Tfw you will never be a girl who can get away with being barely clad because she's gorgeous

>tfw you will never be a girl who can get away with being barely clad because she's gorgeous
>tfw your genetics would give you an amazing advantage if you weren't male

Other urls found in this thread:

If you're not attractive enough now to go shirtless as a man, you wouldn't be attractive enough to rock a bikini if you were born a girl.

Hit the gym, faggot.

That does not make sense.
I'm rather skinny (not skeletal, stronger than the fuccbois at university) so I couldn't rock shirtless, but that would be great as a female.

I'm happy being a potato with hair on it. It means no one is interested in me, I'm invisible and that's peachy.

But in my case, being invisible is causing me to die inside.
Lack of human interaction makes me feel whole new levels of awful which is odd considering that I was diagnosed as an aspie.

Just learn to roll with it. I used to look better but age hasn't been kind to me, at first it sucked knowing that, after my first and only girlfriend left me, my chances at finding anyone retarded enough to give me the light of day are now effectively zero.

But by now I've learned to accept and enjoy it, nobody wants to speak to or look at me, so I can move about relatively unchallenged.

>tfw you will never be the cute girl who gives friendly dates to awkward guys

Doesn't exist dude. Also, if you're unattractive, like I am, don't allow girls to debase themselves by being in contact with you.

If a girl shows any form of interest in an unattractive man she actively hurting herself, and it should be treated like all other forms of self-harm.

Source on webm's please! Is it a game or just a movie?

Sauce to the game?
Can't find it.

So it's a game? No translation for what it's called?

name pls

Isn't that some Liru shit?

Whatever the hell it is; it seems to be from this

did he actually finish the game?

i come here, so i would propably be some greasy whore


Funny, I kind of always saw being a man as an advantage. You know, the whole general respect from everyone aspect. As a women people just want to make things easier for you....

Tfw as a woman you will never get experience what it's like to shake another man's hand after completing a physically difficult task.

>I can take my shirt off and mow my lawn

It was released yesterday.

mmmmmm... not really. I'm an endomorph, and I can't put on muscle, but now that'm out of my teenage years, I can put on fat, and if I were a girl, being a skinnyfat would be far less noticeable. Furthermore, a little bit of fat on a girl is far more acceptable than a little bit of fat on a man, because women are predisposed to have more bodyfat. In general, I'd agree with you, but in my case, having seen my sisters, I completely disagree.

holy fucking shit today is a good day

english page

Who cares?

Good people?
Your satisfaction or need for social contact does not negate the fact that good people don't allow other people to openly hurt themselves, and that you should avoid allowing women to hurt themselves by lowering themselves so much as to talk to or look at an unattractive man.

Your happiness comes behind morality, not in front of it.