Red leader standing by

Red Dead Redemption standing by.

Soviet dogger standing by


Red Team standing by.

red waldo standing by

oh shit waddup Satan's Pet i see you almost got dem trips again!
Spiderman reporting in.

Red rocket standing by

Red fox standing by

red lobster standing by

Red medic standing by

A Couple niggers driving by

Rias standing by

red pepe standing by

o shit trips again

The red squirrel, standing by.

Red America standing by

Red mother fucking teletuby reporting in u flaming fuck tart

Red yelling person standing by

Ragnaros the firelord reporting in,insect!

Red Barron standing by

>when you're this delusional to think people would actually choose a self-loving faggot with an incredibly poor grasp of foreign policy and economics over another four years of a democrat

Code red standing by

red ruby's standing by
Checked and kek

Red Raviolli standing by

here come red boy

Here Come Dat Red Boi Oh Shit Rise Up


Red Mario standing by

Yeah, because the past 8 years with a democrat has gone so well...

Statistically, Obama is the worst president economically ever. He's beat'm all to the bottom.

Red dick standing by

Red Borat standing by

Red lobster standing by

Off by 1

Red stain standing by

Red swede standing by

Daredevil standing by

Redneck standing by

Shut the fuck up Porkins

Check presidential job approval, and other general approval ratings. Most people see him as the guy that put an end to the recession that the republicans started. Completely regardless of who's responsible for what (if anything) only the most delusional of republicans are still butthurt that they lost the election that they continue to throw around this retarded bullshit.

RED snoipa stand boi

party boy grooving on in

red lobster stand by

red rangers standing by

Best leader reporting in



red breivik standing by!

Are those ... Beads to look like a period stain..?


Red jeans standing by

Red squirrel reporting in

red planet standing by

Red vegan paradox standing by

Redoran reporting in.

one off

red dragon reporting in

Red Engineer standing by



Red Trump reporting in


Nazis reporting in

red big guy standing by

Red devil standing by

Red truck standing by

That aint Red Leader nigger

Red Spiderman standing by

Red Wedding standing by

Red Splotch standing by.

Red Green standing by

Red army squatting by

Red Ranger Standing By

Kawaii Hill standing by

Red Plumber Standing By.

White leader standing by

Red Cardinal standing by...

Pussyfart standing by.

McDoucheington standing by.


>being this wrong


Red bra reporting in.


Red Forman standing by

Red Dope Rider reporting in.

Mr. baker reporting in

Red van standing by

Red fire reporting in.

Red fat standing by

Red Marth standing by

Red Skins, standing by