Who do you main in League of Legends?

Who do you main in League of Legends?

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Vladimir :^)


this nigga

I main leona, Support main here.

Is he in a better spot now? Only mage I've played since the update is Malzahar.

AP or tank?


Your mum

this my bitch

another ekko main here, imo fuck that tank bs

If you get ahead you can solo carry 1v5 and thats what i like, many times i did 2v1/3v1 and ended with full hp


Wait, we're not talking about Overwatch?

Sounds ideal, but I haven't played mained a mage since S4. Suppose Vlad wouldn't be too difficult though.

Genji sucks in helping team in any way, macree/reaper is way to go if you want a attacker :) getting ready for ranked bby


Morg. Only recently have I started getting into playing with her. In my opinion she's a beast.

>inb4 Wood 5 division

Zilean and Sivir, mid and adc

Teemo :^)

fuck this he's always banned




I don't understand why.
>buh muh qss
The dudes a glass cannon. Learn to deal with him.

Braum for the support win.


She's a solid support, meh mid and very strong up top. My buddy successfully plays her jungle. (He's Plat 2) She's one of the few really well rounded champs.

That's Smite, user


That's sorta the same


>enemy team has Zed
>pick Malz

I shit on every Zed I play against. He's so garbage.. he's a fucking glass cannon and if you just fight him he can't do shit.

Tank meta is gone for ekko poo poo head



nobody recognizes ur trip or quad. but i do



I prefer winter.

smite get


yeah I agree with u he's a glass cannon and u can so easily shit on it so why is he always banned

His ult is dope. The rest of his abilities suck.


Haven't played against something not a silver zed did you?

Them quads!

wtf new champ???

Quads confirm upcoming champion

Earth Shaker

yeah same

sorry ur sup is ass

Anyone who mains or plays Garen is a neckbeard weaboo. That is 100% fact. His abilities and theme naturally attract the neckbeard shut-in psychological profile. Plus he's just retarded. Easy to kill even with loads of health, regular abilities do 0 damage but ult does a trillion. The art is just ridiculous. What's he supposed to actually be, a child controlling a big robot, his head is three inches in diameter but his shoulders are 12 feet long. Terrible art.

Every other champions good though. Except for Draven, who's been here around a year and a half and has 20 skins while cooler champions who have been here for 6 years have like 3.

I main the best midder. Only Yasu and LB (sometimes) can fuck me up.
>Plat 2


outdated picture at 430k points now

>another bow champ

Like we need more of those.

still op in bronze/silver/gold cancer leagues

He's the best because riot broke him.

Reminds of of a Space Marine tbh. Also out of every champ, you're crying over Garen. Fucking Garen. How bad are you at League?


Reread bro. He's one of the easiest champs to counter. Thought I made that clear. If I wanted to complain about any champ it would be illaoi. But every Garen main I've met in real life has been a neckbeard fatty that talks like Cartmen from that WoW South Park episode.

say it all the time jhin is the new draven


Sion main baby

Sions fun. I have trouble picking between hard damage or hard tanking, and when I don't feel like playing singed or talon I play sion.

but he was also my favorite when he was shit tier. so much fun.

Never miss the charm

That's a man

Meet many Garen mains do you? Even so that sounds like a personal problem. And of course Garen is easy to counter, his entire kit is designed for him being right in your face. That won't stop a good Garen from stomping the enemy carry.

>Vlad main as well
my nigga

I mean kinda. With will of the ancients you were able to get sooo much health back from your Q and just become this unkillable monster late game. Since they got rid of it, win rates went down with Vlad since they got rid of it. I like the rework to a certain point.
Pros - Better teamfights, way better early game advantage, gain health back from ult, E is way more satisfying to use, Crimson Rush is a fantastic idea
Cons - He's encouraged more to be played as a tank, sustain is meh, because WOTA is gone it practically seems like you're killing yourself using your E with no health coming back from Spell Vamp.

"Maining" a character in a genre which is intended to have many counters. League sounds like a shit game.


I have yet to find a pure counter for Singed. Everyone on earth is dumb enough to chase him

You can counter the enemy in every single game if you wanted to. That won't Garen-tee you wins.
It's about choosing who you're good with, this isn't a game of rock, paper, scissors..





My Trusty Steed

there are actually few counters in this game, almost everything is a skill matchup

league IS shit game


pick one

>tfw raigor dunks you

if you're over 18 and playing LoL you should consider to an hero

Gnar main here

OP af

Totally maining Renekton

I'll give you my retirement savings fund of a small loan of a million dollars if you can get to challenger in 2 weeks.


pick one

Except for a vayne top

>percentage based health loss in a large area
>able to regenerate a shit ton of health and mana very quickly after a kill
all of his abilities synergize very well. he's a great hero. His only downfall is his shit health and armor early and his over reliance on mana.

Ahri main here!

Cho Gath

i work at riot games, sneak peak at next champ, name = "Leviathan" You can play it jung or top, its kinda like cho gath.


Twisted Fate reporting in!


let destiny decide

this guy gets it

am i still banned or are you still being cunts about it?
