Can anyone make a legitimate, complaint about Trump...

Can anyone make a legitimate, complaint about Trump? It's always fucking idiots saying "hurr durr he's a racist and/or a sexist" without backing up their accusations, or they just call Trump supporters idiots and don't explain why.

Other urls found in this thread:‘lie’-and-a-‘scheme’-in-testimony/ar-BBtIXRt?li=BBnb7Kz

no they can't and they know it.

Foreign policy economic policy

No elaboration? wew

Yeah, no matter what the topic is, they can't make a legitimate complaint.

He's capitalist scum. Ez

He says what he thinks in a crude way, wich is great for most of us, but some morons will get butthurted.
>"illegal immigrants are rapists and drug dealers"
>"omg he said mexicans are rapist"
The only thing i find bad about his campaign is his tax plan, which may or may not work.

If you guys are interested in politics and want to make money you should join, put your money where you're mouth is my friends

he lies with such passion and conviction that I can barely believe it's happening.

i hate him & love him at the same time. Id rather have a pathological liar for president than that cunt Clinton

im yurpian btw


Well, he does literally want to spend a shitload of money building a bigass wall, when that money could be used on more useful things, like schooling or healthcare. If that's not a valid reason, I don't know what is. And even if it's not realistic, it shows the stupidity of the individual saying such things.

Not that I care either way, all the candidates are shit. But you asked.

Hes can be a dick. Its fun to watch him shit on shillary and sjws, but him being so blunt with foreign leaders who already have short tempers could end badly. That being said, he still has my vote because I can't watch that corrupt lying treasonous cunt become president. MAGA.

Get ready to feel the Bern, you neo-Nazi Trumpcucks. There's a storm coming, in the form of millions and millions of disaffected Americans sick of having the American lie shoved down their throats by racist, homophobic Nazis like you and the mainstream media. Don't like what I'm saying? Go back to Faux News.
Capitalism has to be the greatest failure of organised government ever- but it came with the greatest lie ever told as well. Everything is fine. Keep consuming. Keep producing. You are what you own, and if you don't own anything, you are worthless.
The capitalist Ponzi scheme is falling, Sup Forumsrothers, just a little later than Marx predicted. It is coming.

>He says what he thinks in a crude way
>wich is great for most of us
I appreciate your honesty, but it disgusts me that you think that's a compliment

We are not going to pay for the wall my friend.

he's completely uninformed on even basic subjects. I'm not voting for a moron to sit in the white house, carry the football and pick supreme Court Justices

the presidency is not a reality show.

>I can't watch that corrupt lying treasonous cunt become president
This. Bernie supporters and Trump supporters all agree that she is terrible.

capitalism is gonna fall no doubt, every system in the world meets its end. the question is when

His hair is pathetic. That's a legitimate complain.

he's a racist

I don't know about you but i would prefer someone that openly says illegal immigrants are horrible for the country and that they should go back than someone who lies and compromises the nation security by doing stupid shit with some emails. Plus, she's absolutely corrupt.

This. When pressed on specifics, it's obvious he has no clue at all what he's talking about.

The voluntary exchange of objects and labour is going to stop?


He's a fucking 'businessman' who makes more of a living bankrupting his businesses and then - in true Amerifat fashion - suing anybody who dares to print or say how fucking garbage his business sensibilities are.

But you 13-year-olds wouldn't even know of such things, right?

>m-muh reality tv star

I'll vote for trump before i vote for hillary thats for sure.

Cause his election will literally start the chapter of WWIII in history books of the future.


Better than a fagloving bloodtraitor who wants to give shot away for free

How the fuck would anyone pay for that wall, then?

You have to be at least 18 to post here

He's a crook and possibly a rapist.‘lie’-and-a-‘scheme’-in-testimony/ar-BBtIXRt?li=BBnb7Kz

He's an actor - a celebrity if you will. No actor will ever be a president, it's too ridiculous. Give me a break.


You don't even know what capitalism stands for.

>he's a racist and/or a sexist
aren't those legitimate complaints? if he disregards more than half the population as subhuman, then surely that's an important problem.

The trips... wasted. :(

Oh god, please tell me you are joking...

thinks mexico is not a country
LOL about Regan?

you inbreds would vote for him even if he raped your mum in front of you. His only skill is being an impressive bullshitter and good public speaker....not unlike Hitler, he's got a gift for riling up the inbreds


Not samfag bitchtits.

Pleaese enlighten me Mr. Economist.



No military experience? The fact that this whole campaign he's been spewing racist and sexist nonsense that he's never pretended to entertain before? I think those are both valid concerns.

"Better than Hillary" doesn't make him a good candidate.

What is Ronald Reagan.

Wheww lad go back to school.

Do you really want a guy who's been roasted on comedy central to lead our nation?

It stands for productivity and efficiency. It needs to be regulated but its the closest to freedom you'll ever get. Only a moron would replace capitalism with something like communism.

If you can look at the specifics on how he ran his university, and the school handbook showing the policy for his staff, and you still want this guy for president- then you are a mouthbreathing rube of epic proportions


>shitload of money
10 billion dollars isn't much when you consider what type of project it is and the fact that if mexico doesn't pay for it, we'll just use some of the 100 billion dollars in foreign aid we give to mexico each year to build it.

He's holding the kitana totally wrong which is an insult to the bushi, thus proving he cannot even begin to attempt to make anime real.

I just stumped the Trump.

