Everyone do the right thing and vote Bernie tomorrow

Everyone do the right thing and vote Bernie tomorrow.

>if you're a republican, this doesn't concern you

San Diego checking in

u rly think 55 year old clinton supporters browse Sup Forums?

convince me in less than 5 sentences. and dont mention any other candidate.

No...but the Correct the Record people probably do, although I doubt they get any traction due to the high number of Trump memers around here...

The US is fucked.
Bernie wouldn't stand a chance in hell against Trump.
It's going to be Trump vs Clinton I can guarantee it.
We're just circling the drain.. Mom's gonna flush it all down soon.


Europe checking in, please don't let trump or hillary fuck up the entire western world with their messed up agendas and policy

Bernie beats Trump in the polls better than Hillary

Bernie already lost. Give it up.

Polls don't mean a thing. Whoever is in the news more in a given week scores higher in polls. But yeah, vote Bernie cause Clinton is boring.

and people will act like you're telling them the sky is really purple.

Bernie currently polls better than Trump...

Saying he doesn't stand a chance is a bit disingenuous...

I don't think Trump will be great, but he will easily be a hell of a lot better than Clinton...

>polls don't mean a thing
They fuckin' do when they've been consistent for the past 5 months.

Sanders has kept his double digit lead for months...tell me how that doesn't count?

No problem.

I'll just hop in that nice free car the Government's going to give me, get some of that free gas the Government's going to give me, eat some lunch on the way (supplied by the Government) and go ahead and vote.

Anyone who votes for this man is an utter fucking imbecile. There's no realistic way to pay for 1/10th of the shit this senile old moron is proposing.

Also, his entire election was a fraud. He's only doing this for donation money and he's going to ride off into the sunset. He NEVER wanted to win the election. THAT'S RIGHT you stupid feel the Bern dipshits... he never wanted to win. His entire plan this whole time was to collect money and ride off.

This is a man who never had a job until he was 40 and lived off of other people all his life.

I don't understand why people think this is funny or a joke.

Do any of you honestly realize how fucking terrifying a Clinton or Trump presidency is going to be? I honestly don't think you do.

Bernie is the most sincere candidate ever to run and inspires people (not funded by corporations.)

He actually cares about the people and wants to focus on America & not other countries problems.

Wants to change the corrupt government system that we always talk about never helps us so that people don't have to struggle anymore.

His policies aren't radical and work in almost every other country, just the media makes it out like they are cuz their owned by big money.

Plus if you think the candidates are already set, why not for the hell of it vote for him?

Clinton will lose to Trump, Sanders can beat him.

Yes, do the right thing, put Bernie down easy.

If you only include people who vote in the poles, you'll find that he's losing.


Kill yourself

>not voting

Kill yourself

>can't pay for free education and higher wages
>somehow has enough money to pay for unnecessary wars and banker bailouts.

pick one fag

Hillary is under federal indictment, won't release her Wall Street transcripts, and has only used half her money from the super-pacs.

What you think she's gonna do with the rest of the millions of dollars when she doesn't use it?

Europeans should be able to vote. After all this affects us too, and apparantly we can't trust you to not be retarded. How is Trump even a possibility? Or even Hillary for that matter.

Buy new clothes

bernout leave

Your government already subsidies everything you just mentioned.


Bay Area Checking In.

I understand it...unfortunately...

While Trump may be bad, he won't be nearly as bad as Clinton.

Trump also nearly got fucked by stupid party rules and political donors...he might make efforts to change the shit show of an election process we have now.

While I don't think he'll be great...he's easily better than the alternatives we're being sold...



>Clinton will lose to Trump, Sanders can beat him.




Sanders presidency sounds pretty fucking bad too. Mo free money for dont do nuffins. 15$ minimum wage is fucking stupid. Minimum wage should be increased, yes, but only a little, not to 15$. It should be increased to 9$ like mcdonalds did. Why? Because if you increase it too much too quickly, then you have small bussinesses suffering cuz they can't pay 30,000$ per anum per employee. So unemployment will go up like crazy, but thats fine for bernie supporters right? Cuz the point is to live off the dole? A small increase in minimum wage is key, minimum wage employees will continue to spend majority of their paycheck and because of that bussinesses will get the money back they pay to employees, inflation stays to a minimum, and unemployment stays low.

fuck yeah! BERNIE 4 LIFE!!!

you Americans are so stupid. The illuminati planned it this way. They want Trump v Hillary, because Hillary will be indicted, and Trump will win by default.
The only true candidate is Bernie, feel the bern.

>if you're a republican, this doesn't concern you
But we view Sanders as the weaker candidate, too polarizing to unite the democrats.
We believe Sander supporters are a vocal loud minority.
Republicans want Sanders to win the nomination.