White to move and checkmate in 3

White to move and checkmate in 3

Puzzle for you bros

Anyone willing to try?

pawn takes bishop and becomes queen \, king moves down, knight fucks off

move 1 : Resurrect queen
move 2 : move queen to H2
move 3 : Tower to G1

Make it less obvious next time

pawn takes bishop leads to stalemate

fuck me bishop is in the way.

>posts puzzle from Chessmaster that everyone has seen a gorillion times

For what purpose?

Ne3 Bxb7 Bf2 Kh2 Bxg1

Nope,all wrong lmao

Tower kills bishop
Move horse to E 1
Kill bishop with pawn, become queen.
win game

Pawn takes bishop and become a knight ffs, if become a queen or bishop its stalemate

I must say you all are twats... If fit is white move pawn takes bishop and is now a queen..... game. stalemate king cannot move into check by taking the knight and can not move to the sides. over this is the end.

Ez win
You all suck

Fuck, can kill the tower to move.
lemme think again.

there is no mate in 3

1.bxa8=N Kxg2
2.Nb6 Bxb6 (whatever black does,they can't stop the m8

There is a mate in 3, dumbass

Fuckin win
Kill yourselves anons


MOve horse to either E3 or F4
Pawn kills bishop, becomes queen.
King to H3

I win.

Lmao chess is for noobs

White pawn take bishop and promote to queen.

Checkmate next turn

Look at the grid. Its abcd from left to right, and 1234 from bott to top, and whote square on bottom right. This all means white side is the bottom side, meaning the pawns are at the end of the board

^No it is not the answer you dumbfuck

Is answer,everything else is bullshit

>how to reply

No it's not, if you take the bishop and become a queen. its a stalemate you cunt

pawn to the bishop. pawn becomes rook and black king takes knight white rook move 5 spaces away then black king has no choice but to move back other white pawn moves to corner and becomes a queen or bishop. boom game

I can 'end' the game in 1 move.
Move white king to h3

This is the answer:
1.bxa8=N Kxg2
2.Nb6 Bxb6 (whatever black does,they can't stop the m8

1.bxa8=N Kxg2
2.Nb6 Bxb6 (whatever black does,they can't stop the m8

The others are all wrong

True answer

G2-F4-E2-G1 Mate

The niggers are cornered so white victory is inevitable.

Move your king down to H3 to protect your knight. Only move black can do is take your pawn with his bishop. Take his other bishop with your rook. Checkmate.

1. King to h3
2. Bishop to f2
3. Castle to g1

Fucking noobs

Then the king can take your rook


good one m8

cant queen the pawn on the first move, would be a stalemate. black wouldn't have any viable moves left.
>cant move the black bishop - it'd put the king in check from the white rook
>cant move the black king - only available square to move to (h2) is attacked by Bg3, and can't take Ng2 bc now it's protected by the pawn promoted queen
keep tryin

And you thought rooks are immortal? the king can take the rook, there's is only one way possible and its MY WAY

You're an idiot.

Get out niggers

how many retards on Sup Forums you think fuck with chess, nonetheless have seen this puzzle? the odds are astronomical sir. you are divorced from reality

pony upside down L with the leg facing to the left, then under the king like it fell, then diagonal to both black bishops, so that it'll bait his into killing the knight. EZPZ

you end the game with no queen, but that's ok, cuz none of us are gonig to end with a queen either

this is step 1


Step 2

And whatever Black does right now, is USELESS to stop the mate

a8=Q# Checkmate the nigger

This guy has it, this 1 simple move pretty much finishes the game.

Black king kills the rook white then moves the castle up one which forces black to body block with the bishop which is then taken by the castle

Then that's 4 MOVES

Pawn to B8 promote to queen
King takes knight at G2 (only move)
Queen moves to B7 for checkmate.

No stalemate and no trolling

That's stalemate and its trolling. Well done sir. The queen is protecting the knight

1. White knight to F4, black only valid move is a8 bishop take b7 pawn
2. White knight to H3, doesnt matter what black does now, valid moves are to move bishop from b7 to any point on diagonals or king to g2
3. Regardless of black previous move, take g1 bishop with rook

This is the answer. Have any of you actually played chess??


Is answer you fucking peasants

I'm sure a rousing round of Call of Dudepee will better suit your evening social games.

That is not the answer, DID YOU EVEN PLAY CHESS

>Stupid fucker

This is the answer, peasants.

This is the fucking answer

Fucking nice