Why so much banter between argentina and italy? Italian diaspora?

Why so much banter between argentina and italy? Italian diaspora?

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fueled by mexicans

perpetuated by mexicans

probably started with mexicans

They even make hundreds and hundreds of anti argentine videos

oh shit I didn't even read your post I thought that cartoon was a mexican guy nvmd


it's true tho, it also happen to us with peruvians


It's only one guy in argentina (or pretending to be).

The negro slave should fear the mexican

>It's only one guy in argentina

You wish stupid everyone here dislikes shitalians

BoliviANOS or argentinians descended from spaniANOS are fueling it.

We love Italia

t. shitskin

>we love italia

fuck off shitalian rape babe get out off my country faggot



also, the 'argentina is 100% amerindian'' faggot must die slow and painfully

Argentina is like 50 percent Italian

Try it european recessive

He's a jew.

Not even memeing. Is the nihilist kike of /lat/

Argentina has been proved to be near 100% Amerindian, both ethnically and culturally acording to recent studies from Cambridge and Yale universities.

Some shitalians and shitposting argentinians among other postera have ben ironically spamming memes about argentina and italy being somehow related though there is no valid proof of that.

>Is the nihilist kike of /lat/
thanks, this explains everything

>He's a jew

>Not even memeing. Is the nihilist kike of /lat

What a projection

t. Boli

t. shitalian spawn

I like Italy

I like Italy


t. shitskin

That's a SHITalian

t. Jew

No, you.

Y u so mad, tho?


thanks to the pacha mama no

Go follow your boyfriend hitler and kill yourself

Italy pls invade, we love you


Found the kike


no, it's beautiful

>I-if you don't like hitler you are a stupid jew!!!!

Sure boludo

No, it's disgusting.

stop posting that disgusting shit

you seem to be triggered

argentines in italy don't want to pay 5 euro to the starving roman soldiers.


Yū maddo?

Due to extensive research done by the University of Pittsburgh, Argentina has been confirmed as the whitest country known to man. The research is as follows. Pocket-protected scientists built a wall of white and crashed a argentinian car into it at 400 miles per hour, and the car was unharmed. They then built a wall out of argentinians and crashed a car made of white moving at 400 miles an hour into the wall, and the wall came out fine. They then crashed a argentinian car made of 400 miles per hour into a white, and there were no survivors.
They crashed 400 miles per hour into a argentinian traveling at white car. Western New York was powerless for hours. They rammed a wall of white into a 400 mile per hour made of Argentina, and the resulting explosion shifted the earth’s orbit 400 million miles away from the sun, saving the earth from a meteor the size of a small Washington suburb that was hurtling towards mid-western Prussia at 400 billion miles per hour. They shot a argentinian made of white at a car moving at 400 walls per hour, and as a result caused two wayward airplanes to lose track of their bearings, and make a fatal crash with two buildings in downtown New York. They spun 400 miles at Argentina into white per wall. The results were inconclusive.
Finally, they placed 400 argentinians per hour in front of a car made of wall traveling at miles per white, and the result proved without a doubt that Argentina was the whitest country of all time, if not just the whitest country known the man.

>he doesn't know hitler died of old age in argentina

Look at this shitalian rape babe he go to his motherland and the romans make fun of him and you still sucking their dirty socks stupid italo-"argentine"

as we northern Italians say ''Africa begins north of Rome''


Le mad!! ajajajajjajajajaaj
It's just a old tale to scare the jews here not true


it is absolutely true, and it makes no sense to sue it to scare jews since hitler couldn't do anything to them or he would be discovered

sisi es el tipico pelotudo que le vive chupando las medias a los europeos, y a los argentinos que hay alla se los trata para la mierda y se los ve como latinos sucios igual que a los colombianos o mexicanos

Fucking retard like every shitalian spawn

Y los boluditos estos se enojan porque jodemos a sus abuelitos y nos empiezan a decir que somos bolitas o judios altos giles son

what? tomatela

It's not true hitler die in the war

I love the smell of butthurt at night, cry more, faggots

>Africa begins north of Rome
*Africa begins at the Pyrinees and Alps

have in mind that saying is old, we could say nowadays that africa begins in Sweden

lo unico que mostras en esta imagen es que los italianos son unos putitos sin aguante

menos mal que sos el unico autista que se comio el cuento de los tanos y ya te tenemos fichado

>repyling to your own post

uuuyy putitos sin aguante! pero que macho alfa que sos! si sos tan vivo sali de tu casa un poquito y decile eso a algun chabon en la vida real

no tenes ni puta idea quien soy

it is true, why do you think the identity of the corpse in hitler's bunker was never verified?
>Accounts differ as to the cause of death; one states that he died by poison only[g] and another that he died by a self-inflicted gunshot while biting down on a cyanide capsule.[h] Contemporary historians have rejected these accounts as being either Soviet propaganda[i][j] or an attempted compromise in order to reconcile the different conclusions.[h][k] One eye-witness recorded that the body showed signs of having been shot through the mouth, but this has been proven unlikely.[l][m] There is also controversy regarding the authenticity of skull and jaw fragments which were recovered.[n][o] In 2009, American researchers performed DNA tests on a skull Soviet officials had long believed to be Hitler's. The tests and examination revealed that the skull was actually that of a woman less than 40 years old. The jaw fragments which had been recovered were not tested.[2][3][p]


where does africa end then??
i thought it ends in sweden.

