imporved the "social aspect" again?

You will have a different experience. The content relevant to your character (lvl 100) will be easy and short lived. The old/good content can only be done alone or with friends. And don't expect to make friends unless you get lucky in finding a guild.

Just checked and it's
August 30.

Don't listen to these niggers
I still play WoW and even though it's currently the worst expansion yet, it's still the best game out there.
Do you feel me?

you go to and play the wrath of the lich king private server for free and have lots of fun.. that's how..
just download it and play faggot

Sure, but have you ever had an experience you enjoyed and really wished you could share it with someone, but you realized nobody would care? That's sort of what WoW feels like nowadays. The world has become very cold. It didn't use to be like that. And sadly it's something that will never come back

What if i know a lot of people who play it? I actually have no idea and never even played any game... I'd start at zero

Yeah the classes will all be together at certain locations, like paladins in Stormwind Cathedral or something. Blizzard kinda fucked up in WoD, but I have high hopes this august haha

Wrathbaby detected.

Not sure if i feel you since i'm lacking any experience. But i feel like there's so much to explore. It's actually a bit exciting. Do YOU feel me?

You cannot seriously be this dense to still believe that. Literally (and I do in this case mean literally) that same line has been uttered for every expansion since cataclysm. The glory days are over, accept that and move on.

Every day user. Every single day...

I do. there are a fuck ton of zones. Like a retarded amount of zones for you

I know that feel, yup. It really sucks. What if i play with irl friends? Would that be more fun?

Get Warcraft: Orks and Humans and Warcraft 2: BattleNet Edition and after you're done with those get WC3: Reign of Chaos and Frozen Throne. Forget all about that horrible piece of shit that blizzard corrupted their best franchise with.

I didn't mind Mists, the raids were fun. WoD had a very linear questline but good lore nonetheless. If you're a true fan of the game its more than just the aesthetics, its the overall story.

Should be fun with friends. Just avoid WoD content.

Any advice for someone with zero experience? What are pitfalls i can easily avoid?

Noted. Thanks!

Well I mean you might find yourself caring too much about levelling or gear pre level cap
level cap gameplay is where its at
idk, there might be some areas where you die a lot but idk

You wanna be good? Ok.
World 2nd (according to Warcraft Logs) holy paladin reporting in.

How to be good the easy way:
>roll marksman hunter
>buy pvp gear from garrison missions honor/conquest tokens
>cheese item level
>get carried through heroic hfc
>get manny xbow
>get leg ring
>250k dps

How to be good the hard way:
>roll unholy dk
>spend weeks coining fel lord for heroic/mythic hellrender
>get 4 piece tier
>get edh + unending hunger
>get leg rinig
>roll Breath of Sindragosa
>cast death coil once while BoH is rolling and do 70k dps
>do BoH right and do 430k dps
>get brought for grip/grasp anyway

Alright. They will all hate me because i suck so bad in the beginning, right?

Thanks a lot. I have NO idea what you're talking about but i saved your post and i'm sure i will be very thankfull i did in the future.

How do i even choose a character? Which ones are god tier?

Or buy mythic hfc from us.
Heroic runs are 30k a boss, Mythic is 105k a boss. Also we sometimes throw in the mythic blackhand mount for free if we like you.
We also accept cash for runs, but we do that through a broker.

Game is easy as fuck now, economy is crippled by introducing the pay to win option (you can pay real money for gold), you can now do everything without even socialising with anyone since most quests are now much easier, the game is no longer challenging and plays itself up until you hit max level and go into pvp. I recommend a private server, either the burning crusade or wotlk, since the game started to get ruined by the time of cataclysm. They also added too much unnecessary shit to the game, connecting it with social media and other crap.

Also, who is "we"? And what makes the difference if you like me or not?