Why don't Americans celebrate Christmas?


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A celebration?

Festivities marking a special event, perhaps?

A story of humble begins; a manger for a crib, perhaps?

An ancient tale of hope and birth?

A festivity of sorts?

A story of life and holiness; the birth of a messiah, perhaps?

A certain celebration commemorating the birth of our lord and savior, hmm?

The nativity perhaps?

A folk celebration of winter that was later hijacked by the church?

A celebration of paganistic origins, perchance?

A holiday dedicated to an old roman god?

A feast for Saturn?

The inner workings of the human soul?

A soul arriving to its earthly form - an incarnation, perchance?

A time of commemoration, if you will?

A fun day for all?

Wrapped presents for the little ones?

A holiday dedicated to the roman god of agriculture?

A man central to the Christian faith?

To receive a messiah from a virgin, in accordance with the scriptures?

A man of humble beginnings, perhaps?


because we celebrate festivus


>he doesnt know about festivus

>he doesn't know jewstivus it's a jewish celebration

Just like Americans don't celebrate thanksgiving, 4th of July, or Martin Luther King day even though they're all historically relevant there?

I heard they don't celebrate Easter either.


Feliz navidad onii-chan!!!
conozco que no te gustas nos chicanos, pero nececitas a querer tu familia, especialmente en navidad.


Yo todovia quiero tu, aunque eres un bully. c:

We don't celebrate MLK day though.

>he still doesnt know about festivus

>it's a spic with an inferiority complex stealing aussie content episode

>Be American
>Wake up and roll out of bed, which takes great effort, as 70.7% of adult Americans are overweight (cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/ obesity-overweight.html
>Waddle into the kitchen and wake myself up with a nice big glass of corn syrup, before turning on the TV to watch the NFL. However, not much of the game is actually played while drinking the corn syrup, as under 6% of a televised NFL match is actually spent playing the game (sportsgrid.com/real-sports/nfl/pie-chart-actual-football-watching-nfl-game-vs-replays-commercials-etc/)
>A lot of the players are brown, as only 63% of Americans are white (nydailynews.corn/news/national/percentage-non-hispanic-whites-hits-all-time-63-article-1.1371772)
>Waddle and roll into my oversized SUV -which I've never taken off road- and drive to work
>Accidentally crash into the back of a police vehicle, but don't damage it because American police drive IED proof MRAPs.
>The police -who is wearing military uniforms- gets out and immediately shoots me. This doesn't surprise me, because American police shot 92 times more people than the police in the People's Republic of China did in 2014 (thefreethou htproiect com/police-kill-citizens-70-times-rate-first-world-nations/)
>Go to hospital, but first have to pay thousands of dollars to get there (articles.latimes.com/ 2013/aug/23/business/la-fi-healthcare-watch-20130825)
>Receive extremely poor care in the hospital, when compared to other first world countries, despite outspending them all (http:// www.commonwealthfund.org/publications/fund-reports/2014/jun/mirror-mirror)
>The nurse is nice enough to wipe away the shart for free though
>Get better through some miracle and go to court.
>Receive plea bargain which I feel that I have no option but to take. I remember that 96% of federal cases are resolved through plea bargains (pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/plea/interviews/mcspadden.html)

>be mexican

That's it

>Only get four consecutive life sentences, which is rather light for the American justice system
>I am amazed at how big the prison is, but then I remember that 2.8% of American adults are under correctional supervision (both incarceration and on parole) and that this percentage exceeds every other nation on earth (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Incarceration_in_the_United_States)
>In prison I am sexually assaulted, as is 4.5% of the prison population every year (https:// www.hrw.or /news/2007/12/15/us-federal-statistics-show-widespread-prison-rauel
>As the United States has such a high prevalence of HIV -well over 1.2 million Americans, a rate far higher than other first world nations, and Somalia, are infected- I contract the lethal virus. (cdc.gov/hiv/statistics/overview/)
>I die and require an extra-large coffin, although this is not unusual in the United States.
>The NSA spies on my funeral.

do you expect anyone to read all that shit

You see, I don't have to save a wall of text copypasta to prove how garbage your smelly shithole is. I can just go >mexico and start laughing. Now get back to building the wall for 0.05 pesos an hour.

A jolly fat man bringing gifts to children and cheer throughout the world?

you have to come back
