Who do you main in League of Legends?

Who do you main in League of Legends?


Captain Teemo

Zac as well.


Urgot, Yorick, Nunu
depending on position


QW Invoker ftw

Haven't played league ever since my computer took a shit.
My main was tahm kench as support, and poppy when I jungle.

zed and yasou

Janna, Lulu, Naut

Hail satan.

Braum and Taric

Any other bard mains around?


Don't you hate it when your teammates be like
>"Wtf are you doing evelynn that's warded they can see you"
because they forget her passive.
Then when u say
>"I'm Evelyn retard"
They be like
> "yea so what?"
Idk if this only happens to me but that shit pisses me off

Why bard?
I like bard because he's fun to play but I wouldn't play ranked with him. I prefer the more broken supports (Trundle, Annie or Poppy)

muy comrade Hecarim

Why do people play this clone of a clone sjw shit? I feel like most league players never played Dota.

I main Lucian but I stopped playing adc cuz it fucking sucks

tarci op.

why do you care so much?

Inferiority complex

im sure there are plenty of dota 2 players that never played dota much less warcraft.

the one that nobody plays

are you in bronze, I never encountered somebody who doesnt know eve's passive

Udyr. The one and only.


None. I don't waste my time on shit games.

good man

That's not the point, he asked why people play LoL piece of shit. The answer is: they have never played dota, that or they have dedicated so many hours to LoL that it hurts to play something else.


Dota is better you dyke

>maining something
> not efficient with what the meta calls for
>have fun never being challenger like me



yet you're on Sup Forums... your time must be incredibly valuable.

kys faggot.