I listen to trump and hear Hitler

I listen to trump and hear Hitler
fucking fascist trump supporter nazis we should kill them all that would make america Great Again
if you don't realize this then your what's wrong with the world


fascist detected

nignog detected
and yes. we love trump for the reasons you mentioned

Are you kidding me???

I'm serious. or maybe you're just a fat single 30+ woman. Am I right? kek


summer is here boys


I think we should move away from the racism and fascism and start talking about the million other reasons that trump is a bad candidate

There isnt.

>the joke

That...that's not a response to my statement...
Did you mean to say "there aren't any"?

He's a retard who will piss the glorious Putin off

Putin is a better politician than Trump and will easily manipulate him

If you're going to live in America please speak fucking English you shitskin

I love this concept of non-fascism "I don't agree with these, kill them"

I also love the concept of comma.

Feminist nazi


People who get their news from social media and memes are too funny.



fake... Jon Snow died in s5e10

>People have a different opinion to OP.
>OP is upset by this fact and wishes death upon people who are voting for a man who says what they are thinking.

OP how old were you when you were raped?

>job only lasts until november
no thanks

summer is truly here
>unless its reverse bait

So you want to mark Trump supporters and their shops with a sign, put them into camps, gas them and burn their corpses...

This sounds familiar, but where did those happened?

>Supporting the nigger degenerate pandering party

Its winter here in Australia. And this is not b8.

Accuse other party of being racist, while yelling racial epithets at them... mighty white of you .

I don't recall being at war with Mexico, still. How does this analogy hold up?
I like it tho



Must be difficult growing bald so young. Must explain all the cropped up hate.

double chin too

What the fuck is wrong with you?


Left wing nutjob who like his retarded brethren is completely bereft of the historical understanding needed to determine that he is a hitlarian fascist.
replace trump supporter with Juden and you could add Sieg Heil to everything you say OP.

Oh my gosh. Are you kidding me???