Hey Sup Forums why do people think Trump is racist

Hey Sup Forums why do people think Trump is racist

Because he is.

>mexico doesn't send us their best

>wants to ban muslims

>won't let a mexican judge oversee his case

whether or not you agree with the first two statements they can be easily seen as racist by the general population, and the third one is just blatant racism.

Because racists say he is.

Muslims aren't a race. You should get some schooling, user. Also, it was a temporary ban because, y'know, they're blowing up shit over in Europe on a regular basis?

The Mexican judge is a part of La Raza, who is openly anti-trump. It's a conflict of interest and therefor he shouldn't be overseeing the court case

I agree that third statement is racist and I suppose the other two are just how you look at it, as he works with statistics and reasons

Because their is a concentrated effort by the media not to report on the savage anti-trump subhumans in California

He's like Hitler

Didn't you know? Tacos taste good therefore he loves all races.

Fucking bernie bots thinking their smart

This is Sup Forums. That's seen as good.

Hitler is much better than this loompa. Hitler started from nothing to everything. He is shit.

No, I think he's right.

If only Hitler had a small loan of a million dollars

Hitler did nothing wrong though?


Hitler started with a small party and little money to a fucking killer. Meanwhile trump has a lot of advantages and still struggles. Hitler > Trump


Trump didn't really commit genocide...

Killing jews is no big deal as long they had a happy life

Ah right, sorry. He's hating on 1.4 billion human beings who aren't the same race, they just share the same belief system. Because discriminating against people's religion is so much better than doing it based on their race.

Yes, a minority of people who share religious views are hurting innocent civilians, but so is America, who pride themselves on being a Christian nation who have killed so many more innocents in the history of the country.

kys you've had a good life

No you retard.

Hitler starred without parents. He worked his way selling his paintings. Art colleges rejected him.

He later began joining political parties. Since he was a great speech. People made him the lead of the party.

He worked his way.

True, killing jews should not count as genocide. They deserve it anyways

they think that because the follow the populist belief.


What did Hitler do wrong? Holocaust was greatly exaggerated btw

My grandparents say otherwise

I don't have the energy right now to go on about why you're so fucking wrong, so all I'll say is you fucking racists will be the first in the ovens.

Not only that but he was in a period where Germany was an African country

Tell that to the millions of people murdered.



How? They're dead idiot

Because libtards don't understand that Mexican isn't a race.


By who? Stalin?

That's cute

I am right though

>>mexico doesn't send us their best
True statement nothing to do with race

>>wants to ban muslims
Temporary ban to make sure we dont get terrorist like in the eu

>>won't let a mexican judge oversee his case
Conflict of interest and nothing to do with race

Mexicans are not a race neither are muslims and he is only against illigals an terrorist

Because they don't want him to beat them? They are throwing everything out there. Even the freaking absurd, i.e., he's Hitler, he hates muslims, he's a racist, etc. to get low information people to hear it.

It's their classic echo chamber tactic. How many times did you hear the left say that Bush said that Iraq was an imminent threat? He NEVER said it. Ever. But they heard it so much, they accept it as a given and are dumbfounded that you would even suggest he never said it. FACT: He said the exact opposit.

The only faggot who get it. Media has Trump destroyed.

No you're not. You don't know that Hitler didn't do anything wrong. He probably shoplifted once, or didn't hold an elevator for somebody even though he totally could have, he probably lied to the government (lying is wrong), you can't just say he did NOTHING wrong. You can say that killing jews isn't a crime and then we can start arguing there

stupid feminists and their lies. I hope they all die.


In general besides losing the war, Hitler did nothing morally or ethically wrong with the way he handled Germany politically.

In a perfect world, Stalin and his communist nightmare would be vilified and not Hitler

>stupid feminists
Said the bitter foreveralone virgin. Go support some women sometime and get laid.

Uh huh. And I go to the gym because its healthy.

Mad snowflake?

Lol guys who pretend to be feminists to get laid. Kill yourself you fucking loser.

what's wrong with being a virgin?

please elaborate

>ITT autistic brainwashed edgy 12 year olds that need to commit suicide.

I tried but my dick was too big. Faggot. Go get laid and see how your tone will change.
It causes you to wile out whenever the fairer sex is mentioned, like that faggot did.

But user, islam is not a race; it is a relgion. Other than that, would you mind your country getting destroyed by foreigners because you're oh so tolerant of these "people"

See, I think even you're realizing what an asshole you sound like now. Guys like you always get the least pussy in the room but can never shut the fuck up about it. Once again baby dick, kill yourself. You're making me cringe you're so pathetic.

You just have to be a good looking man to support him you faggot. You need to support something to get pussy, I don't. I don't like feminists and I still get pussy. Why? Because I'm a man. Not a pussy like you.

>wile out

hmm? I don't think I'm upset? I don't see how me being a virgin contradicts the argument that Hitler literally did nothing wrong?

t. godwin

it would take less to get dismissed from jury duty let alone judging

It doesn't, reminding you that he's had sex and you haven't is the only way he can feel superior in his dreary existence.

You would more than likely agree to ban Nazis even though antisemitism is just a belief. We all have our prejudices. Mine against strawberries and people who eat 卐 them so what?

Its not that he's racist, he just doesnt talk to colored people alot and just adresses them plainly without knowing how that can be "racist"

None of that is racist though.

Are u kidding me

This thread paid for by the Shillary campaign

Look up the definition of racism.


couldn't give a shit if all Trump was was racist

His views on internet freedom and privacy are what worry me, not that Hillary is any better on that front.

Equating the banning of Nazis with the banning of Jews requires eye watering special pleading.

The Nazis did nothing wrong

The jews however managed to get kicked out of every country in Europe
