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>we'll land there sometime in the next decade
>Establishing a base would take another few years/decade

We'll have to excite the next generation, again, to continue to want to deal with Mars.

Granted scientific discovery and just arrival alone on the planet will probably skyrocket NASA budget funding and STEM funding so getting people excited probably won't be a problem.

I'm more excited for the idea of 100 years from the day we land.

Imagine the tech we'll develop due to this...

Our original Earth.

and fake

NASA isn't the only space agency.

But yes I really with the US cared about its soace program like other countries, China abd Russia have a pretty decently funded space program.

lotta metal to mine and oxygen to extract from the rust.
build a fleet of 100,000 imperial starships.

If you believe that, the Panspermia Theory is your go-to I assume


The next planet humans will live on and terraform.

Obviously the Russians, Chinese, and Europeans have their own..but my point of view was from the agency that will have the largest hand in this, tbh.

Yeah, they do, but have they been on the Moon?

Instead of using tons of money to learn more about a dead shitty planet. Why not use the money to help poor black families in our cities?

fuck terraforming it. just convert it into imperial spaceships.

We don't need PLANETS, just giant floating structures.

terraforming is a waste of time and money. blow it up, vacuum up the resources, and get on with it.


lmfao, this was ALMOST enough troll to get me, but I ain't that stupid.

Fuck Mars, according to Doom documentary, its exploration will lead us to Hell


Sadly, I agree with this.

Space gives us the ability to build whatever the fuck we want...literally no limitations, so why go through the endless science of terraforming when you could just engineer a fucking floating planet.

Colonize it. Turn it into an industrial powerhouse. Mine on it all you want. No environment to wreck anyway.


Not in person but Russia plans to send people to the moon by the 2020s, sane with China.

It's not a contest but if it is I would like to point out both Russia and China can send people into space on their own right now, the US can't.

The real sad thing is NASA is not aloud to work with Chinas space program due to outdated US fears of communism but both NASA and the Chinese space agencies want to work together really badly. We get more done faster working together so I hope that policy goes away soon.

>I want to leave this planet and go Mars.
>Because there are strange wonders there.
>Because there are scarlet sunsets over barren wastes.
>You're all by yourself...your thoughts...and your memories.

>When I hit the Earth's atmosphere, I'll burn like a match.
>I'm nothing but a human-meteor child.
>But I going back to Earth this way.

I like Titan

Seems friendly

I'd rather we tried shooting for a permanent settlement on Venus, than frozen-bone-fracturing-thin-atmosphere-clusterfuckland. Seriously. There's so much more you could get from figuring out how to colonize Venus or even abuse it for it's resources.

Explore Mars and set up research bases and the like, sure. But what does Mars have, besides being a barren, weakly-shielded ball covered in salty aqua and ionized rust?

Not to mention that the "Martians" that would grow up there over generations would be all but capable of returning or visiting Earth.

It's cold but more friendly to human habitation than Mars Suprisingly

>inb4 retards saying its flat

this is you.

450+ °C
and 90 bar

1 rotation 250 days

best conditions for humans.

I feel the same way about Venus that I feel about Mars, but Venus has way more to exploit.

Venus has a shitty as fuck barely-existent magnetosphere, so there's no valid reason to colonize it, though. In addition, some people are pretty sure Venus' surface completely melts due to mass volcanism from time to time.

However, with that much CO2 in the atmosphere, if we vacuum it off, we could fill up our spaceships made from Mars, and then when we reach the surface of Venus, we can make even more spaceships.

Those 2 planets alone could equate MILLIONS of spaceships and hundreds of thousands of starships. Pump the CO2 through a mega floating greenhouse, and it's more oxygen than Earth has. (having similar atmospheric sizes, but Earth has 21% oxygen, and Venus has 96% CO2 (which can be converted into oxygen)

To be perfectly honest, I'd love it if Venus was something we could colonize. Truly, I wish our probability leaned towards having planetary siblings across the space, and one day we'd meet up and exchange information. The Earthlings, and the Venusians. Yeah, I'm a bit of a romantic when it comes to space, but the planet does NOT have that; there IS NO civilization there we can meet up with; and it's inherently dangerous, even compared to Mars. So, fuck it and blow it up too; there's so much resources we can get from them.

In fact:
Iron and Silicon mines
Oxygen mine
fuel mines (and in some cases, petrochemical mines, by converting all the hydrocarbon molecules, such as in the methane and such)

Eventually, we may even look back at Earth and decide
>Eh, fuck it
and blow that up, too

Depending if we ever decide to get rid of our feelings for our parent star, we might even use Sol itself as a fuel source and exhaust its photosphere, corona, and cores of all their hydrogen. There won't even be a white dwarf in our wake, just empty space... where a civilization left and expanded to space unknown

but, we may notice that Humanity is a bit more romantic than that. We can always choose to keep the Earth, Moon, and Sol as the base/HQ for our empire. Just for the memories.

But, legitimately, there's no real reason to. We should just leave.
The only time a planet/star shouldn't be blown up is if it harbors intelligent life or life that COULD become intelligent

Don't forget you can mine the gas planets atmospheres for helium-3 and the magnetospheres for antimatter.

You got a good point about that.

Although, the He-3 would be part of the fuel, wouldn't it? Since it'd be used in some kind of fusion reactors?

Although I actually didn't know there was a supply of antimatter in their magnetospheres.

That's interesting to know.

However, I'm gonna have to go.
>Captcha contains "rocher", like Roche Limit. Just thought that'srelevant

Fascinating, but dead. Pointless to colonize because it's dead. No magnetosphere means no protection from solar and cosmic rays means no realistic ability to explore.

Venus is a more likely second home.

Yeah. On the surface.

50 km up, with the kind of atmospheric pressure that causes air to -float-. I don't know, it seems like you might be able to build a non-corrosive, flame-retardant floating city (or something) if you're capable of building a station over another planet entirely. Probably a few atmospheric scrubbers to boot... not to mention the drift that would occur if a floating city were just, you know, floating across a planet's sky.

You could probably synchronize the cities and simulate a day/night cycle.

Did you know that the atmospheric conditions of Venus act as a deterrent to solar radiation, due to the fact that the shielding mass of the atmosphere at specific levels well above ~50 are tantamount to that of Earth? Not to mention, if one has solved the problem of Astronauts being saturated in Van Allen Belt fields, one will be able to build a habitat or facility that can shield from any errant blasts of particles.

>if Venus was something we could colonize
It is something we can colonize. It has a handful of pre-configured conditions that sing true to creating a feasible living environment. You wouldn't even run into problems of personal long-term health insofar as breathing in bad chemicals (that you can easily scrub), or being a little too hot (which you can definitely regulate).

You don't even have to waste energy generating heat to stay warm. You ARE warm.

Mars has a hard time holding in the little atmosphere it has left, because of it's size. This also means that landing on Mars is much more harder than landing on Earth, because there is less friction to slow your descent. Imagine the fuel consumption required just to land, or the unorthodox methods that could go south.

Why would you want to help niggers?