Who do you main in League of Legends?

Who do you main in League of Legends?

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That's like asking "What's your favorite race of cock to suck"

Used to be vladamir but they recently fucked him all the helll up so....i don't main anyone anymore

How did they fuck him up? What can't he do anymore?



Currently i have irelia as my highest main, but im starting to main braum supp.

Fuck Braum. Go Alistar.

I prefer razor blades

thats clearly mccree from overwatch noob

Fuck league, season 6 was the final nail on the coffin with all this keystone faggotry. If youre going to play a fast paced team oriented game competitively then play csgo. Casually: overwatch.

Fuck Alistar, he has no mustache

Support brand.

Those are first person shooters, you fucking retard.

"I play less interactive ass games" is all im hearing. Go suck black dick some more

Enjoy your dudebro shooters.

i bet you play gay games like hearthstone


>cyka blyat NYEEEEEEEET
sure, very cooperative and shit.

wow dude I love league of legends its so sophisticated and cool I cant wait for the new champion to come out, call him trash, then put rp on so I can buy him

Enjoy literally clicking your mouse button at least a billion more times than any other button you faggot

this is why you queue with friends but i doubt you have any

>Can't milk those
how about these

>i bet you play gay games like hearthstone
Just because i said overwatch right? Holy fuk you are retarded

ouch you have offended me so much

wow user you made some friends online? Awesome, too bad you're too autistic to have any irl.

u mad bro????????//

Monkey man

How about these?

he was talking to whoever replied to you

Toughen up then pussy and stop playing ass games

Enjoy pressing wasd more than any other key faggot! XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
What's your point, cunt?

i play with my irl friends and yes i have aspergers so i kinda am autistic

Holy fuck im retarded
My bad bro keep fighting the good fight son


>getting this emotional over the internet



fuck u adc mains

the average league player

Really? Is he viable in S6, when we all have that Zeds, Yasuos going around?

I don't play any of Blizzards shit. They're the Apple products of video games. Only less innovative and more bullshit.

Are you seriously this stupid? Do you even know how many buttons you have to micromanage in any other game as oppsed to lols I KLIK MOUSE THEN E HAHA OUTPLAYED

Pic related its you

ayy try harder m8

fucking what

>Do you even know how many buttons you have to micromanage
No. Why don't you enlighten me?

"Blizzards shit" they just made possibly the best FPS shooter of all time Overwatch, i mean seriously you're retarded please kys.

AD assassin vs AD assassin matchups are mostly skill lanes. When I'm against Zed I just bait his six and since he is behind me for 1 sec before he can swap back, I just w r tiamat and run to the side to dodge shurikens. When he ults back to original shadow you just e after him and kill. Mostly skill lanes. Yasuo is a farm lane/roam to win if he isn't boosted.



>the best FPS shooter of all time Overwatch
Oh, you mean the Team Fortress 2 clone? Valve did that already.

Not worth the energy, you already proved yourself a faggot so why waste anymore time

That's nice to know. What division are you? After seeing this dedication to Talon I am thinking about playing him mid.

its fun, but there are better games

Overwatch is nothing like Team Fortress 2 that is a stupid thing to say it would be like saying LoL is a heroes of the storm clone

Currently plat 1 lost my promo to diamond :/ won 2 lost 3 so i'm very tilted atm lol.

>Not worth the energy
Shit talk and run huh? I bet you're exhausted. Maybe refill on some gatorade and cheetos then come back.

are you saying league is the only game youve ever played

I wanted examples. "hurr I play Fallout 4 and hav 2 crft stuff"

Wow, so Talon really is working at plat 1! Thanks, man, definitely will try him out. Kinda feel bored with Anivia.

>Sion the undead

youre probably stuck in low silver fucking fag

What does your finished Talon build look like?

Just remember to not start dorans blade.

Thats not micromanaging buttons you retard this is exactly why i said i didnt want to waste energy on you, because youll spout some bullshit like this

fallout 4 is really dumb once you beat it there is nothing to do but make retarded settlements


I play EVE for two years. I think I fucking know.

Usually rush Ghostblade, Maw if ap if not duskblade, Hydra, boots depending on their team, last whisper if stacking armor and cleaver.

implying plat 1 is hard to get in dyna q? kys

Where is your rank?

Did it all solo nigger

I just found a game where I went full build.


NA or EU



You survived through Yi and Wu as Talon? Did they suck?

still on a win streak haven't played since i had to do uni work

forgot image kek

I have no main

We lost the match, we could have ended at like 32 min but our duo bot dced so we had to def and then Wu/Yi reached 6 items so it was pretty gg

The Yi had a match history of 50 games only Yi lmfao like legit no other champions

> I main rengar
For some reason he's not banned until you hit gold 2, where hes banned to obloblivion and I have to use khazix




"cowsep senpai notice me"

cant say ive played a game where rengar has been banned

lolking.net/summoner/euw/73077074#profile Found his lolking