When is it not ok to hit your wife/gf? I believe you shouldn't hit your wife in front of the kids...

When is it not ok to hit your wife/gf? I believe you shouldn't hit your wife in front of the kids, but other than that it's fair game.

If women really want equality, they should take a punch when they deserve it.
And they usually deserve it.

Physical violence shouldn't be used towards your spouse and children.
Hitting is what immature children who weren't taught any better do.
Be a fucking adult and learn to use your words.0

Teach us what words to use wise master

I guess if you have a weekly boxing tournament to decide who has to do what on the chorelist , it'd be OK.

Give me a situation and I'll do my best.
Unless it's in self defense, there is no reason to hit another human being. And I mean self defense against a physical attack, not hurt feelings.


This is now a women-getting-hit-by-men gif/webm thread


Ok so if my spouse refuses to get a beer from the fridge. Instead of laying down the wrath of God on her, what vocabulary should I use?

If they want equal rights they can take these equal lefts

but what if my feelings are REALLY REALLY Hurt?

> please

I would get it myself because I'm perfect capable, and she isn't my servant.

I wasn't ready.

Instead of actually committing a crime, just get the beer yourself.
Is it really worth fucking up a relationship and possibly facing jail-time to "impose the wrath of god"?

Then go collect yourself and approach the situation at a later time after you're able to process your feelings.

IF a woman wants to act like a man (putting her hands on you) then she should expect to be treated like a man.

BOTTOM LINE: EVERYONE should keep their hands to themselves.

If a woman hits a man she should fully expect to be hit back.
That being said, I think a man should respond with reasonable force. Throat punching a woman because she slapped you is probably going overboard.

You don't need words or violence brother... start throwing her shit out on the Front lawn usual works for me.. GET OUTTA MUH HOUSE

But going to the fridge is tedious


That doesn't work unless the other person is also smart enough to participate.
You asshole, you actually think that after thousands of years its YOU who has the smart solution?
Lol fucking ridiculous.

Exactly. This "never hit anyone" bullshit is for fags. Sometimes a good smack is the right answer. To suggest it NEVER is is fucking stupid

Stop hanging around dumb people then.

Surround yourself with people who are intelligent enough to use their words.
Stay away from the people who aren't mature enough to do so.
It's worked out pretty well for me so far, so yeah. A viable solution.

Absolute horseshit.

You gonna use your words when you run into Johnny Don't play that shit, one day and pulls a gun on you?

That's a situation where violence wild be acceptable in self defense. If my physical safety is at risk, I have no issue with it.
Explain why.

Why spend ten years trying to train some dumb cunt to think straight when you can achieve the same goal with an occasional smack?
Not a pummelling, but the occasional backhand to save some fucking time.
Who needs to spend a lifetime to get her to stop cunting. Slap slap slap, job done.
And face it, we all know what I'm talking about.

Except bitches these days don't use words.
Back in the day marriages lasted as long as it wasn't major damage

Anyone in this thread who says they hit women has never touched a woman irl

You smack a girl around you think you're getting any pussy?

I can accept that.. thanks for clarification

I can promise you, they certainly do use words. Take it from someone who's actually married.

Dude sum chicks like that shit not full on punch but Smack a bitch with tattoos or dad issues and she'll fuck the brakes off ya

What if your wife can't use words because she used a bad word once and I cut her tongue out. Now she's learning sign language. Does anytime know 'get me a sandwich bitch' in sign language?

> cuts off her tongue
> wife magically goes dead

See, I don't treat my spouse like shit because I'm not a degenerate nigger.
I can make my own sandwich, I'm not a helpless child.

It's better than listening to them bitch.

>Wife magically goes dead
Nigger what?

White knight. I'll have you know I can make my own sandwich too. She just makes really great sandwiches though.

If the price of the pussy is a lifetime of bitching then she can keep the fucking pussy

OP went full retard

Fuck, I meant deaf

So much truth to that man.. they always taste better when my wife makes em

If she's in the kitchen already making herself one I'll ask because sandwiches you don't make are always better.
But I wouldn't ever hit her for not making me one.

