Who do you main in League of Legends?

Who do you main in League of Legends?

I am a autist with a sword





League is dead. Thank dynamic queue I play something else now.
>pic related

Sona / Morgana / Nami

found the cuck/gril

this babe

Chang'e is best girl
Get fuck Nu Wa



Wouldn't hit without snaketail.


Jarvan IV

Sona hits hard though.

the gay one

How do you do so well with J4? Also, I miss boot enchantments.


a whole lot of practice

Can this overhyped, microtransaction ridden, autism whore of a game with gamecube-tier graphics fuck off the face of the Earth already


>gamecube-tier graphics
I don't see that as a problem. One of the many reasons League is so popular is that anyone with a toaster can run it. Tried to play Dota 2 back when I had a lame laptop. It didn't go so well.




Fuck you faggot.


Yasuo and Ezreal pls no bully I'm not edgy i just like mobile champs

cancer, consider suicide

I miss the old goth splash.

Go away Shiro

Boost me faggot




Smite is better

What's wrong with Annie faggot

Syndra, Veigar, Graves. Corki too.

No skill faceroll. With passive, flash and mash keyboard. DID THEY DIE?
YES-YOU DID IT NO- mash keyboard more

Bard Janna Poppy

I was in a match with two of you fuckers last night, both top lane. Teemo on my team fed the other and lost us the game. The other teemo had somethin like 30 kills...

Basically, fuck you satan.

Gotta get those fucking jangles

>still mad that teemo exists
Happy 13th birthday, pussy

I main Karma mid/top, building full damage. It's actually fucking nasty. She's a huge lane bully, very rarely does she lose lane mid or top. I get 45% CDR as soon as possible, deathcap 2nd item every time, and a void staff if the game lasts long enough.

butthurt detected.


I'm a dirty Rengar main.

wtfas lmfao


>That moment when sees an annie in lane
Nothing is more satisfying than brutally murdering a child for first blood as a clown


bls no h4ck

nigger you play with op players.
