Have you ever felt emptiness ? Not sad , not happy , just empty ? Tell me fags

Have you ever felt emptiness ? Not sad , not happy , just empty ? Tell me fags.


And why , what happened ?


I bet the majority of people on this board suffer depression or something similiar.

Nothing happened

yeah, one day i woke up went down stairs and saw that someone ate my leftover pizza, i went outside and stared at the sky for hours trying to decide what i was going to do with my existence.

I'm not talking about depression , just simply empty , when you don't give a fuck. Literaly you don't give a fuck about anything , and you just feel empty.

This is a cloud thread

I feel emptiness whenever my friend posts cancer shit on Sup Forums

Nope, becuase that's just the back of a yu-gi-oh card bro.

Everyday of my life.
But it make me sad to be empty


I'm so sorry mate , i hope you get better. Fking thiefs.

clouds are not empty

I lay down a card face down and end my turn


I wouldn't feel sad about it , you feel the emptiness , embrace it brother. FEEL THE VOID!

I felt emptyness after a breakup that I oneititis'd over. Depression came first but then I felt cold and empty.


Yeah. A week to a couple months after a 4 day meth binge.

Nice clouds


Satanic clouds

I love you OP

Sup Forums is literally the emtpiness i think.


I feel it, and it is horrible, cuz nothing make sense to me

check these quads






And i love you 2


Yea maybe not as you felt it. I was a teen and reading puresilence.org the site that says when you die its lights out. id focus on clearing my head of ALL thoughts, very hard to do. it was very meditative and interesting.



Knowing the girl I love doesn't want me anymore, I wasn't sad, I just sat thinking about it for weeks, getting depressed. Thankfully it's mostly over now.

especially when I come out of being blackout drunk, but I'm still drunk


Thanks for the new Wallpaper . Op here

Nice clouds you got there


I feel empty all the time. Even when something good is going on and I'm laughing, I still feel empty. And it hardly ever goes away.
It might be weed induced.


Nice Sup Forums pass faggot

have a phone background

Welcome to the boat my brother . /op

Yes, once I broke up with my girlfriend after 3 years - but I think that was only because I was Not used to be alone after all this time.

The second time I had a withdrawel from opioid like substances - but this time this feeling was caused through my brain chemics. i had to regenerate.

But since then, I See the life how it is. When something Bad happens, I feel it but did Not let it take me down. I would say I view the things more logical then others, thats why I'm mostly a balanced Person.

> Be me
> Be 23
> Break up with gf because didn't think she was the right girl for me
> Went home
> Put on Seinfeld DVDs like I usually do before bed
> Don't laugh
> Don't smile
> Don't feel anything
> Feel nothing

i clicked so many street signs for this dont belittle my colours

Thanks mate .


I feel ya, know the exact feeling

Definitely. Just no emotions at all.

I'm sorry, I appreciate your work.

its all for phone backgrounds

Hey hey hey

I'm sorry to hear that , yeah sometimes shit hit the fan. But maybe one day we will feel again. /op

thank you

I fell empty all the time because I'm a major screw up and I don't give enough of a shit about anything. especially myself.

Thanks now i got a spoopy virus


Yes, everyday of my life. This is the reason why i think about an hero a lot...what's the purpouse of keep breath after all?!
I can't feel shame, happy, sad or whatever

no viruses only love

Yes, I'm not sure where it came from but it lasted for a few months. Existential crisis I think? That would be the most logical thing tbh


Welcome aboard my brother . /op



Yeah maybe you are right , its logical. But what if something else ? Then i'm pretty much fucked.

For a reason.

Every now and then I go through periods of numbness. No emotional response to events or motivation to act. Sometimes gets to a point where I lose my sense of time and a few hours will pass in an instant.



Well pretty much sums up the whole situtation that i'm in right now.

im numb op..
why do you think ive posted so many times

Soooo deeeep broooo.

i feel like shit already man, pictures i take of colours I like shouldn't determine if I'm capable of deep thought

Well i think you are suffering from an another "emptiness" if you know what i mean.


what kind?

i don't know mate , but its terminal i think.

never been diagnosed heh
im okay with what i get with life

Thats the spirit brother.

All the time. Its pretty much my lifestyle. Just out of highe school, complete neet, no idea what i want or what to do. No friends or desire to make them. Not even that sad about it just the occadional feeling of anxiety that im wasting my youth and oppertunities while i have them. Aside from that im doing nothing and as far as I can tell dont want to.

just keep going, dying would be so boring at least life gives you something to watch

That's me. I'm never happy or sad. I can appreciate things, like a rainy day with coffee, or winning in vidya, but I haven't honestly smiled in years.

That is depression

The rainy days i love them , with a cigarette , best that can happen. /op

Try to read "La Nausée" by JP Sartre.
Explain a lot from where come this feeling.
For me it is more like "being tired of being"

Thanks mate , downlading it right now. /op

nah man depression makes you want to kill yourself
emptiness just precedes it

My life is a cycle of feeling empty and missing pleasure, and boredom from being given stimulants that I can get no pleasure from

Nah man , i'm not feeling depressed. I was depressed before but not now , this feeling is much different. I can't tell you what it is , but i know its different. I don't want to kill myself , and i'm not sad , i'm not crying ... its just empty ... and i feel relieved.

post clouds

I do feel like my life has no meaning, so I guess that is a bit empty

Yes OP , I feel that way when my 3 years relationship ended , after all the depression and shit , coudln't felt anything nor happy or sad , just empty , I still feel that way , nothing happens , you just learn to live without reasons