The world begins and ends on comedy central
Fuckin sheepfucker.

If Regan said it's the voluntary exchange of objects and labour then he doesn't know either. Though more likely, he said it because he knows most people don't realize how capitalism actually affects this world and he simply wants to sustain it because of his personal interests.

Still though, at least Reagan was a governor before he got elected, as far as I know, Trump hasn't taken one government job ever.

What does that have to do with anything?
Wasn't JFK an actor?
Do you really want someone who plays pretend for a living leading our country?

Because he continually says stupid shit like his most recent "hur durr it's a messican so he can't be a judge" thing. He's continued the grad tradition of being GOP independent voter cancer.

I recall Hillary saying it's tough to get by on 200K a year recently so I'll give him credit for not pulling one of those yet. Also if I ever met him IRL I'd buy him a beer for knocking out Ted Cruz since that melted-faced cunt.

Zero political experience. Mentally unstable. Ect

Did you say a pathological liar rather than a pathological liar? This is all a circus act anymore.

people who believe trump also believe wrestling is real. coincidence?


>links untrustworthy sources
>one of them is insanely biased against trump, msn
>abc7 is the only link you can get with somewhat credibility

so true. here's a vid of how "truthful" he is:

I give your post an 8/8

He would demand that manufacturers of computing devices leave gaping backdoors for China to do whatever they want with.

Aren't you talking about corporatism?
No one likes corporatism

Not the hero we deserve
But the hero we need

total foreign aid for the entire obama presidency isn't 100b, let alone yearly, let way the fuck alone to mexico (not even in top 5 recipients) alone.

My dad worked as a camera operator for WWE... wrestling is like 95 percent real..

If u say itherwise ur fucking dumb and probably voting for bernie. My dad says bernie is everything wrong with todays kids.

>implying he doesn't really have 169 lawsuits against him
>implying the Trump University fraud lawsuit isn't real
>implying the rape lawsuit isn't real

just because you don't like the source doesn't make it a lie. kid

Today's kids are everything wrong with Bernie

i cant wait till hilary wins and all the drumpfags fuck off and dissapear back to their pathetic existances

Bernie Sanders is a joke that isnt very funny.

all that and more:

I wasn't, but both are harmful.

saying climate change is a hoax is rather dumb

no wonder shills are in full force today.

my dad said he could whip your dad's ass.

Trump talks like a fucking imbecile. He presents no new ideas or policies of merit, and just talks in circles. He can't back up anything he says so he just insults people to shift the focus off of his shortcomings. He is appealing only to retards. Too bad half of America is comprised of backwoods redneck fucking morons.

ok i'll follow your meme

What should we replace capitalism with?

Hes not a communist

Politicians lie? What a groundbreaking and frankly astonishing fucking concept.

I'd still vote for him, but I think trips are telling the future. Which is nice cause that means humanity will survive WWIII in a good enough shape to write history books about it.

What he others said and to add to that, he said he will restrict flow of wire transfers into Mexico. I.e. The millions per week of untaxed revenue the illegals are sending back home. This is constitutional and can be done by the president. This is the thing that will convince Mexico to pay for the wall

Still better than Hillary Satan and her love for rapists.


November 8th will be a glorious day indeed. the butthurt will be epic

And you've got be a fucking retard to not understand the political implications his campaign will cause in the near future.
NO ONE trusts Trump. Business men don't trust Trump. His likeminded kin hood don't trust Trump. The motherfucker is the most chaotic force to even attempt to enter the White House.
The past year has been bloody chaos anyway and he isn't even in yet. He's also a renowned failure as a businessman, instead weighing all his debt down onto other properties. Imagine that kind of stingy, selfish mother fucker handling a whole country.
This isn't even in regards to anything relating to his "Racism" or "Sexism". In many ways, he speaks alot of harsh truths, but for the wrong reasons and with self centered intentions.
What's he gonna do in the future? Sue ISIS?
He's a belidgerrent child of a man that can't even stand to just go bald cause he's obsessed with power and easily uses manipulation tactics to get the fucking rednecks. hill billy retards of America on his side and the 1% by being part of that community, much how like Obama practically had the black demographic nailed instantly.
He's SCUM. He's VILE. He's INSULTING. He's MISINFORMED. He takes all the credit for everything he's done. He's the kind of person who steps on and humiliates others to get what he wants and he knows nothing about politics and knows nothing about the people he hopes to lead and people need to fucking think that if his politics would even project his personality in the slightest, then no political leader will tolerate that garbage for 4 goddamn years.

all it takes is one guy with charcoal and an old phonebook to write history books



Oh boy
And this time it isn't going to fail because?
And i really would prefer the government not controlling my life

He's white.

casinos go down all the fucking time lol

Trump, is that you?

If so, stop.

But he is racist. Anybody of any skin color on this planet could be Muslim. There is no way to mentally detect whether someone is a Muslim, and if they are and truly mean harm they could just lie.
He's very obviously talking about brown people from middle eastern countries.
If he was at least transparent in saying he'd be barring middle eastern people he might gain more respect.


Ronald Reagan?

In Atlantic City......a Democratically run city that has been dying for decades due to poor municipal management and financial strategy. Everyone in AC is hurting. Plus he sold that shit

Jesus Christ


But you still don't say how he would cause wars by stopping jobs from going to other places and building a wall. He can't even declare war

He's doing the same shit with the rednecks Obama did with the niggers and bernie is doing with the fags