Best fender guitar?

Best fender guitar?



Strats > Telecaster



Strats for dadrock and funk
Teles for anything else.
Jazmaster's for fedoras.
Mustang for posturing.


What fender for metal

squire by fender

god plays gibson

Why not both?

God doesn't exist

Try again, sir

Strat is the most versatile by far.

My personal favorite is the Fender D'aquisto because I don't play rockist trash


I love the feel of the strat so damn much.

I'm not partial to that plunky, Sweet Home Alabama signature strat sound, but I just straight up love the feel.

Strat with an HSS configuration very versatile guitar

Black telecaster

Found the Jazz master player.

Any answer other than "Telecaster" is the wrong answer.

American standard strat

Strat == Mustang > Telecaster > Other