How is Trump a racist?

How is Trump a racist?

I don't know about racist, but he's a piece of shit.

Well, the whole thing with the judge certainly makes him look racist. Sometimes I wonder if he does this shit on purpose. You think the Clintons are paying him?

how is he a piece of shit?

Well, the whole thing with the judge certainly makes him look racist. Sometimes I wonder if he does this shit on purpose. You think the Clintons are paying him?

He's a heterosexual white man

Well, the whole thing with the judge certainly makes him look racist. Sometimes I wonder if he does this shit on purpose. You think the Clintons are paying him?

Yup. Trump is actually a Democrat planted by the party to win the nomination to ensure Hillary wins the presidency

Wanting to ban Muslims gives off a pretty racist vibe

Trump's an opportunist. If that means he has to be racist to reach his goals, he'll be a racist. If that means he has to be progressive, he'll be progressive.

I can't help but think this and started to do so months ago. It's just too convenient for Hilldog, who will most likely win because Trump will continue being off-putting to the general public.


I don't know, but he's a racist.

>Implying a religion full of sociopathic teachings is a race

I thought so too, but it turns out the judge is involved with a group that has been making Anti-Trump statements. Legally speaking that does represent a legitimate conflict of interest.


the anti-trump spics nig nogging in California are racist

How are they racist?

Anti-Racist is a code-word for Anti-White

pic related
Nice meme.



This is our choice

Don't mix teachings with the ideals of followers. Plenty of good people and assholes in every religion regardless of what it teaches. The only real reason to go after this group over another is a hatred of Arabs. would be a fear/hate for arabs.


Muslims are savages and do not belong in western countries. They are the enemy of western civilization.

you can not dispute this

For a country founded entirely by illegal immigrants that stole and killed to get what they wanted, you people sure are hypocritical.

We're a country of citizens not illegals asshat.


Muslims aren't a race though.

How does being a Muslim automatically make you an enemy of civilization? Name a single group that doesn't have uncivilized people in it.

>What is reading comprehension
Average trump supporter.

cuz he a cracka

>For a country founded entirely by illegal immigrants
False, the United States was founded by white men and only Europeans could immigrate legally initially.

>that stole and killed to get what they wanted
dumbass natives who didnt even invent a wheel sold it to us for $25 and some beads

>Name a single group that doesn't have uncivilized people in it.
Wood Elves

>some beads
doz beads do

Out of everything you could have refuted you choose my grammar. Good job.

>How does being a Muslim automatically make you an enemy of civilization?

Oh yeah, like I said it makes him look racist. He's right, but for the wrong reason.

Name a group on the planet who is currently sawing people's heads off in exchange for money or prisoner releases BESIDES the Mexican drug cartels. Or smashing people's heads with big ass rocks, or running them over with tanks while they're alive, or drowning them in cages, or burning them alive, or hanging them, etc etc.

Sure, a lot of types did that a LONG FUCKING TIME AGO, but then realized it was horrible and STOPPED. Muslims have been doing it since their beginning, and they want to spread it worldwide.

Natives were actually very intelligent and advanced.

Read the book 1491. It's really interesting

Is that WHY they immigrated though? The white men that came here were criminals in that time friendo.
>dumbass natives who didnt even invent a wheel sold it to us for $25 and some beads
So the killing was for shits and giggles?

It's not about 100% of Muslims being bad it's an over whelming percentage. 26% of young Muslims believe jihad attacks are justified.

kek, I really hope you are pretending to be retarded, because I did not ONCE say anything about your grammar.

Name another religion that as a norm thinks it's justifiable to kill apostates.

Fuck this motherfucker

The word is conquest there darlin.

Muslims and Mexicans aren't races. You can't be racist towards them because of that

> could not defend themselves against Europeans
> had nowhere near the technology at the time
> advanced
I'm not saying they're dumb, but I don't think you can justify advanced without giving a little bit more info to demonstrate that at the bare minimum.

