Who do you main in League of Legends?

Who do you main in League of Legends?

Faceless Void

Chaos Knight

I used to played him a lot back when I was playing Dota 2. I miss his hoof feet.

Reckless Riker


Morgana main
Hit binds on binds all day. Carry from support

Skeleton King


Do you ever play Lux?

Gewehr43 or the Kar98k. I mostly support the main troops when they attack on the right flank. If I play Allies then I use PSSh-41 when russian or the Thompson if American


Not as support. The most similar champion to Morgana in the support role is Karma in terms of champion mechanics, abilities and movement. Lux isn't a good support, rather a good utility mid laner with good carrying capability. I'm only Gold though.

Braum. Quick question, when do people stop being toxic. I'm in P2 and its still hell. Where does the rainbow end Sup Forums?

>not toxic
>playing League
pick one

I meant I expected people to stop doing the same shit that happens in Bronze, but I guess your right.

I found the less i spoke in chat the better. I started muting everyone and just pinging to communicate, been working a lot better. Once someone starts losing lane and a teammate bm's, it's gg

zed ,Lb,zilean,azir,riven,cassiopeia,lulu.
challenger I, korea
skt t1 faker

play dota you casual faggot

Sky go be irrelevant somewhere else. No one cares for you.

nah man dota 2 is 3 hard 5 me


Who you posted

And Blitz

My favorite 3 are Sona, Udyr, and Nasus.
Simple champs, best champs.

Nah, one time my mid, who I duoed with, flamed anyone who made a mistake, which was everyone of course, and slowly we went from like 4-5 towers behind, two thirds of their kills, no dragons to pushing at their inhibitors together, ahead in kills, with a dragon, elder soon, and baron still active. We won. They were at our nexus turrets when we came back
My adc, who my friend had the most conflict with, called him "an angry football coach". We were all postive, except for me, I was neutral as a support with over 30 assists.

Not saying this is the norm, but if you can't turn the negativity into something that makes you want to do better, ignore it or turn it into positivity. Any of those options + teamwork can turn almost anything around

I wouldn't call Sina simple. She's simpler than a lot, but not that straightforward. Her passive makes her play dynamic, and her auras change the game a lot. That is about it though, besides the matter of just properly landing her ult.

But Nasus and Udyr are probably the simplest champions to play, yeah. I'm not saying Sona isn't simple, but those two are on another level lol

Illaoi, gnar, and bard. No particular order

I used to miss more ults than I cared to count trying to get a 3+ stun off. Now I usually use it to pop the assassin going on my carry :(

No because he likes playing league of legends not, miss I only need to land one stun.

Twitch main, fizz and lux make me cry


You trying to trash on my boy Warwick?

Nah, I just think he's one of the easiest champs in the entire game.

Tahm Kench
108k mastery score

If you aint got 2 health bars you aint shit

I main Illaoi and to some extent Talon

Garen would like a word.

janna, karma and sona. used to play zyra and zilean a lot in s2

Lol is gay

Just like you.

Urgot master race, still miss the days he was in meta its a shame because he has a really unique kind of playstile.


Your mom

Praise the sun