Have you ever been to an event or gathering or party that was fantastic until some dumb cunt ruined it with her emotional drama bullshit?
No thanks. Take that bitch aside and let her know what fucking time it is.
It's time to shut the fuck up!

Fuckin kek son


Sometimes we just need to put her in her place. Let her know that you're the man, and she's your bitch

i believe its only okay in a matter of self defense.
life if shes coming at you with a knife, knock her shit out. but if shes slapping your face then just be a man and take it. doesnt mean you have to forgive it though.

Well, that's how I feel. No pussy is worth the crying and yelling and bitching.
Let some pathetic"sensitive" guy deal with it.
If you want to come over and swim and eat and drink and have a good time thats great. But if it all has to come to an abrupt halt because your pussy hurts you can get the fuck out.
And if you can't manage to curtail the cunting and find the door, maybe a good smack will help you behave long enough to find your way out.

If you're too weak and unintelligent to communicate with your partner and feel the need to hit her like a fucking caveman, then enjoy your fear based relationship.

Yeah I guarantee she's talking to "her friend" when you're gone as a fallback

Again, complete bullshit. This approach may work with your male friends, but females don't use logic or reason. To suggest that they can be reasoned with is assanine.

You should never hit her with a closed fist. But an open hand slap, now and again, is all part of good, healthy, bitch control skills.

Completely agree

Nope. We're mature enough to communicate disagreements and issues.

YES. Thank you. Exactly.

it's always ok, especially when she doesn't listen

Yup. This guys got the right idea.

Lol yes they do, are you literally retarded? Maybe you don't have any communication skills and that's why every woman you encounter seems like an insane harpy.

Enjoy watching Alan Alda movies while you listen to a list of things that you need to change about you.

Communication skills blah blah blah communication skills blah blah blah communication skills blah blah fucking blah.
WAIT..... You're a chick aren't you??

Nope, just not a child.

That explains it!

Dude they are Insane.. go to bed one Friday night right after fuckin, rolls over tells ya she loves ya. Wake up Saturday morning she's awake staring at ya "Your an asshole"..

Never had that happen. Stop sticking your dick in crazy.

Betas wanting to take out their rage on another human being smhtbh. Unless your being attacked and can seriously be hurt and cant run away for whatever reason use your words.


Really? You allow women to castrate you emotionally and I'm the one who is immature?
Check yourself asshole. I go where I want and do what I want. I ask no one's permission and I only explain myself if I think I should.
All you did was trade in your mom for another female who keeps you in check.
There's NOTHING mature about that

Op is Irish

I've heard that a lot throughout my life I kinda like crazy tho.. didn't mean I was concerned about it just giving the Insane point reasoning

No person has ever emotionally castrated me. If anything I've been able to grow more as a person.
Going where you want and doing what you want is nice for the first year of adulthood, but after that it's empty.
I'd rather live a happy life with someone I love than an empty life alone.
And there's plenty mature about that.

Not under those circumstances.

Doing what you want gets old after a year? Are you fucking crazy?
I'm 55 and I have been doing what I want for about 40 years. I'm no where near done.
Enjoy your servitude.

Like I said, it's empty. It's meaningless to me, there is no joy in that.
Maybe you enjoy it but I never did.

Go fill up my tank.. okay Hun. Fix me a plate.. okay Hun.. "We're" going to MY parents for Vacation.. okay hun. Dude yeah enjoy that HAPPY life

Never any of that. We don't talk with our families very much, and she does almost all of those things. I occasionally take out the trash, that's it.

Cuckadoodle doo you little bitch

Better than What I was thinking. I stand corrected user carry on then brother

No joy in doing what you want?
That makes no sense.

YouTube sean Connery on hitting women. He makes sense

Will do
I can still do what I want, but now it's in the company of someone I love