Who do you main in League of Legends?

Who do you main in League of Legends?


The ice king.


I main Jynx and Ahri because they give me a raging hard on

I don't play shit games my man. Sorry

Don't stick your dick in crazy

I am in Platinum.
The holy trinity of hookers shall carry any team to victory.
(Took me 3 years to get here)

That red-headed fox is also hot I forget her name also the pirate chick ha s anice poop deck

Teemo mid, Yi jungle and Darius support.

Miss Fortune is muh waifu. Back up homie.

Excuse me?

I-I'll fuck y-you up!

Katarina one trick

Shaco. Haven't touched lol in years. Didn't have anyone to play with and I don't do voice chat

Feels like LoL just peaked and now is on the decline.

Lol obviously peaked in 2014 when riot stopped releasing information on the amount of daily players

Akali.. So fucking easy to carry with her in low elo

There won't be anything huge called LoL in 4-5 years.. It's all going downhill, and now they're trying desperately to keep it alive with new things, such as the weekend special gamemodes and the shard stuff.
There just have to come a new game to take over

Most people play LoL because it's fun. No doubt a new game will come along and take the crown of most played game, but that's certainly not why I play.

Probably. it's had lots of retarded design/balance decisions lately. Having to wait 20 mins ~ to get a game usually has me giving up and going to sleep. Still slightly fun with friends atleast

Chang'e though I'm trying to get better with Kali.

hid some information cause im scared to get hacked

also haters get thed

Do you play ranked anymore?

yeah I just hit plat last game. The climb continues

What's your full build look like usually?

if your password's not icantplayforshit1, I wouldn't worry. plus your acc name's already on a list. that and the fact that you can get it back any time if you're not severely retarded. Enjoy plat. Almost as cancer as d5

For which champ?

I reached plat playing darius top btw

>Enjoy plat. Almost as cancer as d5
fuck, everyone tells me this... hype train dont fail me

Not him, but id like to see your akali build, I usually go with hextech, rylaighs, lichbane, deathcap and ludens

AP Sona/ Morgana / AP Nami

Ranked Plastic 5.

mainly because you get matched with low diamond around p2 or so. shit was funny the first time. now, not so much


Anivia is a ton of fun in ARAM.

Tahm and Illaoi are rank 6 now doe, I'm in a ranked match or I'd post the updated one

>still using that inferior build

I have no idea whats good anymore, I just like it

>implying a year has anything to do with anything.

Standard akali:
hextech > zhonyas > abyssals > deathcap or ryleis

If the team is heavy AP or AP gets fed:
hextech > abyssals > Zhonyas > ryleis

never gone tank akali

Fuck mains, play random = GG

no shes a ton of fun in SR because ARAM is for casual shit tards

look for korean tank akali. have fun. once you understand how you should play it, it's much better than standard paths.

>casual shit tards

you mean me, right?

Hextech>Lichbane>Deathcap>Mag.Pen Boots> Rylais> Zhonya/Ludens (Depends if you need zhonya or not)

velkoz. 2k true damage is pretty cool and i hear hes getting buffed again next patch. have you ever deleted a tank with 3k hp and 200 magic resist?

this season leblanc; season 3&4 fiddlesticks

rumble wukong and fiddlesticks

Hah it looks fun, I'll try it out

teemo because fuck all of you

that build is a bit pub stompy for me.

People will eventually rek ur shit by getting pinks, so the zhonya is usually must have vs competent players


yes ofc

good cuz taking LoL seriously makes me... well.. lol.

Sivir. I'm a little late to the party, just started playing like 6 or 7 months ago. Finally got into ranked a couple weeks as Silver 5.

Enjoy the game. Fucking hate the community. People rage 2 minutes into a game if they hit even a bit of adversity.

Mute them. You literally don't need anything other than pings up until high diamond.

Vladimir. He's pretty fun

good point glad no one cares


Just an fyi, there's literally zero reason for you to have All Chat enabled. I've been playing with all chat turned off for the past 2 years and that has drastically improved my LoL experience.

The rest of the game is just a matter of not being shit so no one will rage at you.

so why were you talking to me in the first place?

This guy.
guess elo.

Easily Diamond V

sorry for replying?

I'm not even talking all chat, my own team mates go postal on each other because I play all random.

A couple weeks ago I was matched up with a random sup like always. Lane started up and I miss timed a couple easy farms. I normally farm like crazy with sivir so I wasn't too worried about getting behind, but my sup immediately raged about how I should quit the game. All within the first few minutes.

I mean it's easy to ignore so it's no big deal. But wtf is wrong with people?

hahahaha you did it again... this is alot of fun you know! =D

I could never main Draven. I feel like if I don't snowball right away I end up useless as fuck.

That's just me, I know. I see him dominating matches plenty.

Sivir for some reason

kek sounds like you came across the equivalent of a back seat driver

those are usually supports who are too shit/ too lazy to play aadc so they take the easy way and play it vicariously through support. fuck those guys, but none of them make it higher than silver

dont judge me

Look who it is again, ID Heaven. I'm fed up with your shit faggot. The other day when you called me a newfag, yeah, haven't forgotten about that yet.
Fuck you I've been on here for months and probably get on here more than you anyways.
Don't you know that you make yourself look like a newfag when you call others newfag?
Just because you learned how to hack your name and change it to "Heaven" does not give you the right to disrespect anyone at any time.

I'm a garbage silver 3 player. Please kill me or boost me.

I guess.

Overall I'm enough of a noob I just ignore it. I'm not terrible. But I over extend a lot. I dunno if I'm slightly retarded or what. But I can't help but dive when I have no business doing it.



Bronze II

How do you play Rek'Sai? Everytime I play her I either try hard and get my ass kicked, or play more defensively and not do as much as I could.
