Would ativan be strong enough to get a girl incoherent if I slipped it in her drink? I have 3 10mg pills

Would ativan be strong enough to get a girl incoherent if I slipped it in her drink? I have 3 10mg pills

I'm having a female friend over this weekend and we will likely have some drinks but I wanna fuck her too

why don't you get her drunk and wait until she collapses next to the dumpster? or are you not on the swim team?

>I wanna drug and rape a girl this weekend.

Is that the only way your feeble mind works?

No I play pool

Piss off whiteknight go tip your hat at a wall

Too many Swede white knight cucks around

go drug and rape amy schumer faggot, no one will care

White knighting because I don't need to drug and rape a girl?

Whoa - OP's a real man here.

What did you say about me?

Little bitch

Nursefag here 30mg of ativan plus alcohol is a awesome to make her stop breathing. Benzos and alcohol interfere with respiration alot. I would not risk it. Benzos are not roofies bro. I assume you want her to be alive?

OP's gonna kill her.
You fuckin psychopath, msot of time alcohol is enough to get a girl in your bed.

Nursefag here again just hoping you dont kill her. Sorry if that makes me a whiteknight. But if you dont know shit about meds leave them alone. Read a pdr. Just hoping she dosent show up in my er.

Can confirm. Anxietyfag here and take Ativan daily.
Fucks with short term memory hardcore. I usually just don't care what I do or say then have minimal memory of it the next morning.

as if I get trips when I'm being serious

Going to prison is totally worth sticking your dick in a vagina for 5 minutes. Go for it, bro.



Alpha checking out

They make generic 10mg lorezapam tablets for treating the dts. We have rm in my er. But my docs always orders diazpam for that. Not sure what he has or think he has

Jail time imminent

God damn that is funny. It's comments like this one that keep me coming back to Sup Forums. No where else can I read comments like that make me spit my coffee out from laughter. Oh god damn this comment will have me laughing for the rest of the day.

another nurse here. 10 mg is more than enough. don't use all 3 unless you want her dead. especially with alcohol. but ativan isn't supplied in 10 mg pills. just get some sleeping pills.

Why don't you have a seat right over there user. Using perfectly good pharmaceuticals on a girl to get her incoherent enough to have sex with you is a waste of perfectly good pharmaceuticals that you could get your self incoherent. Use instead the RDF methodology perfected by Apple found Steve Jobs. It's free, legal and 100 percent effective.

Yes okay maybe we will not have alcohol

What do you actually have pill wise op? Do you mean 1mg? Post picture of said pills

Come on do you really need to drug a sweet girl whos willing to come over and give your creepy ass a shot. Just put on your cool face and make it a night you wont have to drug her. like seriously

>1.take the pills yourself
>2.drink alcohol

If you live near a Uni, you could go to the chemistry department and pour yourself a bottle of chloroform. That shit is stronger than you guys know