Lil wayne comes off as an ignorant

nigga overdosin on redpills

Isnt this nigga gay?

Expecting someone to believe in your cause just because of a physical trait you share with them is ignorant

>ashy ass face tat Nigerian
>mumbLes and tries tO prOve something tO a beautiful nigress

but he comes off as ignorant. he didnt even know what blm was.

This is a very nice bait thread

Wtf I love lil Wayne now

what does he have to gain by knowing what blm is


He clearly does know what it is, he mentions black people getting shot and making a point of why it doesnt make sense that blacks see themselves opressed, because he clearly shows the exact opposite of opression. He just sucks at articulating his thoughts because he acts like a nignog.

He expressed this view in another interview without the retardation.
The left-biased reporters in that seemed just as butthurt

>he filmin' me

> too intelligent for the boogie white people meme

do a majority of blm supporters even know what it stands for lmao

Everyone you ask will give you a completely different definition of BLM. It's why it failed as a movement.

are you kidding? of course.

Always has been.

he comes off as high out of his fucking skull. this should be a PSA to anyone still drinking lean.

Absolutely B A S E D

So did the Civil Rights movement until laws went through

When you have rich white men cutting you a check of course you'll throw your own under the bus


since when is birdman white

He does this in many interviews, it's a "I'm so important that I don't delve in things lower than me" kind of move.

Rich white men cut his checks too
He then distributes to Wayne

i thought birdman owns cash money

Other people own Cash Money
Connect the pieces

you have any proof of that jamarcus?

Republic Records Avery Lipman Monte Lipman
Search it up Cleetus

But he's right
How many celebrities, singers, athletes, etc. are black? They're black and raking in the dough in a country that BLM claims is racist, doesn't give a shit about blacks, etc. They did what they had to do and became rich. A lot of the police bullshit as of the past few years regarding black people is exactly what he said it was: some people getting shot for fucked up reasons. Happens to every race, including whites, you just don't hear about it because the only deaths by police that matter right now are black deaths. BLM just twists these occurrences into "POPO ONLY SHOT HIM CUZ HE BLACK, RACIST MUFUKAS"

The whole meme that Wayne is some moron is really far away from the truth, hell he is probably one of the more intelligent people in modern hip hop.

You're right, he's just bad at conveying the fact that he's a genius.
Not being sarcastic either.

he's right you know, but beta leftist will just call him crazy

>jewish people were overrepresented among doctors disproving the existence of antisemitism in early 20th century