Do you honestly believe in the "Big Bang"? There was absolutely nothing and then in a few trillionths of a second...

Do you honestly believe in the "Big Bang"? There was absolutely nothing and then in a few trillionths of a second, all the matter and energy in the entire universe suddenly came out of nowhere?

Topkek! Think about it user, it's so ridiculous.

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It's better to just live your life and try not to think about it.

Do you actually believe an invisible white man created everything you see around you? If so, who created him? Topfuckingkek you're stupid. If you love "god" so much maybe you should hang yourself and go meet him.

It is not. Think about time as a holographic projection. The further you go away the smaller everything becomes and eventually you are too far away to see anything

Yeah because god is just an old man living in clouds right

You apes have almost ZERO figures out about the world let alone the universe. And there has been zero evidence of any god.

Don't worry about it speck, all of humanity is nothing. Forever and always nothing significant. You'll just to crazy if you think too hard about it.

If there is a God I don't think he's showed me any compassion my whole life and I've never done a bad thing to anyone ever. If I met him when I died if be like "why in the hell did you let me go through all that shit that happened to me


Atheists actually believe the earth looks like that

Atheism just means the disbelief in gods. It has absolutely not shit to do with any scientific theories about the origin of life. Horrible bait.

The idea is called the primeveal atom, and it contained the mass of the universe in an infinitesimal point. Before you think that couldn't exist, you must consider that physics and time itself did not exist during the period before the Big Bang. I only have a layman's knowledge of astrophysics, but my personal theory is that the universe goes through a constant cycle of expansion and compression.

We very likely aren't the first universe, unfortunately, yes, it doesn't explain where reality comes from. Perhaps everything is getting sucked off from black holes into white spouts that reintegrate matter into other dimensions. The universe is just a big-ass recycler strung together by whatever the leading version of physics is.

So no, we didn't come from "nowhere", we just don't know exactly what the where is. If it helps you sleep at night, the man with the beard did it.

You are still here. You are alive. Whatever you want through made you stronger. I'm sorry you went through hardship but everyone goes through hardship that's life, God empowers us to get thru it and continue living

The "Big Bang" doesn't say that there was "nothing" it states that all the matter and energy in the universe was condensed basically as a singularity that became unstable, exploded and fast forward about 14 billion years and we have the universe as we know it. Well... verbatim.

you'd think, but those people are worse than muslims...literally pressure you more than any other religion

Funny that you think something coming from nothing is ridiculous, when that's exactly how your god came to be.

>Do you actually believe an invisible white man created everything you see around you...

Allah is not white, silly American. He is obviously Muslim, and therefore resembles Osama Bin Laden.

Alhamdulillah! Bismillahi rahmani Rahim!

OP stupid as fuck, you know nothing about the big bang if you think there was nothing before

That's not what we believe. God was always here. He was never not. He always was.

But didn't OP just decide to argue about it unprovoked?

It's not about the origin of life, it's about the cause of the existence of our universe, some believe it's spontaneous and has no cause, some believe there is a superior entity who created it

religion and science can coexist.
this thread is bait.

> Says something can't come from nothing
> Believing some old man made everything and he's always been here


Shut up sand nigger.

Yo if you belive in the big bang-in a universe that created itself without an intelligent actor you need alot more faith than we do. Good luck sheeple

Medications damaged my brain permenantly. Did that make me stronger.
If God is real he's got a real sick sense of humor

Your brain was damaged the moment you came on Sup Forums, come on now.

Yup, enjoy following a belief system that goat fuckers have been following for millennia! The religious are the sheep, fact. Go die now.


But big crunch theory was refused when when scientist have observed the accelerating universe expansion

Maybe not physically but you are stronger in the sense that you have that unique experience and testimony. You can help people in ways many others can't. Also it wasn't God's fault that someone made a mistake. We have free will. God is good, you are here and have air in your lungs. Rejoice in that friend


You're missing this

>absolutely nothing
>all of a sudden there was everything
Sounds a bit like something else, eh?

You must not have a lot of bad things happen to you. Stop talking like a fucking prophet with that "friend" shit. You get off on spreading this bullshit don't you. Just accept that were probably just a drop in the bucket when it comes to intelligent life.


