Friend says the Death Grips are his favorite band

>friend says the Death Grips are his favorite band
>decide to give them a try
>can't fathom how anyone could possibly like this garbage
>this generation needs to be purged

How did they balance the banana

Congratulations on being an old faggot.


What's next? Going to call me a grandpa. I'm 20 kys

>older cousin with kids says the Radiohead are his favorite band
>decide to give them a try
>can't fathom how anyone could possibly like this garbage
>the previously generation needs to be purged

>Every generation hates the next ones music

No this is just obnoxious garbage. You should consider killing yourself for having such shit-tier taste.


why does it feel like a CTR thread...?

This is obviously bait, but I'm gonna bit it
>le wrong generation

what does this have to do with Crash Team Racing?

crazy trash rapists?

Oh that makes you even cooler. Everyone knows young people who complain about their generation are in-the-know and the coolest bad asses on the planet.


underrated post

Obvious b8, but I'll bite. It depends on which album you listen to first desu. Imagine showing someone who never listened to DG a song off Government Plates. They'll probably hate it.


You're trying too hard
Wanna seem like less of a clueless, agressive twat? Quit acting like one

>he still thinks le generations exist

chick fil a > kfc

wow fuck you I don't even know where to begin

True, but that ruins the pun.

who's going to the show in tempe on tuesday

>friend puts on death grips
>after 5 seconds i tell him to turn down the terrible noise and that i have a headache

not even music