Harvesting helium-3 from the gas giants atmospheres and antimatter from their magnetic feilds for energy and spacecraft...

Harvesting helium-3 from the gas giants atmospheres and antimatter from their magnetic feilds for energy and spacecraft fuel respectively.


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The universe doesn't exist. Once we pass Mars the 'universe' will restart itself and humanity will start again.

Uranus has the lowest winds and a shallow gravity well so is perfect for floating harvesters to collect helium-3 for fusion power which is the best high efficiency non toxic power generation that we need as a species. Saturn could also be good for that, Neptune has too fast winds and Jupiter has a too steep gravity well.

Antimatter in the form of Anti protons are found in large amounts around the gas giants in their magnetic feilds, Saturn also produces more thanks to particle interactions in its rings, antimatter is the most efficient fuel we can come up with and can produce very very fast speeds. Theoreticaly an antimatter beam core engine can get up to 70% the speed of light makeing a trip to Alpha centauri only 5 years ship time (6 years Earth time due to time dilation).

With the antimatter engines if something goes wrong the antimatter will all annihilate and vaporize anything around them in a bath of gamma radiation but nothing ventured nothing gaind.

We have spacecraft outside the solar system, one orbiting Saturn, one arriving at Jupiter, one in the kyper belt past pluto.

The moon has vast amounts of Helium-3. Why travel millions of miles for that?

But they're inanimate. There'd controlled to relay false information to Earth and trick humans into believing there's a universe. There's not. It's all a simulation programme by sentient beings designed to see if created life can sustain itself.

Because the amount of energy required to refine helium-3 from the moon is more than you would get from it and more than it would take to send something to and from the outer planets.

I'm all for mining the moon but if the moon is a jerry can the gas planets are a gas station.

Sure thing /x/ keep telling yourself that.

Even if the universe is a simulation that dosnt mean it has a set limit or an end goal like a video game.

You are basicly makeing conclusions based on 0 evidence and opinions.

Mental ilness is an awfule thing to see, hope you get help user.

You mean to tell me that unnamed machines are....inanimate? You don't say....

>You are basicly makeing conclusions based on 0 evidence and opinions

So does ever theorist. There is no greater meaning to life. We're simply nothing more than a computer programme that's waiting to be deleted off some aliens hard drive. All current information we have relalting to the existence of life has been planted in our consciousness as a way to see if you can expand on ideas and draw conclusions. The Big Bang, religion ect are all fallacies spoon fed to us in an attempt to explore human curiosity

Man, your ilness is sad.

>hard drive
>ultra advanced race not useing quantum computing

>can't even get to Mars

Hey guys!
Let's go mine Jupiter!!!

h3 would be too hard to harvest.
A single atom of the wrong thing can ruin an entire batch

You're fucking shitting yourself if you really believe antimatter can even bring quarks to 70% the speed of light. Even as a viable resource from any gas giant the effiicacy of alpha/beta emission into something that could be "harvested" into fuel is virtually nonexistent. You're breaking the dimensions of the superverse trying to harness energy when a breakthrough in this realm could literally transcend time. Don't be fucking ridiculous.

Look guys, what a nerd

Nigger we've been out of the solar system.
Fuq you mean

I'll bet any amount of money you don't understand half of what you just typed.

We have already been warned: if we send manned spacecraft past Mars, we will be eliminated.

Harvesting antiprotons and containing them isn't magic it's done at particle physics labs few particles at a time.

I would also sugest looking into antimatter engine ideas, granted most only say 30% the speed of light as to get to 70% more than 90% of the ships mass needs to be matter antimatter fuel.

>70% the speed of light is impossible
>aerospace engineers have talked about makeing ships that can get to 92% the speed of light




That just means best case situation the math says it could do this.

That dosnt mean it's impossible just impractical right now.

Well theoretically I could harvest all the humans skin on earth and stitch it to my penis, the math says I could do this, it doesn't mean its impossible just impractical right now.

I say go for it.

Anyway for further reading