So, religious people believe we will live FOREVER. Think about that. About FOREVER. In 100,000,000 years after you have seen every movie ever made and read every book ever written over 9000 times, you won't even have started to 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 MILLENNIA, when you have literally visited every square inch of the Universe over 9000 times, and you are screaming insanely for this horrendous boredom and infuriating infinite torture to end, you'll JUST have started...

Eternal life sucks.

>eternal life sucks

not when you dont remember any of it.

Wouldn't new things be made infinitely after you're done doing those other things

>falling for the big bang meme
kek I'm atheist and I don't even believe that.

Also, God is a baby killing lunatic in all Abrahamic Faiths. God who has every super power ever, and can do anything including the coolest of all miracle magic shit, ALWAYS kills in the bible..he never moves people around telekine3ticvally to islands inhabited by angels or just changes their brain (FREE WILL!?!?! Where was Pharaoh's Free Will when God "Hardeneed His Heart" and MADE him change his mind???) and made them good...what kind of God creates beings who cannot understand "Good and Evil" and then punishes them for eating from the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil, when they could not possibly comprehend what they did was wrong or evil???

IF your God exists (s' doesn't) he is a fucking moral monster worse than Cthulu and shit...

Of course I have had bad things happen to me. I believe I'm a good person as well. But that's life, it's a struggle. Bad things will and do regularly happen. God gives us the the strength to endure the trials of this world and continue living life abundantly.




Ah, so like reincarnation, this is a waste, since if you die and the YOU that existed is OBLITERATED away, and the new yopu that re-incarnates has NO CLUE about the last you, then it is STILL Oblivion....fuck my ENERGY living on...if I don't have identity as a being...


I think it's just that we're still in the process of expansion and will be for a long time. Not a science fag, so idk for sure. Of course it's all theory. Pondering these kinds of timescales makes our lifetimes a tiny blip.

i know, but saying the big bang came from 'nothing' is just too damn ignorant.

If you or OP had even the most minute knowledge of science, or just the theory itself, you'd know that literally no reputable scientist is out there saying "NOTHING EXISTED EVER UNTIL THE BIG BANG!"

People go off spouting about how that's retarded because it IS retarded. It's an explanation for the current state of the universe (scattering of matter).

Obviously things existed prior to the big bang because they combusted into the fucking even itself.


you are stuck playing the game user.
you cant just not play.

the point is to try and have fun and enjoy life.

Whatever helps you sleep at night dude

first post best post brotha.

this thread is bait, every reply in this thread is bait.

except first post.

Faith is literally the suspension of presented contradictions to your shit claim. It is synonymous with ignorance.


The only thing God has helped me realize is just how useless my existence is

Most cosmologists believe the big bang to be a localized event in the space-time multiverse. AREAS of space expand and it happens often, we cannot however SEE this, since the event horizon of our expansion blurs everything further out into nothing at the 13.7 billion light year mark.

faith is believing without seeing or understanding.
if you cant do this you are bound to such a boring world.



Thanks man. Nice dubs

This is why I've invested into reincarnation and the idea of material souls. The idea of one single eternal life not only sounds impossible; it sounds fucking horrible. You would inevitably get to a point where there's nothing left to learn morally, and at that point you would want nothing more than to just die.

I disagree. It is YOU playing the game.

For me, oblivion is fine. I have a son, and he rocks, and that is me living forever. And y'know if they find a way to make me live for as long as I want with DNA shit, so be it. If they find a way to upload me to some chappie like robot body that keeps me alive forever. Yay! nIf they find a way to grow empty bodies for us to inhabit and be downloaded to, I'm in. If I die at 75 having lived a cool life, thats ok too...and y'know, if I'm wrong and there is life after death, I'll enjoy THAT as well...

What a dummy


Be honest. You only made this thread because you're lonely and you knew if you said something controversial people would reply. All this so you could feel some small bit of human interaction

big bang is no more relevant than a mystical being appearing and thinking, oh hey, today is a great day to make ONE planet and fill it with cunts and make ONE sun so all those cunts can worship me for eternity or get fucked in fire if they don't.. yeah.. today will be great.

Well, it's certainly a more plausible explanation than a perfect being creating something imperfect.

so why are you complaining?

Believe? Look a man of science doesn't 'believe' like that. Maybe the big bang happened, maybe not. How do I know?

