Who do you main in League of Legends?

Who do you main in League of Legends?


I main this special character called "life", you have to quit the game to unlock him though.

Man I used to dominate with Kassadin back in 2012 before the game went to shit and I quit.

Singed mah boi

More like League of Faggots.

why is this thread on everyday?

The risk of cancer doesn't take a rest.


and League is shit now. I don't understand why i still waste my time and money.

>Swain since S4

>Ashe since S3

>Illaoi since her release.

Gnar suppoprt

Viktor the fucking machine


Rengo 100% bby



bitches ant shit

I don't main anyone but I play a lot of Twitch these times, but my most played champ is Lee Sin

my highest ranked winrate is from poppy jungle though

havent played in years but i used to main malzahar

also fuck off riot shills

>lee sin

bronze 3

Been playing a lot of Maokai and Zac lately.
Vi is probably my favorite champ to play, though.


please end yourself,

an adc

Dariua Darius and Darius. Also Taliyah

Kha'zix and smarter (before new triforce and still with new triforce)

Taliyah and diamond 5 now rage at me.

you couldve been diamond 1 if you mained a decent champ you shitlord pedofag

I'm learning GP right now though cause barrels are a really fun mechanic

i dont remember what i mained ... i spent so much fucking $$$ on stupid shit with the riot skins and in the end I sold my acc and got 300 euros for it

never looked back

I don't like playing Quinn anymore. Her ult sucks now.

Probably right. I used to main Sona. I'm a one trick pony though. I play sona every position but jungle. Got me to diamond soooo

Draven OP

I legit think sona is hidden op, you rarely see her but i win like 80% of the matches i play with her, okay, were premade and my adc is pretty gud too but i feel like i have alot of impact

the range on her Q poke is just insane for lane trades, and if you get even slightly ahead its hell for even a caitlyn to farm against you

She's not that much fun anymore, but similar to Bard, even if your team sucks dicks, which happened incredibly often in Dia5, you can just fly around the map and just chill

oh man you have to try sona jungle its fucking op as hell.
srsly. i even know a guy who played 100% sona jungle all the way to dia