Got 300 word essay on WW1 due tomorrow

>got 300 word essay on WW1 due tomorrow
>haven't started yet
how fucked am i?

>300 words

is that even a full page?

what fucking grade are you in faggot?

Not that fucked, it's only 300 words

Don't be a faggot, 300 words is like a quarter of a psge, should take you 15 minutes if you just fucking do it

underage b8

ask your friends from reddit to help u

Write "I blame canada" 100 times.

I fucking hate you so much op


Hey faggot, tell your lunch lady you like the food a lot and freshman high school is fun. She'll really like you.

u know its about how liee the indusrtial stuff became more accessable and like they go fucked and the jews and french raized the shit out of germany giving birth to hitler. bam essay done oh and don't forget the league of nations bullshit thats likea nice conclusion

That's basically nothing so not at all

dude your a retard and a pussy

Nice b8 faggot. 300 words for an essay on a world war would be pretty much just the introduction.


If you cannot come up with 300 words on any given topic, you are a sloped forehead, knuckle dragging cretin, and should be shot instantly before you contaminate the gene pool

Bro I have a 1200 word essay that was due a month ago that she is waiting for me to get to her and a 1800 word essay due tomorrow too

Summer school fag

>300 words is bad
get the fuck out of here you lazy faggot.

Moar fucked than the German economy under the Treaty of Versailles.

Spend literally all of the essay ranting about how Mexico should've followed the Zimmermann telegram and invaded the US. And that that is why Trump should be elected in 2016.

>300 word essay
Confirmed lil bitch

I did a 3,500 research essay in 2 nights grow up.

My point exactly, I'll write a 300 word introduction.

It all started because of a series of alliances between france, england, and Russia were formed against Germany and Austria-Hungary. seeing this alliance Germany and Austria-Hungary allied together, and also got Italy to join in the fun. at the outbreak of war post assassination of archduke Franz Ferdinand by Gavarillo Princip Italy opted out of their agreement and the Ottoman Empire joined in their stead. Russia got its ass kicked against Germany on the eastern front, and had the Bolsheviks waited just a couple of months the czar might never have been deposed. Germany surrendered because it literally ran out of pigs and couldn't feed it's troops nor citizens. The Ottomans got their asses reamed six ways til Sunday by the English and Russians and ceased to exist because of the war. They also marched over a million Armenian christians to death because they were presumed to be spies and/or had Russian sympathies. The Bismarck was a bad ass battleship, but it was chased around until the English finally sunk it. The allies used a French gun called the chau chau, and it was actually pretty good except for the gaping hole in its magazines that got filled with dirt which caused frequent jams and misfires. The Americans showed up less than a year before the war ended and did not really contribute much. Austria-Hungary was also broken up into several different countries after the war, and their inbred monarchs would not remain in control of the country.

There, you're almost halfway there faggot.

I have a 4 - 5 page paper on Sir Geoffrey de Havilland for Aerospace due Thursday along with a 12 slide PowerPoint. Focusing on his aeronautical achievements with an overarching theme of his life.

>300 words
I was doing 2000 word essays in 5th grade, and they only took me 2 days, grow the fuck up.

>all these newfags

How's 7th grade going?


You can't even sum up the First World War in 300 words, bitch. I would have a hard time doing it in 1000.
Underage bait.

write about hitler

You can certainly summarize it, but it is just briefly mentioning several facts about it with no supporting details at all.

> (OP)
>write about hitler
Don't forget to write about concentration camps, the Holocaust that didn't happen, pearl harbor, FDR, and Chester Nimitz

Underage faggot

History is easy, pic related is all you need to do

kill yourself