/b I have these bumps on my cock sort of whitish in colour,almost like goosebumps,is this bad?

/b I have these bumps on my cock sort of whitish in colour,almost like goosebumps,is this bad?
And yes I know it looks like brail for the blind

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Look up Fordyce spots.

Harmless and fairly common.

Go to the doctor. get that shit checked out.
If its nothing to worry about women will go ape shit for a ribbed for her pleasure cock

check out dog dicks. your ok

It's Bubonic Plague. It'll turn black and fall off in 3-4 weeks.

They look like irritated follicles. Did you shave your dick?

Or maybe you just have a bad case of dick braille. Get a blind person to suck it and they can tell your future.

enjoy your AIDS

I have them as well.

When you finish puberty hairs grow from those things


Fordyce spots, they're common and girls won't notice. Don't worry about it

>3-4 weeks

Don't give him false hope man. He's got 1 week max if he's lucky.

Nice will do ahhaa

Thanks for the advice ,also checked

Have you ever gotten any odd reactions from women

why do people keep posting this thread

is this some kind of post-post-ironic subtle trolling?

Learn braille and read it.



I've had the same things on mine my whole life, parents our doctors never said anything i never asked but the internet and they said they're normal.

i would say it's some sort of STD, but virgins don't get those