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Life sucks and is confusing
Let people have as many outlets as they want
At least they aren't hurting others

Fucking what?
This is literaly mental illness 101.

>at least they aren't hurting others
Where does this retarded mindset come from?

From a place of understanding
Also why do you care so much?

Okay, so, according to you, it is okay to leave someone who is suffering from any sort of mental disorder alone, if they aren't hurting anyone? What about the homeless man in the street suffering from schizophrenia? What about, the clinically depressed woman about to kill themselves? Please explain to me what kind of mental gymnastics you do to let stuff like that go on, and still tell yourself you come from a place of "understanding".

>Also why do you care so much?
Who said he cared so much?

Its your opinion that its a mental illness

Hes making threads to yell about it online

No, it's not my fucking opinion, you fucking idiot. It's called gender dysphoria. How about you learn a thing or two, before you start spouting nonsense

>mental illness
Then call it mental gymnastics, but I damn sure know what it is.
I've had my fair share of troubles myself and I am working with people.
Enabling that shit in such a way is a pants on head retarded idea.

But what am I saying, shit's going down the drain anyways.

>Hes making threads to yell about it online
are you new here?

>it's your opinion that it's a mental illness
It's true that there's no objective way to define what is illness.
But it seems to me people who are 'genderfluid' might be happier if they managed to fit in as one or the other.

i hate this more than you do

t. tru-tranny

>Simple Definition of illness
: a condition of being unhealthy in your body or mind
: a specific condition that prevents your body or mind from working normally : a sickness or disease

>no objective way to define illness

Face palm yourself

So you defined illness as a state of being 'unhealthy'.

Read the whole thing please. And if that displeased you, you can find the comprehensive definition online, if you aren't too lazy too look for it. Then, of even THAT doesn't please you, then you have no capability to objectively reason

Hehehe y'all are delusional
Sounds like an unhealthy obsession over other peoples lives

No, it's not an "unhealthy obsession". If your see someone vomiting blood, and you say or do something, do you have an unhealthy obsession over their life?
> inb4 2 edgy 4 u answer

because it's a free country and you can be whatever you want, you nigger.

Is absolute freedom any kind of freedom at all?

small government doesn't equivalent to degeneracy being tolerated
remove yourself

hitler did one thing right

found the libertarian

You arent helping though. You are standing over the vomiting person, tsking over their life choices. You are judging without understanding and your opinions are stupid
let me put it in a way you will understand
Ur dum

>But it seems to me people who are 'genderfluid' might be happier if they managed to fit in as one or the other.

It's literally the exact opposite. They are happier when they are allowed to be and express their gender in the way they feel like at the the time without being judged by others.

what kind of retard are you? yes, as long as it doesn't physically harm or expressly threaten someone else or their property.

Maybe you're standing over them, tsking - I'm calling 911 on that shit.

>absolute freedom
>it doesn't physically harm or expressly threaten someone else or their property.

You're the retard here.

>thinks "muh big government" infringes on peoples basic freedoms
>wants to infringe on peoples basic freedoms

this is america, and i can suck dick if i want.


Because freedom means freedom to believe stupid things.

Meant for

Omfg. Okay. Im an 18 year old. Gun loving. Libertarian. Right wing. Rand paul endorsing. Trangender woman. I try so hard to give people the benefit of the doubt... but honestly. Its hard. The only reason i support trans rights is because ive experienced it first hand. But tumblr tard trans-trenders need to be stopped

WHY people confuse MOOD with GENDER?

how so? that's why i put those qualifying statements in there, dipshit.

understand what exactly?

So if someone were one the street vomiting blood and having an emergency anal evacuation, I would be wrong to get a doctor to help them because I'm taking over their life decisions?... the only idea more retarded than that is the one that collectivism actually works in a free society


Oh my god, I'm loving this too much.

These people are attention whores. Nothing more.

Millennials are a fuckin disgrace. Entitled little pieces of shit

Tmw the only reports of "trans women" harrasing women in the restroom, have all been neocons, voyuerist pretending. Or political defiance in an attempt to repeal trans rights

>the only idea more retarded than that is the one that collectivism actually works in a free society

You just can't help yourself, can you?

we as well have the right to call them stupid for believing in such nonsence

> absolute freedom
> cannot do something

That is how you are the retard

Gtfo with your sjw bullshit. Mental illnesses are not opinions and shouldn't be treated as one. Anyone who thinks they can change genders anytime they want to have something wrong with their thought process. If you say otherwise, you are uneducated and a bitch

Place of understanding LOL OK faggot lets all just give in to this perverted insanity because its the nice PC thing to do. Society is going down the shitter, like the fucking Romans or something. Protip: its going to be the fire next time.