Now pets put forth the supposition that OP is a worthless faggot? I think we can agree that this is true by inspection.

>That's not what we believe. God was always here. He was never not. He always was.
That's not what we believe. The universe was always here. It was never not. It always was. Fixt that for you m8.

We agree talking about two different things. Do you believe that God always existed? Good then we agree. We can debate on whether or not the universe always existed but that's a different claim

God never existed, the universe always did you fucking pleb cunt gtfo my Sup Forums.

Got proof fedora?

>Got proof fedora?
Do you? Check m8.

God and the universe are one in the same. Not sure how hard this is to understand.
Whether it's one or the other is irrelevant. If it is one, then it is the other. It is not up to us to define "God."
There is something greater than us. We exist. We are here. And we will never truly know why.

I don't. But that's why I say I believe in God. You are the only one here thinking that you haven't employed faith in your beliefs

>Whether it's one or the other is irrelevant. If it is one, then it is the other. It is not up to us to define "God."
The circular reasoning in your arguement hurts, you just want to apply a concept you cant even begin to grasp to something you think you do and be like "muh mans in the sky did this" if it helps you not be a shit tier individual cause you believe "muh mans in the sky" i really feel sorry for you.

Good thing God sacrificed one his sons so he could warn the more important ones so they can be happy lmao. Stop rationalizing everything.

Um how are God and the universe the same thing?

a common argument for the existence of god goes as follows, what does Sup Forums think?

imagine a creature with no eyes, like a worm.
they can not see light. they have no ability to even comprehend light. even if somehow you could communicate with this worm and explain to it what light is, they still would have no idea what you are talking about because they simply cannot perceive it. light operates on completely separate plane from the worm yet still rots an apple that the worm then smells.

there is force operating on a separate incomprehensible plane that has very real effects on the plane of the worm.

strong belief in the doctrines of a religion, based on spiritual conviction rather than proof.
I got some snake oil to sell you, cures everything in the universe. Why don't you buy some?

You've got something there. Did you quote something or just make that up

What I wrote is true, sorry if it's simplicity upsets you

That's not the definition of faith

Upsets me??? I wasn't being sarcastic man. That was a legitimate question lol. You seem tense haha

i just said its a common argument.

heard it for the first time watching the movie "i origins"

its a great movie about a microbiologist trying to disprove the existence of god by fully mapping out the evolution of the eye.

its not a religious film at all though but does have religious undertones. definitely not biased towards one way or the other.

>Not nowhere, dipshit.

>It came from what we PERCEIVE to be an infinitely small point.
>Who the fuck knows where it actually came from.
>I'm guessing it came from the same place that the universe is constantly
>expanding into/within.

>Just a personal theory.
>But really dude.. you're over-simplifying a theory way above your IQ level. Don't bother trying to rationalize it.

complete trust or confidence in someone or something.
If you can trust something with 0 evidence you are a stupid nigger even by Sup Forums's standards.

Zealot's 'Escape Clause' detected.

Oh so just like you do for the big bang, the origin of life and macro evolution I assume... Also nice moving goalposts with that new definition

>Also nice moving goalposts with that new definition
I posted both definitions of faith you stupid nigger, also there is evidence that the big bang occurred can you say the same for the man in the sky? Didn't think so.

Religion is too heavy of a subject to discuss with anyone. Haven't you heard if you wanna make friends never talk about religion or politics at least not unless you know they have the same view on it as you.

>Member of one of the world's largest organised faiths.
>Calls non-believers 'sheeple'.

Call kettles 'black' much?

You didn't ask a question. God sacrificed himself, for us. That sounds like a good deal to me. You should try a good church one day bro

>whats beyond that always-expanding wall of the universe 0_0

Did you quote the right person just now

Evidence of the creator's hand is all around us. Open your eyes and pull back the curtain of blindness

Also, being omnipresent, he watches all of us fap!

Sick fucker!

>Evidence of the creator's hand is all around us. Open your eyes and pull back the curtain of blindness
So you provide no evidence than to say others are blind, you still provide nothing to support your arguement? no wonder humanity was stuck in the dark ages for so long with people like you in the world.

My uncle owns a church. I play in the band there sometimes. Some of the people there are pretty cool. But some like a lot of the people here just look down on everyone