>Natives were actually very intelligent and advanced.
but unfortunately used beads as currency

Not all white men who came here were criminals. Many came because the standard of living was higher, so they could own land, or to indulge in the economic boom of tobacco farming

>Natives were actually very intelligent and advanced
Yeah that's why today they are alcoholics who live on reservations and all died of disease. So smart!

>Is that WHY they immigrated though? The white men that came here were criminals in that time friendo.
What crime did they commit?

>So the killing was for shits and giggles?
Natives drew first blood

They deserved it and are lucky they received the mercy they received

are you reddit?
>no muslim has ever committed a terrorist act
"native" americans were also immigrants.
>what is reality

Engrain this copypasta into every iota of your pathetic being. Live it. Breathe it. Be it.

He says words about things

Not a racist, but shares some of the characteristics of a racist person

>It's only ok when we do it!!

>"native" americans were also immigrants.
no they aren't. the sprouted up from the fucking earth.

Lol, you don't even know what grammar is. That's fucking pathetic, and I'm a trump supporter.

>shares some of the characteristics of a racist person
like 2 eyes and a mouth

they came from Siberia

Shut the fuck up. I swear to god, you are the same person that's been saying the same god damn shit. Shut the fuck up and gtfo Sup Forums until you can make an intelligent response worth reading.

I mean literally last week he said a judge was being particularly harsh on him because she's Mexican.

That's racism, there's no argument against it. He was judging her entirely based on her race.

That's racism.

>they came from Siberia
and settled in North America due to the plentiful bead supply

Still got taken over lol. Intelligence doesn't mean anything if you lose

Muslim countries were pretty secular for a long ass time. if thats the logic you wanna use, then a Muslim alive during the crusades could spout the exact same logic you were using. Its not as if joining a religion automatically turns you into a monster.

>That's racism


Cant stump #theDonaldJTrump #libfags

Name one similarity between illegal aliens and European colonists.

No it isn't

the belief that all members of each race possess characteristics or abilities specific to that race, especially so as to distinguish it as inferior or superior to another race or races.


So he's a racist. I was answering OP's question.

That's prejudice. There's a difference.

Saying someone can't do their job because of their race is the very definition of racism. don't quote me, that's what speaker Paul Ryan said.

>What crime did they commit?
Crimes against the queen of course. Pretty sure England didn't like it.
Before you argue it, let it be known I said criminals in THAT time.

>comparing the crusades to Jihads

The crusades were a response to the Islamic invasions of Europe. You are aware Spain and the Balkans were invaded by muslims right?

>illegal aliens and European colonists.
they both exist

lol mad fag

Clearly didn't understand the "plenty of good people and assholes" part

You caught on fast


....Dude you make absolutely no sense. Use another argument srs.

>hatred or intolerance of another race or other races

way to only paste one definition ding dong


Like I said. Read the book.

90% of them were wiped out by plague. Arguably the worst one in the history of human kind.

Remember Plymouth was an abandoned Massasoit (I think) village. Most of the east coast had become abandoned villages because of the plague.

They didn't have the natural resources for iron, nor did they need them, as thier civilization was thriving without them. Europeans would have had a hard fight against them had most of them not died out before the return of Cortez, etc

Went to a country that was not theirs, exploited it for their own selfish reasons, and were considered criminals.

And that sums up the entirety of your argument.

It's prejudice based on race, so it's racism. In this case they go hand in hand.

>Doesn't know what racism is actually defined as

Except Mexican isn't a race, it's a nationality.

>And that sums up the entirety of your argument.
it's your argument

Um.... there wasn't a country here before the Europeans came over.

Please see You're acting like he's doing this whole thing out of nowhere.

>Mexican isn't a race
it's a disease

Nice try, but no

dear lord the ignorance in this thread

What kind of argument is that? Elaborate.

nice fuckin picture that has nothing to do with it fucker


Native Americans are Asian

What ignorance are you going on about?

LOL!!! FAIL!!!
Fucking normie Piece of shit gtfo and watch leafy faggot

>dear lord the ignorance in this thread
how many fedoras are you wearing tonight?