>I would be wrong to get a doctor to help them because I'm taking over their life decisions?

yes, if they didn't want to see a doctor. just watch your shoes as you walk around them. it's none of your fucking business.

>place of understanding
>bringing it to Sup Forums

are you literally retarded? ok, no, not "absolute freedom", because you can't go around murdering people. but (with those qualifying statements i wrote), yes, your freedom to do what you want should be absolute.

Do us all a favor and eat a bullet.

So If that's the truth no one can be held liable for anything. Firemen can watch a house burn down. It's none of their business

>muh big government
Yes the thing that can imprison you, spy on you, steal all your money, enslave you into its armies etc
A real enemy of freedom

>wants to infringe on freedoms
I'd say the failure to tolerate someone's phoney tumblr degeneracy is plenty of things, but I wouldn't say it's an infringement on freedom.
Rather it is me using my freedom to not have to put up with inane bullshit if I don't want to.
I don't know why you made this about you sucking dick except that homofags always want to shout about it


Again, are you stupid. I want my freedom to murder. I don't have it. It's not absolute freedom. Plain and simple.

If they aren't complaining. If they dont want help. If they arent hurting anyone. Then leave them be. (Although trans trenders do have negeative effects on trans rights considering they make everyone think trans people are as stupid ast they are)

Is genderfluid governed by gender-Navier-Stokes equations?

no, because those government-funded institutions EXIST to do those things. firemen are being paid to do that job. they can quit if they want. also, you don't have the freedom to set your house on fire, because it risks catching the surrounding area on fire. unless you live in the middle of nowhere, in which case, yeah, burn your shit to the ground and dance on the ashes.


Shut up fagit

So you have to wait until a mentally insane person asks for help before you can worry about them?
Be clear

Eat shit retard
Things happen, I react to them. They're the ones who make a big deal out of it. They want to take away our basic right to think and form opinions, just because their feelings might get hurt. That's the worst possible damage they could be doing to the world, it's eroding our collective intellect

Shut up. Youre just an edgy neocon

>failure to tolerate
>I wouldn't say it's an infringement on freedom.

well, whether you would say it or not, that's an infringement on their freedom. mind your own fucking business, how people identify does not affect your life at all unless you involve yourself in it.

tough cookies. your freedom ends when you impugn the freedom of others, and vice vrsa. simple as that. they have the freedom to live, and you don't get to decide to stop them from doing that.

There is yet to be a trans person who doesn't complain, steal attention and energy from people, and subtly manipulate and social-engineer us

This shit is so fucking stupid to me. It's the same idea if you were to "choose" what race you are. Today I'm black, nvm I'll be Indian now, nahhhh I'll be white. You can't change what you were born as wtf. You can identify yourself whatever you want but it's bs to expect people to care.

>your opinions violate my freedom
This opinion violates my freedom

probably not

1. Im trans. Dont complain. Infact idgaf as long as you dont pass laws that infringe on my rightfully deserved freedom.
2. I already made clear the difference between transgender, and trans trenders
3. Social engineering is called society.

Dumbass, ABSOLUTE freedom means freedom to do EVERYTHING, including murdering, robing, raping, etc etc etc... if you are not free to do bad things, your freedom is not absolute (and it should never be, because absolute freedom is the extreme opposite to civilization)...

Wow. Refreshing to see a good ol' fashioned shitfest.

ya guys might need this

kys mentally deranged faggot

You sound like an idiot. Not just ignorant, but willfully ignorant. There's a lot of knowledge and perspective out there. Give it a try. Consider the chance that you could be wrong.

You sounds very butt mad. Try not to have a heart attack in between all your hair falling out

If society didnt like trans people... then this wouldn't be a topic because no one would come out of the closet. Now... currently western society supports trans people and supports their right to pursue happiness and achieve in life. Trans rights main opposition is lesilature, and specific hate groups. Otherwise. Most left and right wing people simply dont give a fuck.

i never said "opinions". intolerance can be beating and burnings too. you can have whatever dumb fucking opinion you want, as long as you're not hurting or explicitly threatening anyone.

