Well, it's high noon somewhere in the world

Well, it's high noon somewhere in the world.

who needs high noon when you have a flashbang and a right click


nerf this fucker already

Mercy > Lucio



Everyone is alwats screaming for a McCree nerf, meanwhile Zarya and Roadhog roam free. Though yes, McCree does need to be toned down

what is wrong with roadhog. I kill him easily?

Roadhog's easy to avoid though! Maybe he just needs a little less health back on E

Guys add me on battle.net I wanna play with some Sup Forumstards tomorrow. Had an appendectomy and I'm home for a while. KickbackLive#1598

oh, hi

What? No way. You just can't kill him fast enough.

Well if while using Roadhog and you press shift in someone's general direction you have a nearly guaranteed kill with a cooldown of 6 seconds, which is less than McCree's flashbang, and it has triple the range.

Oh you took some damage? just go in a corner and almost immediately get half of your 600 health back. Cooldown of only 8 seconds

His footsteps are pretty loud, but unless your playing a flanking hero, you can only avoid him for so long. And you certainly can't kill him quickly

Roadhog is just there to give you free Ults.
Zarya goes down in no time too

>right click
PC fag

>Zarya goes down in no time too

Not if she's with her team, as she usually is.
Even the flashbang + fan the hammer can't deal with her most of the time

Not when the zarya isn't a fucking retard and always deploys her shield


How is Zarya too strong?

Orb guy's damage orb and you can dps him down in a couple seconds...the only other characters trying to take him on should be other tanks or characters that can kite him easily. Roadhog is strong but he's not super useful to the rest of your team, his ult is easy to avoid, and his grappling hook isn't all that great unless the person you are grabbing is really weak or you have a bunch of your team surrounding you.

If you're gonna complain about any characters it should be phara and junkrat. All they need to do is sit back and spam in a general direction and they get all kinds of kills, then their ults shred things too. Not to mention phara can fly and junkrak has a fairly high damage bomb on a really small cooldown. These characters are so powerful that if one team has one and the other doesn't that team can easily win.

>Orb guy


seeMainly, she's just takes too much to kill. She can make her or her allies invincible for 200 damage, and when you accidentally shoot her shield (which is often unavoidable) it just gives her a lot more damage. Not to mention her game winning (and fun ruining) bullshit ultimate.

Fucking dyke needs to be deleted

Yeah I'm gonna take the advice of a guy who doesn't know Zenyatta's name.


> he's not super useful to the rest of your team

Well the fact that he can 100% counter most of the ultimates in the game by pressing shift while looking near them says otherwise

> his grappling hook isn't all that great unless the person you are grabbing is really weak or
you have a bunch of your team surrounding you

pic related

I agree Pharah is fucking stupid. She is probably one of the least skill-oriented heroes. Wouldn't say overpowered or anything, but just fucking dumb

>All they need to do is sit back and spam in a general direction and they get all kinds of kills

This is how a bad Junkrat plays. Or someone who doesn't properly understand how to play him. Keep the trap down on flank positions and try to draw the other team into it and closer to you. A direct impact nade from him does 120 damage, this is the goal. And also to spam at Reinhardt barriers.
His ultimate is really fucking easy to destroy. only 100 health and super loud, a cakewalk for any Soldier 76 or Widowmaker

is anyone going to constr4uct an overwatch Sup Forums team? throw out some battle.net names

Rate my dick



>counter most of the ultimates

If you happen to be right there when they are doing it.

>pic related
not sure why you'd laugh at that, dude doesn't do enough damage to 1 shot anything except the weakest chars unless they are low on health, and if you don't have a team with you after you pull them, they can likely get away from you, especially fast characters or the ones that have some kind of damage mitigation

>This is how a bad Junkrat plays.

No. I mean I agree with the traps in some situations, like when you've found a good place to spam grenades. Typically I stay close to, but behind my team and send volleys of grenades over to where they are fighting. I put my mine out where I see enemies running around and get easy kills that way too.. Guy has his shield up? no problem, throw your bomb behind him (it goes right through) blow it up, and he goes flying into your team and dies instantly. His ult is only easy to hit if you aren't being sneaky with it. Direct hits with grenades are great, but they are by no means necessary. Most of my kills are from splash damage until they get close up to me and then that's where the direct hits come in and save me. You don't even need your trap for that though. The character is just easy and the only good thing to counter him with is widowmaker imo. I regularly get potg and damage awards for him without even trying. He's like bastion with a grenade launcher.



>dude doesn't do enough damage to 1 shot anything except the weakest chars unless they are low on health

The amount of times I've personally been one shot through full health from this combo says otherwise. If the Roadhog has his crosshair right on the player that he just hook's neck, it's more than enough for a one shot.

>I regularly get potg and damage awards for him

Well getting the most damage is pretty much the whole point of him. Just constantly throwing out damage, mostly to tanks and especially to Reinhardt barriers.

And Tracer/Pharah can completely shut down Junkrat. Hanzo and Genji are pretty good against him, too