Somebody is mad he wasn't able to get double citizenship from Spain

>e-en la vida real no te atreves a decir esas cosas malas!!!!

Si te llego a ver en la vida real vos cobras mamasa te llego a ver te cago a tiros por pelotudo estas avisado

te pensas que somos peruanos que queremos la ciudadania española? yo soy argentino

En la vida real vendes verduras y medis 1.30

I don't know where it ends but includes all the nords, UK, Germany, and France at least

>hacerse el machote por internet
claro claro, estoy seguro que debes ser el mas malo en la casa de tu vieja

Vos sos un negro



1,80 y le toco el culo a tu señora cuando viene a comprar fruta

hitler se murio en 1945 y si sobrevivio estoy seguro que hubiese preferido pegarse un tiro en las bolas que terminar en el shithole peroncho de argentina, asi que 1-murió en 1945
2-murió en otro paris (menos argentina)


>buu buuu don't make fun of italy!!! one day i will go there!!

kys retard

>hubiese preferido pegarse un tiro en las bolas que terminar en el shithole peroncho de argentina
boludo, Peron se mojaba con Hitler, no dudo que al menos trato de traerlo

que pasa papu? se te acabaron las amenazas?



si dices que se pego un tiro en las bolas cuando llego a argentina entonces murio en argentina

y vos pedazo de infeliz mandate a mudar a Sup Forums con ese meme del orto

>mas de 1.30
Al menos admitiste ser un negro

vos andate a /lgbt/ por ahi te encontras con un italiano que te coja

Judio nihilista confirmed

justo el flaco que inició una guerra que mato a 50 millones de personas basandose en la superioridad racial va a irse a argentina a vivir rodeado de morochos petisos.
ni vos te la crees, el loco hubiera preferido matarse.

se ve que conoces bastante /lgbt/

no boludo, yo soy el que posteaba posts pro-italia

>va a irse a argentina a vivir rodeado de morochos petisos.
>Argentina en los 40
>llena de morochos petizos

nope, y menos en el sur, la invasion de subhumanos empezo como en los 90

>inició una guerra que mato a 50 millones de personas basandose en la superioridad racial
la guerra la inicio por Gdansk idiota

Terrone detected

argentina siempre estuvo llena de negros de mierda, argentina siempre fue mayoria negros de mierda

lee mas.

>nope, y menos en el sur, la invasion de subhumanos empezo como en los 90

la inmigracion italiana apaercio en 1900's


lea mas usted argentiANO estupido

Crei que solo en Capital habia empezado en los 90 y en el resto a partir de los 2000 y algo.

Que lastima eso. Es peor de lo que pensaba

dejalo, se debe comer todo lo que le vende el history channel, que Hitler era un pedofilo, drogadicto que hablaba con aliens y que queria eliminar a todos los que no fueran rubios de ojos azules


vos sos una mierda

pero los indios subhumanos empezaron a venir en masa los 90, los italianos eran aliados de hitler...hasta que los agarraron

what a thread
calm down girls


es deprimente, salir a dar una vuelta y ver que tu hermosa ciudad esta llena de monitos indios con sus 5 o 6 crias

Sorry Italian descendant, we are richer now.

Tanto te gusta quedar como ridiculo?

empezó con la invasion a polonia de 1939
todo la guerra de mierda se baso en la superioridad e inferioridad de razas
igual ni ganas de explicarte/discutir un conflicto de mierda de hace 70 años, anda a /his/

todas las provincias argentinas son mayoria amerindia, el que te diga lo contrario te esta cargando.

segui llorando terrone si tanto te gusta italia armate las valijas gilazo hace como tu abuelo cagon y andate de mi pais

>La existencia de Polonia es intolerable e incompatible con las condiciones esenciales de la vida alemana. Polonia debe irse y se irá.

>El Plan General del Este (en alemán Generalplan Ost, GPO) fue un plan secreto nazi de genocidio y limpieza étnica
>Porcentaje a ser "eliminado"
>Polacos 80-85%
>Rusos 75% (50-60% sería "suprimido físicamente" y el otro 15% sería "deportado a Siberia")
>Bielorrusos 75%
>Ucranianos 65%
>Lituanos 85%
>Letones 50%
>Estonios 50%
>Checos 50%