It's simple, we are generating waves of trends that include things and obsessions the majority would find very hard to relate to, therefore to accept. This includes wauifuism, bronnies, furries, sexual gender dis-orientations, etc.
Mostly related to sexual spectrum so the average human takes it personal to defend and manifest new ideals, as its fueled by basic desire instincts, like promoting thievery by using hunger for people to rob food.
I assure you this is for the best interest of mankind, we are creating a vast array of idealistic diseases that will need to be eliminated, and for that, the root cause will need to be attacked, and that is each and every one of these individuals.
The holocaust was taken in place for reasons such as establishing the state of Israel and vastly removing the sense of superiority of any particular racial strata, nowadays if you think you are superior you will be remembered of 'atrocities' committed by others and labeled as psycho, removing the full potential of any race to be organized enough to pose a threat.
The best method of social change is a conflict like war, followed by the social pressure of the majority.
We are setting an example to future generations.

>willfully ignorant

Patrick, is that you? If so, go get GRIDS you faggot.


There's no chance to be wrong when the matter is whether a mental disease is in fact a mental disease or not. You are born either man or woman, you can not change that just with with wishful thinking. You have as much freedom to do anything as you want, just not expect the society to accept it or consider it something healthy.

I'm ok with trans people, but I think this is bs. Pick a gender and stick with it. If you don't want to be male or female, then be nothing.

Because it doesn't really matter and it isn't hard to just accept it. Seriously, it doesn't take much to say 'they' or just change the pronoun you use for someone, and after that it's pretty easy.

Most people support their right to pursue happiness and achieve in life. The issue is with their behaviour.
You don't get it.

I didn't say beatings and burnings, I only said 'failure to tolerate (the degeneracy)'.
Beatings and burnings clearly violate freedom, which violations I said I was against.
As to 'hurting' anyone, it clearly depends what you mean. A society where simply claiming something is hurtful is enough to justify aggressions and stringent restrictions on liberty will not be a tolerable society for very long.

And what's next? We will have to treat a 65 yo man as a 6 yo little girl, just because he sees himself as such?

The pronoun should be 'it', since accordingly it is no longer a constant of either male human or female human.
It is mentally sick.

>2. I already made clear the difference between transgender, and trans trenders

You're the reason why trans* people don't get any respect.
If you want to be respected you should start respecting others.

the freedom to call a fuckwit a fuckwit is a wonderful thing, crying cause someone called you a fuckwit just makes you a lil bitch, either bite back or roll over and take it, cunt

I hope you live to understand the can of fucking worms this is opening. Enjoy your new world of having to use a new pronoun for vegans and vapers.

Thanks, Obama.

It's more than just "accepting it" when you're expecting people to treat you differently than everybody else. If I identify myself as a God will you call me by "my lord and savior"? Because if you don't I'll get offended

go take your SJW bullshit back to tumblr. Trangenderism and anyform of it is a mental disorder. you thinking the way you do should be a mental disorder

>mixing up gender-fluid people with agender people.

gender fluid =/= gender dysphoria, although the two may be related. They are not one in the same.

Gender dysphoria is indicated by a strong revulsion of one's biological gender and a deep yearning to be the opposite.

Gender fluidity is some bullshit tumblr made up. Basically a label to slap on to someone who doesn't necessarily "feel" like their given gender all the time. Completely subjective/semantic garbage with nothing to back it up.

ever heard of Alzheimer?

John money is the fucking madman who invented gender fluidity. He fucking raped children while doing it. FUCK OFF PEDOPHILE.

It's allowed because of pussified liberals who think we need to accept everyone, regardless of their choices and behavior in life.
You have a dick, you're a man. You have a vagina, you're a woman. Everything else is mental illness.

Some people actually prefer the pronoun "it". In their case, you're correct.
Everywhere else you're just an idiot.

the saddest thing is that we can no longer know what is actual bait, and what is sincere retardedness

Our society DOES let stuff like that go on. If you really think that these folks suffer from a mental illness and you sincerely want to help them (and not just use them as a target for the projection of your impotent rage), then advocate for better mental health resources.

By the way, that almost certainly means paying more in taxes. But, let me guess, you're tired of all your tax dollars going to deadbeats.


>we need to accept everyone, regardless of their choices and behavior in life.

Well shouldn't we? Provided that their choices and behavior aren't directly negatively effecting you or themselves?


Surely it is entitled to an opinion

this is the supreme form of fuckery

>everyone should accept my choices
>everyone should act the way i want them to act towards me
>i don't have to accept others' choices
>i can act however i want towards other people